2017 Notices, Rules and Regulations


    Below is a list of PIH notices which provide guidance, extensions, instructions, clarifications, announcements and other policy information. The notices are also available on HUDclips.

    Note: HUD announces the end to hard copy mailing of PIH Notices. Notices will be available electronically only and posted on this website.

    Past PIH Notices:

    2016 > 2015 > 2014 > 2013 > 2012 > 20112010 > 2009 > 2008 > 2007 > 2006 > 2005 > 2004 > 2003 > 2002 > 2001 > 2000 > 1999 > 1998 > 1997 > 1996 > 1994-1995

    See Also: Current Year Notices

    2017 Notices




    PIH-2017-27 Issued: Dec. 8, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded
    Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculations for Calendar Year (CY) 2018 - This notice provides public housing agencies (PHAs) with instructions for the calculation of operating subsidy eligibility for CY 2018.
    PIH 2017-25 Issued: Nov. 30, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded
    Application of HUD Notice SD-2017-01 to the Section 184A Native Hawaiian Housing Loan Guarantee Program and the Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant Program for Properties Located within the Boundaries of the Waikoloa Maneuver Area Formerly Used Defense Site on the Island of Hawai`i - This Public and Indian Housing Notice informs the State of Hawai`i Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and all HUD-Approved Section 184A Lenders of program-specific requirements for the Section 184A program.
    PIH 2017-24 (HA) Issued: Nov. 29, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, or Superseded
    Guidance on Third-Party Agreements Encumbering Public Housing Property - For purposes of this notice, a third-party agreement means an agreement (other than a dwelling lease) between a PHA and a third-party that encumbers a PHA’s use or interest in public housing property. 
    PIH 2017-23 Issued: Nov. 15, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded
    Updates to Flat Rent Requirements - This Notice supersedes and replaces the guidance provided in Notice PIH 2015-13 and clarifies HUD’s interpretation of the statutory amendment related to flat rents. 
    PIH 2017-22 Issued: Nov. 8, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded
    Guidance on Eligibility for Asset-Repositioning Fee (ARF) when Public Housing Units Are Approved for Demolition, Disposition, or Transitioned to Homeownership - This guidance on the implementation of ARF follows the approval of public housing units for demolition, disposition, or homeownership in accordance with 24 CFR 990.190(h).

    PIH 2017-21 (HA)

    Issued: Oct. 30, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded
    Implementation Guidance: Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) — Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Provisions - The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) made changes to both the definition of PHA-owned housing (for project-based and tenant-based vouchers) and the project-based voucher (PBV) program. This notice provides guidance on those changes.
    PIH 2017-20 (HA) Issued: Oct. 27, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded
    Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) - Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Implementation Guidance - This notice provides guidance on two provisions that relate to the initial inspection of dwelling units for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) tenant-based and Project-Based Voucher (PBV) assistance programs resulting from the enactment of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA).
    PIH 2017-19 (HA) Issued: Oct. 26, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded
    EXTENSION to Register Interest for HUD-VASH Vouchers - This notice extends the deadline to register interest for HUD-VASH vouchers from the previous due date of October 31, 2017 to the new due date of December 1, 2017.
    PIH 2017-18 Issued: Sept. 7, 2017 
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Revoked or Superseded
    Housing Choice Voucher Program – Guidance on Manufactured Home Space Rentals - This notice provides guidance on the recent statutory change in the housing assistance payment (HAP) calculation for the special housing type Manufactured Home Space Rentals in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program (24 CFR 982.622 through 982.624).
    PIH 2017-17 (HA) Issued: Sept. 1, 2017 
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded 
    Registration of Interest for HUD-VASH Vouchers - The purpose of this notice is to identify public housing agencies (PHA) with interest in receiving new HUD-VASH awards.
    PIH 2017-16 Issued: August 17, 2017 
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded
    Changes to the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Formula Regulations - This Notice provides tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHE) with an overview of regulatory changes affecting the IHBG formula.
    PIH-2017-15 Issued: August 17, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded
    Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) Data - This Notice provides tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHE) with information related to changes affecting the FCAS data under the IHBG formula (§1000.316 and §1000.318(b) and (e)).
    PIH-2017-14 Issued: August 17, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until Amended, Superseded or Rescinded
    Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Formula Needs Data - This Notice provides tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHE) with information related to changes affecting the Needs data under the IHBG formula (24 CFR 1000.330).
    PIH 2017-13 (HA); OHHLHC 2017-01 Issued: August 10, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until amended, superseded, or rescinded
    Guidance on HUD’s Lead Safe Housing Rule Pertaining to Elevated Blood Lead Levels for the Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, and Project-Based Voucher Programs - This Notice provides general guidance to public housing agencies (PHAs), Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) property owners and Project-Based Voucher (PBV) property owners on the required actions they must take when a child in a family receiving HCV or PBV assistance is identified as having an elevated blood lead level (EBLL).

    PIH 2017 - 12 (HA)

    Issued: August 4, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until amended, superseded, or rescinded
    Administrative Guidance for Effective and Mandated Use of the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System - This makes several technical corrections to PIH Notice 2010-19 (HA) Notice provides Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) with administrative guidance related to the mandated use of HUD’s Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) system. [...]

    PIH 2017-11 (HA)

    Issued: July 18, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until amended, superseded, or rescinded 
    Guidance on Reporting Public Housing Agency Executive Compensation Information for Calendar Year 2016 - This notice provides information and guidance on how public housing agencies (PHAs) are to use the HUD-52725 form to report executive compensation for calendar year 2016 (CY2016).
    PIH 2017-10 (HA) Issued: June 28, 2017
    Expires: Dec. 31, 2017
    Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2017 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Program - This Notice implements the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program funding provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (P.L. 115-31), referred to hereafter as “the 2017 Act,” enacted on May 5, 2017.
    PIH 2017-09 Issued: May 31, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until amended, superseded, or rescinded 
    Amendment - Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculations for Calendar Year 2017 - This notice amends the notice PIH 2016-19, “Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculations for Calendar Year (CY) 2017” (issued on November 29, 2016) by changing the “request for revision” deadline on Page 5, Section 5(ii), from August 1, 2017 to August 15, 2017.

    PIH 2017-08

    Issued: May 19, 2017
    Expires: This notice will remain in effect until amended, superseded, or rescinded

    Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 Guidance - This notice provides guidance to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and owners on the requirements of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013: Implementation in HUD Housing Programs, Final Rule, published in the Federal Register on November 16, 2016, (81 Fed. Reg. 80724 (November 16, 2016)) (VAWA Final Rule) with respect to the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) programs.

    PIH 2017-06

    Issued: Mar. 23, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until amended, revoked or superseded

    Cash Management Requirements for the Housing Choice Voucher Program - This Notice revises the cash management requirements and procedures for the disbursement and reconciliation of Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) funds provided to public housing agencies (PHA) under the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, including Moving-to-Work (MTW) agencies.

    PIH 2017-05 (HA)

    Issued: Mar. 7, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until amended, superseded, or rescinded

    Income exclusion under temporary Census employment and Census access - This notice clarifies the exclusion of temporary employment payments by the U.S. Census Bureau pursuant to 24 CFR 5.609(c)(9).

    PIH 2017-04 (HA)

    Issued: Mar. 3, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until amended, superseded, or rescinded

    Limitations on Payments to Influence Federal Transactions for PIH Programs and PHA Anti-Lobbying Certification and Disclosure Requirements - This Notice provides guidance for PHAs that receive federally appropriated funds exceeding $100,000.

    PIH 2017-03

    Issued: Feb. 15, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until amended, superseded, or rescinded

    HUD Guidance on Instituting and Enforcing Smoke-Free Public Housing Policies - This Notice provides regulatory guidance for “Instituting Smoke-Free Public Housing” (FR-5597-F-03) (the “Smoke-Free Rule” or “Rule”).

    PIH 2017-02 (HA)

    Issued: January 19, 2017
    Expires: This Notice remains effective until amended, superseded, or rescinded

    Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petitioner Verification Procedures - This notice explains the procedures that public housing agencies (PHAs) must follow when an applicant or resident/tenant requests admission or continued residency as a result of being a VAWA self-petitioner.



    Past PIH Notices:

    2016 > 2015 > 2014 > 2013 > 2012 > 2011 > 2010 > 2009 > 2008 > 2007 > 2006 > 2005 > 2004 > 2003 > 2002 > 2001 > 2000 > 1999 > 1998 > 1997 > 1996 > 1994-1995