2000 Notices, Rules and Regulations

    2000 Notices

    See Also:

    Current Year Notices > 1999 PIH Notices > 1998 PIH Notices > 1997 PIH Notices > 1996 PIH Notices > PIH Notices 1994-1995

    Notice Issued/Expires Title
    PIH 2000-54 (TDHEs)
    (Adobe PDF, 13 pages)

    Issued: 12/18/00
    Expires: 06/30/01

    Revised Annual Performance Report, form HUD-52735-A.
    PIH 2000-53 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 4 pages)

    Issued: 12/15/00
    Expires: 12/31/01

    Information Update: Implementation of Revised Form HUD-50058, Family Report.
    PIH 2000-52 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
    Issued: 12/13/00
    Expires: 06/30/01
    Voluntary Expression of Interest in Moving to Work Demonstration Program.
    PIH 2000-51 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 12/12/00
    Expires: 12/31/01
    Extension - Notice PIH 99-50 (HA), which extended Notice PIH 98-53 (HA), Interagency Agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers to Conduct Public Housing Development/Major Inspections/Reviews on Behalf of the HUD.
    PIH 2000-50 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 6 pages)
    Issued: 11/20/00
    Expires: 11/30/01
    Resources Available to Assist Public Housing Agencies Promote Energy Conservation.
    PIH 2000-49 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 4 pages)
    Issued: 10/27/00
    Expires: 10/31/01
    Housing Choice Voucher Program and Rental Certificate Program: PHA Administrative Fees for Lead-Based Paint Hazard Clearance Tests and Risk Assessments.
    PIH 2000-48 (HUD)
    (Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
    Issued: 10/18/00
    Expires: 10/31/01
    Federal Labor Standards in Public Housing Programs.
    PIH 2000-47 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 10/16/00
    Expires: 03/31/01
    Extension - Notice PIH 2000-25 (HA), Public Housing Development Total Development Cost (TDC) and Cost Control Policy. This Notice extends Notice PIH 2000-25 (HA), same subject, which expired September 30, 2000, until March 31, 2001.
    PIH 2000-46 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 23 pages)
    Issued: 09/28/00
    Expires: 09/30/01
    Housing Choice Voucher Program - Area Exception Payment Standard Review and Reporting Instructions. See also the Attachment to Notice PIH 2000-46 (Adobe PDF, 5 pages)
    PIH 2000-45 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 09/20/00
    Expires: 12/31/00
    Correction to Notice PIH 99-52 (HA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and the Fair Housing Act of 1988.
    PIH 2000-44 (TDHEs)
    (Adobe PDF, 11 pages)
    Issued: 09/19/00
    Expires: 09/30/01
    Line of Credit Control System/Voice Response System (LOCCS/VRS) for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program.
    PIH 2000-43 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 21 pages)
    Issued: 09/18/00
    Expires: 09/30/01
    PHA Plan Guidance; Streamlining of Small PHA Plans; Extension of Notices PIH 99-33 (HA) (Adobe PDF, 23 pages) and PIH 99-51 (HA) (Adobe PDF, 14 pages).
    PIH 2000-42 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 09/11/00
    Expires: 03/31/01
    The HUD Public Housing Fellows (HUD Fellows) Program. Attachment to PIH Notice 2000-42 (Adobe PDF, 2 pages) - The HUD Public Housing Fellows Program
    PIH 2000-41 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
    Issued: 09/01/00
    Expires: 09/30/01
    Use of Housing Choice Vouchers in Assisted Living Facilities.
    PIH 2000-40 (TDHEs)
    (Adobe PDF, 29 pages)
    Issued: 08/29/00
    Expires: 08/31/01

    Processing of grant applications for Fiscal Year (FY) 2000 (Adobe PDF, pages) - Indian Housing Drug Elimination Program (IHDEP). See attachments:

     -   Appendix 1 - 4 (Adobe PDF, 10 pages) - FY 2000 IHDEP Grant Application Master Log
     -   Appendix 5 - 8 (Adobe PDF, 85 pages) - Summary Sheet, Budget Input Data Sheet, Score Sheets, Scoring Instructions
    PIH 2000-39 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 6 pages)
    Issued: 08/23/00
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Annual Resident Survey for the Public Housing Drug Elimination Program (PHDEP).
    PIH 2000-38 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 6 pages)
    Issued: 08/21/01
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Performance Reporting Requirements and Grant Closeout Procedures for the Public Housing Drug Elimination Program (PHDEP).
    PIH 2000-37 (TDHEs)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 08/21/00
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Extension - Notice PIH 99-37 (ONAP), Indian Housing Block Grant Program: Guidance and procedures if Tribes do not assume environmental review responsibilities under 24 CFR Part 58.
    PIH 2000-36 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 5 pages)
    Issued: 08/21/00
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Transmittal of Guidance on the Requirement for Appointment and Role of Resident Advisory Boards in the Development of Public Housing Agency Plans.
    PIH 2000-35 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 08/18/00
    Expires: 02/28/01
    Potential Electricity Shortages in California.
    PIH 2000-34 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 08/17/00
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Requirement to Send Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Certification via the Internet. Attachment to PIH Notice 2000-34 (Adobe PDF, 1 page) - Technical Requirements
    PIH 2000-33 (TDHEs)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 08/16/00
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Extension - Notice PIH 99-29 (TDHEs), Form HUD-272-I - Federal Cash Transactions Report ONAP.
    PIH 2000-32 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 08/16/00
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Extension - Guidance for Housing Agencies when handling Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in Public Housing Modernization or Demolition.
    PIH 2000-31 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 08/14/00
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Extension - Notice PIH 99-30 (HA), Implementation of the Special Application Center (SAC) and Additional Review Responsibilities of the SAC.
    PIH 2000-30 (TDHEs)
    (Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
    Issued: 08/14/00
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Dwelling Construction and Equipment (DC&E) Costs for Affordable Housing under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA). Attachment to Notice PIH 2000-30 (TDHEs) (Adobe PDF, 20 pages) - July 2000 Dwelling Construction and Equipment Costs
    PIH 2000-29 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 08/08/00
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Reinstatement and Extension of Notice PIH 97-48 (HA), Interagency Agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers to Conduct Modernization Inspections on behalf of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); Original Notice PIH 94-5 (HA), dated February 5, 1994, expired February 28, 1995.
    PIH 2000-28 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 6 pages)
    Issued: 08/09/00
    Expires: 08/31/01
    Housing Choice Voucher Program and Rental Certificate Program: PHA Administrative Fees.
    PIH 2000-27 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 5 pages)
    Issued: 07/28/00
    Expires: 09/30/00
    Submission and Processing of Public Housing Agency (PHA) Applications in Fiscal Year (FY) 2000 for Housing Choice (Section 8) Vouchers for Relocation or Replacement Housing Related to Demolition or Disposition (Including HOPE VI), and Plans for Removal (Mandatory Conversion) of Public Housing Units Under Section 33 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, As Amended.
    PIH 2000-26 (THDEs)
    (Adobe PDF, 4 pages)
    Issued: 07/26/00
    Expires: 07/31/01
    Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) - Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Program - Performance Measure for the Obligation of Funds. Appendix  to PIH 2000-26 (THDEs) (Adobe PDF, 4 pages) - Summary of Tribal Consultation Comments and Responses.
    PIH 2000-25 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 07/21/00
    Expires: 09/30/00
    Extension - Notice PIH 2000-15 (HA), which extended Notice PIH 99-17 (HA) Public Housing Development Total Development Cost (TDC) and Cost Control Policy.
    PIH 2000-24 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 07/12/00
    Expires: 07/31/01

    Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Implementation of Ratings and Update. See attachments:

     -   Attachment 1 to PIH 2000-24 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page) - Summary of SEMAP Rules and Related Guidance-June 2000
     -   Attachment 2 to PIH 2000-24 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 11 pages) - CFDA 14.855 SECTION 8 Rental Voucher Program and CFDA 14.857 SECTION 8 Rental Certificate Program

    PIH 2000-23 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 5 pages)

    Issued: 06/29/00
    Expires: 09/14/00
    Lead-based paint requirements for units occupied by children with elevated blood lead levels in the housing choice voucher program and the certificate program. Attachment to PIH 2000-23 (HA) (Adobe PDF, 7 pages) - Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance: unified rule for tenant-based assistance under the section 8 rental certificate program and the section 8 rental voucher program.
    PIH 2000-22 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 6 pages)
    Issued: 06/29/00
    Expires: 06/30/01
    Instructions for Submitting First Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plans for PHAs with Fiscal Years beginning on October 1, 2000 (including Community Service Requirements).

    PIH 2000-21 (TDHEs)
    (Adobe PDF, 2

    Issued: 05/24/00
    Expires: 05/31/01
    Reinstatement - Notice PIH99-4 (TDHEs) (Adobe PDF, pages), Administrative Requirements for Investing Indian Housing Block Grant Funds.
    PIH 2000-20 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 05/08/00
    Expires: 05/31/01
    Extension Notices for Notices PIH 97-12 (HA), PIH 98-24 (HA), PIH 99-21 (HA), Extension - Notice PIH 99-21 (HA), which extended Notice PIH 98-24 (HA), Requirements for Designation of Public Housing Projects.
    PIH 2000-19 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 04/20/00
    Expires: 04/30/01
    Extension Notices for Notices PIH 95-58 (PHA), PIH 98-16 (PHA), PIH 99-18 (HA), Extension - Notice PIH 99-18 (HA), Guidelines for Creating, Implementing and Managing Public Housing Authority Policy Departments in Public Housing Authorities.
    PIH 2000-18 (TDHEs)
    (Adobe PDF, 14 pages)
    Issued: 05/20/00
    Expires: 05/31/01

    Accounting for program income under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA). See attachments:


    Attachment to PIH 2000-18 (Adobe PDF, 12 pages) - Allowable Expense Level (AEL) and 46% of AEL by Tribe


    Attachment to PIH 2000-18 (Adobe PDF, 10 pages) - Schedule of Maximum Allowable Dwelling Construction and Equipment Costs Per Unit As Of 10/1/97


    Attachment to PIH 2000-18 (Adobe PDF, 7 pages) - Cost Areas

    PIH 2000-17 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 04/18/00
    Expires: 12/31/00
    Extension Notice for Notices PIH 99-46 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, pages) and PIH 99-14 (HA) (Adobe PDF, pages), Amendment of Notice PIH 99-46 (HA) Financial Management Requirements for Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program (Mod Rehab) Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract Expirations.
    PIH 2000-16 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 04/18/00
    Expires: 04/30/01
    Extension Notice for Notice PIH 99-19 (HA) (Adobe PDF, pages), Demolition/Disposition Processing Requirements under the New Law.
    PIH 2000-15 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 pages)
    Issued: 04/18/00
    Expires: 06/30/00
    Extension Notice for Notice PIH 99-17 (HA) (Adobe PDF, pages), Public Housing Development Total Development Cost (TDC) and Cost Control Policy.
    PIH 2000-14 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 04/13/00
    Expires: 04/30/01
    Cancellation of the Requirement to Submit the Program Utilization Report, Form HUD-52683, for Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance Rental Certificate Program and Housing Choice Voucher Program and Report on Program Utilization for Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program, Form HUD-52685.
    PIH 2000-13 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 7 pages)
    Issued: 04/07/00
    Expires: 04/30/01
    Extension Notice for Notice PIH 99-2 (Adobe PDF, pages), Reporting Requirements for the Multifamily Tenant Characteristics System (Form HUD-50058).
    PIH 2000-12 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
    Issued: 04/10/00
    Expires: 04/30/01
    Cooperation Agreement Notice, Instructions for Submitting First Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plans for PHAs with Fiscal Years beginning July 1, 2000 and October 1, 2000.
    PIH 2000-11 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 13 pages)
    Issued: 05/09/00
    Expires: 05/31/01
    Guidance on Establishing Cooperation Agreements for Economic Self-sufficiency between Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Agencies. Attachment to PIH 2000-11 - Cooperation Agreement for Economic Self-sufficiency between the Public Housing Agency and the Welfare Agency.
    PIH 2000-10 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 05/15/00
    Expires: 05/31/01
    Extension Notice for Notice PIH 99-6 (HA) (Adobe PDF, pages), Providing Assistance to Non Low-Income Indian Families under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996.
    PIH 2000-9 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 40 pages)
    Issued: 05/07/00
    Expires: 05/31/01
    Section 8 Tenant-based Assistance (Enhanced and Regular Housing Choice Vouchers) For Housing Conversion Actions in Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2000 – Policy and Processing Guidance.
    PIH 2000-8 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 02/25/00
    Expires: 02/28/01
    Extension Notice for Notice PIH 99-12 (HA) (Adobe PDF, pages), Environmental Review: Public Housing and 24 CFR Part 58.
    PIH 2000-7 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 02/25/00
    Expires: 02/28/01
    Reinstatement - Notice PIH 96-50 (HA) (Adobe PDF, pages), Guidelines for Sponsoring or Cosponsoring Training Conferences and Workshops.
    PIH 2000-6 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 1 page)
    Issued: 02/15/00
    Expires: 02/28/01
    Extension - Notice PIH 99-3 (HA) (Adobe PDF, pages) - Budget Line Items for the Consolidated Economic Development and Supportive Services and Tenant Opportunities Program in the Line of Credit Control System/Voice Response System for FY 1997 and FY 1998.
    PIH 2000-5 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 61 pages)
    Issued: 02/15/00
    Expires: 02/28/01
    Semi-annual HUDWEB Data Collection (Reporting) Form Instructions for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs) selected for funding under the PIH Economic Development and Supportive Services Program (EDSS).
    PIH 2000-4 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 16 pages)
    Issued: 02/03/00
    Expires: 09/30/00
    FY 2000 Performance Funding System(PFS) Inflation Factor, Equation, Related Tables and and Special Notes Related to Operating Subsidy Eligibility.
    PIH 2000-3 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
    Issued: 02/03/00
    Expires: 09/30/00
    FY 2000 Subsidies for Operation of Low-Income Housing Projects.
    PIH 2000-2 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 01/04/00
    Expires: 01/31/01
    Customer Survey of Section 8 Tenant-Based Program Participants - OMB Approval 2528-0170 expires 9/30/2002. Attachment to PIH 2000-2 (Adobe PDF, 5 pages) - Customer Survey of Section-8 Tenant-Based Program Participants.
    PIH 2000-1 (HA)
    (Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
    Issued: 01/03/00
    Expires: 01/31/01
    Exclusion of Earned Income as Census Takers.

    See Also:

    Current Year Notices > 1999 PIH Notices > 1998 PIH Notices > 1997 PIH Notices > 1996 PIH Notices > PIH Notices 1994-1995