Below is a list of PIH notices which provide guidance, extensions, instructions, clarifications, announcements and other policy information. The notices are also available on HUDclips.
Note: HUD announces the end to hard copy mailing of PIH Notices. Notices will be available electronically only and posted on this website.
Past PIH Notices: |
2013 > 2012 > 2011 > 2010 > 2009 > 2008 > 2007 > 2006 > 2005 > 2004 > 2003 > 2002 > 2001 > 2000 > 1999 > 1998 > 1997 > 1996 > 1994-1995 |
See Also: | Current Year Notices |
2014 Notices
Notice |
Issued/Expires |
Subject/Purpose |
Issued: Oct. 21, 2014 |
Asset Building and Financial Literacy Resources - This Notice outlines guidance to inform public housing agencies (PHAs) and other housing providers about financial literacy tools and resources available to help HUD-assisted families enhance their financial literacy and asset building skills. |
Related Attachment: |
Issued: Oct. 16, 2014 |
Over Subsidization in the Housing Choice Voucher Program - On September 28, 2007, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report on over subsidization in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program due to the issuance of vouchers with unit sizes greater than the number of family members in the household. Pursuant to the recommendation of the OIG, the Department issued clarifying guidance on the matter of categorization of live-in aides, other reasonable accommodation issues and corresponding data entry into the Inventory Management System (IMS)/Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC) through the notices cited above. Notice PIH 2010-51 extended and revised Notice PIH 2009-22 to explain subsidy standards in regard to live-in aides and their PHA-approved family member/s and data entry in IMS/PIC for family members of live-in aides. |
Issued: Sept. 23, 2014 |
Process for Public Housing Agency Voluntary Transfers and Consolidations of the Public Housing Program - The purpose of this notice is (1) to provide guidance specific to how HUD will process requests for the voluntary transfer of Public Housing programs, developments, and units between two or more PHAs or thevoluntaryconsolidation of the Public Housing programs of two or more PHAs; and (2) to provide submission requirements and processing instructions for such requests. |
Issued: Sept. 17, 2014 |
Set-Aside Funding Availability for Project-Basing HUD-VASH Vouchers - The purpose of this notice is to announce additional awards under Notice PIH 2014-3 (Set-Aside Funding Availability for Project-Basing HUD-VASH Vouchers). The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (the 2014 Act) (Public Law 113-76) enacted January 17, 2014, provided $75 million for HUD-VASH vouchers as authorized under section 8(o)(19) of the United States Housing Act of 1937. With the broad flexibility provided under the 2014 Act, the Department has decided to fund an additional 22 PHAs under Notice PIH 2014-13. |
Issued: Sept. 16, 2014 |
Section 184 Indian Loan Guarantee Program Processing Guidelines - The purpose of this Notice is to provide information to lenders that make loans under the Section 184 Program to individual tribal members, about HUD's guidelines and procedures for issuing loan guarantees. |
Issued: Sept. 15, 2014 |
Depository Agreements for Investing and Administering Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Funds - This Notice transmits the current depository agreement forms that must be used when investing IHBG funds; form HUD-52736-A (11/2013) for banking accounts and form HUD-52736-B (11/2013) for brokers/dealers. |
PIH 2014-20 (HA) |
Issued: August 20, 2014 |
Program Eligibility Regardless of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Marital Status as Required by HUD's Equal Access Rule - On February 3, 2012, HUD published a final rule entitled Equal Access to Housing in HUD Programs Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity (77 FR 5662) ("Equal Access Rule" or "rule"). |
PIH 2014-18 (HA) |
Issued: August 8, 2014 |
Guidance on On-Site Utility Technologies And the Rate Reduction Incentive in Public Housing - This notice serves the purposes of encouraging the use of on-site utility technologies – especially on-site renewable energy technologies – at Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and guiding the use of the Rate Reduction Incentive (RRI) in support of these efforts. |
Related Attachment:
Issued: June 19, 2014 |
Extension — Total Development Costs (TDC) for Affordable Housing under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) - The purpose of this Notice is to extend the program requirements of PIH Notice 2013-05 dated January 30, 2013, and transmit the updated schedule for the maximum amount of funds that may be used for affordable housing under NAHASDA. |
Issued: June 19, 2014 |
Administrative and Planning Expenses in the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Program - This Notice provides specific guidance on administrative and planning expense requirements for recipients of IHBG funds. The regulatory requirements on IHBG administrative and planning expenses (24 CFR §§1000.236, 1000.238) changed onJanuary 3, 2013. The regulation now identifies what percentage of the recipient's annual grant allocation or expenditures may be used for such purposes without prior HUD approval. This Notice replaces Notice PIH 2002-29. |
Issued: May 9, 2014 |
Section 184 Indian Loan Guarantee Program Processing Guidelines - The purpose of this Notice is to provide information to lenders that service loans under the Section 184 Program about HUD's guidelines and procedures that must be followed in order to receive payment under the guarantee provided by HUD. |
Issued: April 30, 2014 |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Privacy Protection Guidance for Third Parties - This notice informs all public housing agencies (PHAs) about their responsibilities for safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII) required by HUD and preventing potential breaches of this sensitive data. |
Issued: May 12, 2014 |
Issued: April 30, 2014 |
Reinstatement and Revision of Accessibility Requirements for Native American Programs - This Notice revises and extends all preceding PIH notices on Accessibility Requirements for Native American Programs: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Architectural Barriers Act of 1968; and Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988. |
Issued: April 16, 2014 |
Financial Audit Requirements for Tribal Participants in Public and Indian Housing Programs - This Notice rescinds and supersedes PIH Letter L-2007-03, issued June 29, 2007, to provide specific guidance on the financial audit requirements for the tribal participants in the following programs: the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG), the Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG), the Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant (NHHBG), Residential Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Service Coordinators,the Rural Innovation Fund (RIF), and Rural Housing and Economic Development (RHED). |
Issued: Mar. 18, 2014 |
Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year 2014 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Program - This Notice implements the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program funding provisions of the "Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014" (PL 113-76), referred to hereafter as "the 2014 Act," enacted on January 17, 2014. |
Issued: Jan. 24, 2014 |
Providing Assistance to Non-Low-Income Families under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) - This Notice provides guidance on the requirements of Section 201(b) of NAHASDA, the recent revisions to the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) regulations that became effective on January 3, 2013, and replaces PIH Notice 1999-6. |
Issued: Jan. 9, 2014 |
Guidance on Reporting Public Housing Agency Executive Compensation Information - This notice provides guidance on how to use the revised HUD-52725 form to report executive compensation. |
Past PIH Notices: |
2013 > 2012 > 2011 > 2010 > 2009 > 2008 > 2007 > 2006 > 2005 > 2004 > 2003 > 2002 > 2001 > 2000 > 1999 > 1998 > 1997 > 1996 > 1994-1995 |