Statute and Regulations

    Section 9 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1437)

    The Department of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002 (Pub. L. 107-73; November 26, 2001) (HUD Appropriations Act FY 2002)

    24 CFR Part Description
    968 Public Housing Modernization: The Department of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002 (Pub. L. 107-73; November 26, 2001) (HUD Appropriations Act FY 2002)
    905 The Public Housing Capital Fund Program: The final regulation describes the formula for allocating Capital Fund grants to PHAs was published in March 2000.
    905.120 Penalties for slow obligation or expenditure of Capital Fund program assistance.
    941 Public Housing Development: This regulation establishes the requirements for development of public housing projects using a variety of development methods including conventional, Turnkey, acquisition mixed finance and force account. The costs related to developing public housing are eligible under the Capital Fund.
    970 Public Housing Program--Demolition or Disposition of Public Housing Projects: The regulation establishes the requirements for the demolition or disposition of PHA owned property including dwelling units, community buildings, and/or land. Costs related to demolition, disposition, and the relocation of residents are eligible under the Capital Fund. PHA's demolition or disposition applications are reviewed and approved by the SAC.
    903 Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plan: Establishes the requirements for the development, submission, review and approval of a PHA agency plans as required by section 9(A) of the United Sates Housing Act of 1937, as amended. The PHA Plan includes a statement on Capital Improvements. Under the regulation, a PHA cannot receive its Capital Fund grant unless the Field Office has approved of its Annual PHA Plan.