Primary Function: Financial Planning and Analysis, Financial Control and Coordination.
The Housing Voucher Financial Management Division coordinates and manages funding and financial management activities for the housing voucher and moderate rehabilitation programs. FMD has specific responsibility for budget formulation, resource allocation, and funds control. The FMD plays a special role in analyzing ongoing and future program funding needs. As the centralized point for most program financial control, FMD takes a lead role in resolving financial issues across all Housing Voucher programs.
FMD is a small group of Program Finance Specialists and a Division Director. One or more staff members from other teams serve the FMD from time to time on special projects and to provide staff augmentation. Each Housing Program Specialist shares duties in budget formulation, execution, and control. In addition to these areas of common responsibility, each specialist has primary accountability for leadership and expertise in one or more core and/or supplemental financial management areas.
PHAs Eligible to Apply for Lower-than-average Leasing Category of 2024 HAP Set-aside
Tenant Protection Vouchers (TPV) Awards – Property Name and ID
HUD announces TPV awards annually through a Federal Register (FR) notice, but due to FR reporting limitations, properties’ names, and identification (ID) numbers have not been reported previously. Therefore, and effective in FY 2023, the FMD created a separate TPV dashboard to provide property names and property ID numbers (when available) to stakeholders that may require this information. This information is available for TPV actions awarded in FY 2020 and beyond by sorting by state, public housing agency (PHA), and year the TPV action occurred. To access the TPV dashboard, click here.
Steps to locate the property name and ID number once in the TPV dashboard:
The TPV Dashboard will be updated annually following the annual publication of the TPV Awards’ Federal Register notices. For questions regarding unavailable properties name or ID numbers, please contact the PHA awardee by visiting the PHA Contact Information website. For technical assistance with the TPV Dashboard, please contact FMD at PIH_Conversion_Actions@hud.gov
1. Top Menu: Select the State.
2. Top Menu: Find the PHA in the “PHA Code and Name” menu.
3. Click on the year the TPV action occurred.
4. Click on the TPV action(s) and identify property name and ID number.
- 2022 HCV HAP Set-Aside Dashboard
This Dashboard provides a summary and detailed review of 2022 HAP Set-aside awards for categories 2a-7. The information provided within the dashboard are the final awards and do not require updating.
The 2022 HCV HAP Set-aside Dashboard is accessible both internally to HUD employees and externally to the public. The public-facing dashboard is embedded below and accessible via this link.
- 2022 HCV Funding Implementation
- 2022 HCV Renewal Funding Awards
- 2021 ARP Renewal Adjustment Funding - PUC Increases
- 2021 HAP Set-aside Award Eligibility
- 2021 HCV ARP Supplemental Funding Notice Presentation
- 2021 Implementation Broadcast
- 2021 HCV Renewal Funding Awards
- 2020 HAP Set-aside Award Eligibility
- 2020 HCV Renewal Funding Awards
- CARES Act Reporting - Part 2 - COCC and FDS Reporting 10/1/2020
- CARES Act Reporting - Part 1 - FDS and Quarterly Reporting 9/15/2020
- Notice 2012-15: Streamlining Administrative Practices in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
- Subsidy Layering Reviews (SLR)
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