Below is a list of PIH notices which provide guidance, extensions, instructions, clarifications, announcements and other policy information.2004 Notices
Notice | Issued/Expires | Title | ||||||||
Issued: 12/16/04 Expires: 12/31/05 |
This Notice reiterates Notice PIH 2003-13 and provides specific guidance on the use of the Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS) and the Voice Response System (VRS) for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program. The Notice includes guidance for both the grant recipient and the Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) staff. This Notice includes minor changes to the previous notice to bring the information current. |
Issued: 12/10/04 Expires: 12/31/05 |
This notice reminds recipients of Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funding of the reporting requirements under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) of 1996. These requirements are found at 24 CFR 1000.26 and Part 85.41(c). |
Issued: 11/10/04 Expires: 11/30/05 |
This Notice provides guidance to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Project Owners and Management Agents in determining annual and adjusted income in HUD's assisted housing programs under the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, Public Law 108-173. This notice has been revised to provide guidance on methods of verification to use in relation to this benefit. |
Issued: 11/30/04 Expires: 11/30/05 |
This Notice extends Notice PIH 2003-30 (HAs), Budget Line Items for the Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency Program (ROSS) in the Line of Credit Control System/Voice Response System, which will expire on November 30, 2004, for another year until November 30, 2005. |
Issued: 09/30/04 Expires: 09/30/05 |
This Notice extends Notice PIH 2003-14 (TDHEs), Administrative Requirements for Investing Indian Housing Block Grant Funds, which expired May 31, 2004, for another year until September 30, 2005. |
Issued: 10/04/04 Expires: 10/04/05 |
This Notice eliminates the use of code "5" in line 3q of the Form HUD 50058 in reporting compliance with Public Housing community service and self-sufficiency requirements. Code "5" was used for public housing agencies to whom the community service requirements did not yet apply. As of October 31, 2003, all public housing agencies should have a policy in effect for the community service or self-sufficiency requirements according to PIH Notice 2003-17 titled "Reinstatement of the Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement." Therefore, public housing agencies should no longer be selecting code "5" (option n/a) for line 3q of Form HUD-50058 since this will be an invalid response that will cause the form to be rejected by the PIC system. |
Issued: 09/29/04 Expires: 09/29/05 |
This notice outlines the procedures that an Indian tribe should follow to designate its Indian area under the Section 184 program. |
Issued: 09/17/04 Expires: 09/30/05 |
The purpose of this Notice is to inform Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) of the required procedures for verifying social security benefits of applicants, participants and household members during mandatory examination of household income. |
Issued: 08/18/04 Expires: 08/31/05 |
This notice serves to clarify the requirements for recipient inspection of housing assisted under NAHASDA (the Act) and those assisted under the 1937 Housing Act. Questions have been received by HUD concerning the applicability of inspection requirements found in Section 403(b) of the Act to the various types or categories of housing assistance provided and the required frequency of such inspections. |
Issued: 08/18/04 Expires: 08/17/05 |
This Notice replaces Notice PIH 2002-27 and provides guidance for Hub Directors and Program Center Coordinators to follow in assisting Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) determined troubled, near-troubled, or non-troubled under the Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. |
Issued: 08/09/04 Expires: 08/31/05 |
The purpose of the Notice is to provide public housing agencies (PHAs) with information and guidance on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2004 Capital Fund. This Notice also provides guidance on the Replacement Housing Factor (RHF) grants. |
Related attachments:
Issued: 08/09/04 Expires: 08/31/05 |
This Notice provides Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) with information needed to complete their FFY 2005 operating budgets and subsidy eligibility calculations. It includes a schedule for the submission of certain items to HUD, as well as local inflation factors, data needed for the recalculation of the Formula Expense Level, and other special notes related to the operating subsidy calculation and processing. Following a review of the submitted material, HUD will determine funding levels. The amount obligated by HUD will be available for electronic Line of Credit Control System (eLOCCS) drawdown. |
Issued: 08/05/04 Expires: 08/31/05 |
This notice implements six new codes to be used with data submitted on Form HUD-50058 that will allow the Department to track the usage of funds awarded or assigned to public housing agencies through the Housing Choice Voucher program for special populations, particularly non-elderly disabled families. These codes must be entered in line 2n of the Form HUD-50058 for families who receive vouchers tied to these special programs. |
Issued: 07/19/04 Expires: 07/19/05 |
This notice provides guidance on public housing agency (PHA) administrative responsibilities related to portability moves. Specifically: a. It changes the deadlines by which initial billing information must be submitted by the receiving PHA; |
PIH 2004-11 (HA) |
Issued: 07/15/04 Expires: 07/30/05 |
This Notice provides guidance to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Project Owners and Management Agents in determining annual and adjusted income in HUD's assisted housing programs under the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, Public Law 108-173. |
PIH 2004-10 (HA) |
Issued: 06/01/04 Expires: 06/30/05 |
This notice is to inform you of the Department's intention to begin a series of certification reviews of public housing agencies (PHAs). These reviews will seek to confirm the accuracy and veracity of items to which PHAs have self-certified in their Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) assessments. The Department will issue a score of zero (0) to any self-certified item on the PHAS that cannot be verified by supporting documentation and/or other appropriate evidence. |
PIH 2004-9 (HA) |
Issued: 05/25/04 Expires: 05/31/05 |
This Notice provides Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) with the final proration factor for FFY 2003. It also identifies and clarifies some miscellaneous processing issues for FFY 2004, such as initial funding level, obligating documents for the Operating Fund, requirements pertaining to the Elderly/Disabled Service Coordinator Program, the disablement of the Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS) Voice Response System (VRS), treatment of utility and other non-processed adjustments, and processing for new and deprogrammed units. |
PIH 2004-8 (TDHEs) |
Issued: 05/07/04 Expires: 05/31/05 |
This Notice extends Notice PIH 2003-15 (TDHEs), same subject, which expires May 31, 2004, for another year until May 31, 2005. |
PIH 2004-7 (HA) |
Issued: 04/22/04 Expires: 04/30/05 |
This Notice implements changes to the funding of the Housing Choice Voucher Program resulting from the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2004 Consolidated Appropriations Act (Public Law 108-199), which was signed into law on January 30, 2004. In this law, Congress modifies the method of calculating renewal funds, appropriates funds for Housing Assistance Payments (HAP), public housing agency (PHA) administrative expenses, and a central fund, and prohibits the use of FFY 2004 funds for over-leasing. |
PIH 2004-6 (HA) |
Issued: 04/01/04 Expires: 03/31/05 |
This Notice extends Notice PIH 2003-8 (HA), same subject, for another year, until March 31, 2005. |
PIH 2004-5 (HA) |
Issued: 04/09/04 Expires: 04/30/05 |
HUD is issuing this Notice to provide new guidance regarding the statutory, regulatory and program policy issues involved in developing a mixed-finance Operating Subsidy-Only public housing project (the "Operating Subsidy-Only Project" or the "Project"). The term "Operating Subsidy-Only Project" refers to the development of public housing replacement units financed without the use of HUD public housing capital assistance or HOPE VI funds, but for which HUD agrees to provide operating subsidies under Section 9(e) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (the "Housing Act"). |
PIH 2004-4 (HA) |
Issued: 03/29/04 Expires: 03/31/05 |
The purpose of this Notice is to advise PHAs that they may apply for funding for housing choice vouchers to assist with relocation or replacement housing needs resulting from the demolition, disposition or required/voluntary or mandatory conversion of public housing units. In addition, this Notice advises PHAs and local HUD Field Offices of the procedures for submitting a request for housing choice vouchers and the processing requirements. |
PIH 2004-3 (HA) |
Issued: 03/29/04 Expires: 03/31/05 |
This Notice extends Notice PIH 2003-9 (HA), same subject, for another year, until March 31, 2005. |
PIH 2004-2 (HA) |
Issued: 03/15/04 Expires: 03/31/05 |
This Notice establishes the Department's position relative to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) charging for excess utility consumption under the flat rent option for public housing. |
PIH 2004-1 (HA) Related attachment:
Issued: 03/09/04 Expires: 03/31/05 |
This Notice provides instructions on the HUD-established verification policies as provided in the attached Verification Guidance. Administrators of Public Housing and Section 8 programs are required to implement procedures to ensure compliance with these verification policies during mandatory interim and reexaminations of family income under existing regulations. The implementation of these verification policies will assist in the reduction of income and rent errors within Public Housing and Section 8 programs. |
See Also: |
2003 PIH Notices > 2002 PIH Notices > 2001 PIH Notices > 2000 PIH Notices > 1999 PIH Notices > 1998 PIH Notices > 1997 PIH Notices > 1996 PIH Notices > PIH Notices 1994-1995 |
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