Reporting Requirements
Capital Fund Recovery Act Performance Report
The Office of Capital Improvements (OCI) has been asked to begin collecting both projected and actual performance data with respect to Capital Fund Recovery Act grants. OCI has developed a Capital Fund Recovery Act Performance Reporting spreadsheet that will collect this data. The spreadsheets will be disseminated by email from a mailbox entitled OCI has developed Capital Fund Recovery Act Performance Report instructions for completing and submitting the report. The deadline for submitting the Capital Fund Recovery Act Reporting spreadsheet is December 4, 2009.
Known issues affecting Capital Fund Recovery Act Performance Report
OCI has received reports of a number of issues with respect to the Capital Fund Recovery Act Performance report. Some PHAs have indicated that they either did not receive the email from at all or that when they received it, the spreadsheet was not attached. OCI believes that this may be due to either Internet Service Provider or local security software detecting the fact that the attached spreadsheet has macros and visual basic code. In order to work around this issue, OCI is posting all of the spreadsheets for all grants for all PHAs to this website so that PHAs can download the spreadsheet directly in the event that they did not receive the spreadsheet through email. Click on this link to locate and download any missing spreadsheets: Capital Fund Recovery Act Performance Report.
We are also aware of an isolated issue with the spreadsheet. After filling out the projected obligations and expenditures on the first page of the report with "$0", saving the report and then reopening the report to further edit it, PHAs are reporting getting an error when they attempt to move from the first to the second page. PHAs can avoid this error by deleting all information in the two blanks requesting projected obligations and expenditures by 12/31/09 (one must delete both the "0" and the "$" to avoid the error). Once one deletes all of the information in the two blanks, it is possible to move to the remaining pages. If OCI receives a spreadsheet with no values in the two blanks, it will assume that the projected obligation and expenditure for 12/31/09 is $0.
Reporting on Jobs and Activities in
Section 1512 of the Recovery Act requires all recipients to report on their activities, job creation, and job retention. Section X. of Notice PIH 2009-12 (HA) reiterated that all PHAs receiving Capital Fund Recovery Grants are required to meet additional reporting requirements. And the Recovery Act grant ACC Amendment, Provision 7, states that receipt of the grant is conditioned on the acceptance of the PHA to comply with the quarterly reporting requirements of the ARRA.
So starting October 1st, PHAs need to begin reporting in two different systems to satisfy two quarterly reporting requirements. PHAs will report on activities, job creation, and job retention in and on National Environmental Policy Act reviews in the Recovery Act Management Performance System (RAMPS).
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB), created to manage the reporting process for Reporting on Jobs and Activities. will be the official record of jobs created and activities performed with Recovery Act funding. PHAs must report quarterly into this system in a timely and accurate manner.
What must PHAs do immediately?
- PHAs must register now at to access the site.
- Between October 1st and October 10th, 2009, recipients must report their required data at the same link. PHAs must enter data for ALL Recovery Act grants they have received, including recently awarded Capital Fund Recovery Competitive Grants.
Please review the guidance (for completing the template(s))
- Example of a Completed Federal Reporting Template for Competitive Grants (MS-Excel)
- Example of a Completed Federal Reporting Template for Formula Grants (MS-Excel)
- Prime Recipient Data Dictionary for CFRG and CFRC
- Federal Reporting Data Model
If you need help with registering as a user, submitting a report, reviewing a report, or other website functions, you many also contact the help desk (
If you have program questions related to, the HUD Call Center will be available to answer your questions. The Call Center Number is: (800) 998-9999.
Reporting on NEPA Requirements in RAMPS
Section 1609 of the Recovery Act requires all federal agencies to report on compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for all Recovery Act-funded projects. To gather this information, HUD has created the Recovery Act Management and Performance System (RAMPS).
RAMPS is operational at this time. To access RAMPS, please go to:
At this time registered users have received an email confirming their registration and should use their M-ID and SSO password to access RAMPS. This guidance should assist you with RAMPS reporting.
- RAMPS Login Instructions
- RAMPS PHA Data Input Guidance
- Q and A - RAMPS and
Please note: Only PHAs that have responsible entities conduct their environmental reviews (part 58) will be required to report into RAMPS for the NEPA reporting requirement. PHAs that have environmental reviews conducted by their local HUD field office (part 50) will not have to log on and enter any NEPA reporting information into RAMPS at this time.
If you have any questions or need assistance with RAMPS reporting, please contact the HUD Call Center for assistance and technical support. The Call Center Number is: 1-800-998-9999.
- Public Housing Capital Investments in Energy and Water Conservation - This site features some of the newest innovations in energy conservation and green building in public housing developments across the US, and identifies a number of energy conservation resources for PHAs.
- Guidance on required energy audits for recipients of Capital Fund Recovery Competition (CFRC) Grants Category 4, Option 2: Creation of Energy Efficient, Green Communities: Moderate Rehabilitation
- PIH 2011-37 (MS-Word): Extension - Information and Procedures for Implementation of Capital Funds Recovery Competition Grants
- PIH 2011-12: Reissuance of PIH Notice 2009-31 - PIH Implementation Guidance for the Buy American Requirement of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 including Process for Applying Exceptions
- PIH 2011-04 (HA) (MS-Word): Reissuance of PIH Notice 2009-12 - Information and Procedures for Processing American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Capital Fund Formula Grants
- ARRA History
- Buy American Exceptions as of 7/1/2012 (MS-Excel)
- Capital Fund Recovery Competition grant awards
- Report on Jobs and Activities
- Report on NEPA Requirements
- Recovery Competition Information
- PIH Notice 2009-31: PIH Implementation Guidance for the Buy American Requirement of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 including Process for Applying Exception
- Canadian Trade Agreement Exception for Capital Fund Recovery Grants (see page #16825) - Federal Register Notice of Modifications to U.S. Commitments Under the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement To Implement Agreement With Canada Regarding Section 1605 of the Recovery Act (Buy American Requirement) Applicable to Public Housing Capital Fund Recovery Formula and Competitive Grant Programs.
- HUD announces $95 million in Recovery Act grants to improve public housing for seniors, persons with disabilities (Sep. 24, 2009)
- HUD announces $500 million in Recovery Act grants to add affordable rental housing, "green" existing public housing (Sep. 23, 2009)
- HUD announces $300 million in Recovery Act grants to create green public housing (Sep. 18, 2009)
- Secretary Donovan announces nearly 100 million dollars in Recovery Act grants to improve public housing (Sep. 3, 2009)
- Number of Units Completed Using Recovery Act (ARRA) Funds
- RAMPS Report Synopsis
- PIH Notice 2010-34 - Information and Procedures for Implementation of Capital Funds Recovery Competition Grants
- Recovery Act Reporting Update (Sep. 9, 2009)
- Recovery Act - Letter from Secretary Donovan (Sep. 8, 2009)
- Recovery Act Reporting Requirements (Sep. 3, 2009)
- Clarification to Recovery Act Procurement Policy Requirements This clarifies what PHAs must do to comply with Recovery Act Procurement requirements.
- Recovery Act Capital Fund Formula Grant Frequently Asked Questions #3 (July 24, 2009)
- Recovery Act Capital Fund Formula Grant Frequently Asked Questions #2 (Oct. 5, 2009)
- Recovery Act Capital Fund Formula Grant Frequently Asked Questions (Revised April 10, 2009)
- Updated Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 from Office of Management and Budget
- Clarification on Obtaining and Reporting DUNS Numbers
- Capital Fund formula Stimulus Grant funding Report (MS-Excel)
- Clarification to PIH Notice PIH 2009-12 (HA)
This email clarifies the PHA plan reporting requirements in PIH Notice PIH 2009-12 and provides some information on the new LOCCS program area called Capital Fund Recovery Grants (CFRG). - PIH 2009-12 (HA) - Information and Procedures for Processing American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Capital Fund Formula Grants
- Notification of additional monitoring and oversight for troubled PHAs
- Use of a Universal (DUNS Number) Identifier by Grant Applicants
- Guidance on obtaining DUNS numbers
- Award of Capital Fund formula grant funds pursuant to the Recovery Act of 2009
- Capital Fund Home
- May 7, 2009 version of CFRC NOFA
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