Grant Administration
- HUD Handbook 1378 Real Estate Acquisition and Relocation Policy
- CPD Notice 04-02 - Revision to Notice CPD 02-8, Guidance on the Application of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (URA), as Amended, in HOPE VI Projects
- CPD Notice 02-08 - Guidance on the Application of the Uniform Relocation assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (URA), as Amended, in HOPE VI Projects
- Relocation Authority for HOPE VI Grants (Adobe PDF, 13 pages)
Administrative Requirements
Legislation that establishes uniform administrative rules for Federal grants and cooperative agreements and subawards to State, local and Indian tribal governments.
Financial Guidance
Budget Guidance
- HOPE VI Budget Guidance
- HOPE VI Budget Form (MS-Excel)
Cost Guidelines
- TDC Rule (under 24 CFR 941) - Public Housing Total Development Cost Final Rule
- HOPE VI TDC Policy
- Total Development Costs - Notice 2011-38 (MS-Word) No change from original Notice. Although Notice 2011-38 still applies, the TDC Limit amounts are updated for 2019.
- TDC Limits Workbook (MS-Excel 2010) FY2020 TDC Form and Instructions
- FY2020 TDC Limits Table
- Cost Control and Safe Harbor Standards
Financial Instructions
- Grantee Financial Instructions
- Form HUD-27054: LOCCS Voice Response System Access Authorization
- Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF -1199 A)
- LOCCS/VRS HOPE VI Program Payment Voucher (HUD - 50080 - URP)
Grant Close-Out Procedures
- Close-out Procedures for HOPE VI Grants
- Attachment 1: Sample Termination of Disbursements Letter
- Attachment 2: HUD Form 53001-A Actual Hope VI Cost Certificate
- Attachment 3: Community and Supportive Services Close-Out Report and Close-Out Budget Form (MS-Excel, 39 KB)
- Attachment 4: Sample Preliminary Approval Letter
- Attachment 5: Sample Post-Audit Final Approval Letter
- Attachment 6: Sample Final Grant Revitalization Plan Close-Out Letter
Environmental Review
- HOPE VI Environmental Review Requirements
- Form HUD-7015.15: Request for Release of Funds and Certification
- Form HUD-7015.16: Authority to Use Grant Funds
- Notice PIH 97-8 (HA: Environmental Review: Public Housing and 24 CFR Part 58
- 24 CFR Part 58 - Environmental Review Procedures for Entities Assuming HUD Environmental Responsibilities
- 24 CFR Part 50 - Environmental Review Procedures for HUD Environmental Review
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