$20 Million in FFY 2024 Emergencies and Non-Presidentially Declared Disaster Funding Available: In FFY 2024, HUD has $20 million available to fund grants for capital needs arising from Emergency and Non-Presidentially Declared Disasters occurring between October 1, 2023– September 30, 2024 and is accepting applications for grants.
Applications funded on a first come-first served basis until funds are exhausted.
Each year Congress sets aside funds within the Capital Fund appropriation to create a reserve for emergencies and natural disasters. Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) that confront an emergency situation or a natural disaster are eligible to apply for and receive funds from the reserve provided that they comply with certain requirements (example: funds provided because of a disaster are only available to the extent that needed repairs are in excess of reimbursement from insurance and other sources, such as other state and local funds). All final applications for emergency or natural disaster funding from the reserve require an independent cost estimate.
An emergency is an unforeseen or unpreventable event or occurrence that poses an immediate threat to the health and safety of the residents (including fire safety) that must be corrected within one year of funding. A natural disaster is an extraordinary event, such as an earthquake, flood, or hurricane, affecting a Public Housing Property owned and managed by a PHA, but excluding areas covered by a Presidentially-Declared emergencies and major disasters under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
- elevator failures,
- boiler failure,
- water intrusion causing mold growth,
- sewer line failure, and
- severe electrical problems.
- strong, localized supercell thunderstorms including hail, localized tornadoes,
- localized flooding
- Insurance coverage, which is required by the ACC, should be a PHA’s primary source of funding for repair or replacement costs associated with Emergencies and Non-Presidentially Declared Natural Disasters prior to applying for a grant.
*NOTE: PHAs with large Operating Fund Reserves or Capital Fund unobligated balances, may be required to use those funds prior to receiving an Emergency or Non-Presidentially Declared Natural Disaster grant.
The Emergency and Natural Disaster Funding program is sometimes confused with the Emergency Safety & Security Grants (ESSG) program. The funding for each program targets different types of "emergency capital needs". A brief comparison of the two programs can be found below.
You are viewing Emergency and National Disaster Website. Please visit ESSG Website for more information on this grant program.
Emergency Safety and Security Grants
HUDPIH-516391410-394(395) Last Updated 02/26/2025
PHAs to submit applications to their local HUD Field Office for review and concurrence prior to the Field Office submitting to HUD Headquarters for underwriting.
- View Submission Checklist for Emergencies and Non-Presidentially Declared Disasters
- View Chapter 8 of the Capital Fund Guidebook
- View HUD Field Office Directory to submit your applications.
- Questions related to applications for capital needs arising an Emergency and Non-Presidentially Declared Disaster, email PIHOCI@hud.gov.
- PIH 2012-48: HUD Funding for Non-Presidentially Declared Natural Disasters
- $20 Million in FFY 2023 Emergencies and Non-Presidentially Declared Disaster Funding Available: In FFY 2023, HUD has $20 million available to fund grants for capital needs arising from Emergency and Non-Presidentially Declared Disasters occurring between October 1, 2022– September 30, 2023 and is accepting applications for grants.
- $20 Million in FFY 2022 Emergencies and Non-Presidentially Declared Disaster Funding Available: In FFY 2022, HUD has $20 million available to fund grants for capital needs arising from Emergency and Non-Presidentially Declared Disasters occurring between October 1, 2021– September 30, 2022 and is accepting applications for grants.
- $20 Million in FFY 2021 Emergencies and Non-Presidentially Declared Disaster Funding Available: In FFY 2021, HUD has $20 million available to fund grants for capital needs arising from Emergency and Non-Presidentially Declared Disasters occurring between October 1, 2020– September 30, 2021 and is accepting applications for grants.
- Guidance on submitting "preliminary" natural disaster applications (September 9, 2004 letter)
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