Below is a list of PIH notices which provide guidance, extensions, instructions, clarifications, announcements and other policy information.
Past PIH Notices: |
2005 > 2004 > 2003 > 2002 > 2001 > 2000 > 1999 > 1998 > 1997 > 1996 > 1994-1995 |
2006 Notices
Notice | Issued/Expires | Purpose | ||
PIH 2006-42 |
Issued: Dec. 27, 2006 |
This notice transmits form HUD-50066, Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, or Stalking for use in the Public Housing Program, Housing Choice Voucher Program (including project-based vouchers), Section 8 Project-Based Certificate Program, and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program (excluding Mod Rehab SRO), as required by the provisions of Sections 606 and 607 of the Violence Against Women and Justice Department Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA), Public Law 109-162. | ||
PIH 2006-41(HA) |
Issued: Dec. 19, 2006 |
This Notice renews and revises Notice PIH 2004-18, which expired on September 30, 2005. The notice explains the required procedures Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) are to use for verifying social security benefits of applicants, participants and household members during mandatory reexamination of household income. | ||
PIH 2006-40 (ONAP) | Issued: Oct. 18, 2006 Expires: Oct. 31, 2007 |
This Notice reissues Notice PIH 2003-13, Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS/VRS) for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program, and provides specific guidance on the use of the Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS) and the Voice Response System (VRS) for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program. The Notice includes guidance for both the grant recipient and the Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) staff. This Notice includes minor changes to the previous notice to bring the information current. | ||
PIH 2006-39 (TDHEs) | Issued: Oct. 19, 2006 Expires: Oct. 31, 2007 |
This Notice and its attachment provide guidance on the fixed asset depreciation requirements and related issues for recipients of Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Program funds administered by the Office of Native American Programs (ONAP). Specifically this Notice will clarify the differences between depreciation and capitalization requirements of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and costs allowed under Federal grants by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87. The attachment provides information on depreciation and related issues in a question and answer format. | ||
PIH 2006-38 (TDHEs) | Issued: Oct. 16, 2006 Expires: Oct. 31, 2007 |
The purpose of this Notice is to remind tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) who are recipients of federal funds of their obligation to comply with pertinent laws and implementing regulations that provide for non-discrimination and accessibility in federally funded housing and non-housing programs for people with disabilities. [...] | ||
PIH 2006-37 (HA) | Issued: Sep. 28, 2006 Expires: Sep. 30, 2007 |
This Notice revises the DVP Operating Requirements set forth in HUD Notice PIH 2006-12, issued February 3, 2006. These revisions result from Section 7028 of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, Public Law 109-234, enacted June 15, 2006 (hereafter referred to as the "June 2006 Supplemental"[...] | ||
PIH 2006-36 (HA) | Issued: Sep. 26, 2006 Expires: Sep. 30, 2007 |
This Notice explains and provides guidance to PHAs on how to use the unit status categories, and their respective sub-categories, that were included in the PIC September 2005 release for the Development Sub-module [...] | ||
PIH 2006-35 (HA) | Issued: Sep. 25, 2006 Expires: Sep. 30, 2007 |
This notice amends PIH notice, PIH 2006-14 (HA), issued, March 22, 2006, to extend the application submission deadline to qualify for the first stop-loss deadline to April 15, 2007. As provided in PIH 2006-14, stop-loss applies only to PHAs that: (1) lose funding under the new Operating Fund formula; and (2) wish to submit documentation in accordance with the requirements for the first stop-loss deadline of October 1, 2006, so they may limit their losses to 5 percent. | ||
PIH 2006-34 (TDHEs) | Issued: Sep. 25, 2006 Expires: Sep. 30, 2007 |
This Notice reissues Notice PIH-2005-19 (TDHEs) and explains when tribes or tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) (referred to in this Notice as 'Tribe') may limit housing assistance to Indian families or tribal members. This notice outlines how the requirements are different if only IHBG funds are used or if IHBG funds are leveraged or combined with funds from other sources. | ||
PIH 2006-33 (HA)
Issued: Sep. 6, 2006 Expires: Sep. 30, 2007 |
This notice transmits changes in financial management and reporting requirements for public housing agencies (PHAs) pursuant to the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program, Final Rule (hereafter referred to as the "final rule") published in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983). The final rule replaces the interim rule that was published on March 29, 2001. | ||
PIH 2006-32 (HA) | Issued: August 21, 2006 Expires: August 31, 2007 |
This Notice reinstates applicable sections of PIH Notice 2005-9 in regard to cost-savings measures and provides additional guidance on prudent financial management in the HCV program. The applicable sections of PIH Notice 2005-9 are 3.a., 3.b., 3.c., 3.e., 3.f and 4.a. through 4.e. with the exception of references to calendar year 2005. | ||
PIH 2006-31 (HA) | Issued: August 18, 2006 Expires: August 31, 2007 |
This Notice extends Notice PIH 2005-32 (HA), same subject, which will expire on August 31, 2006 for another year until August 31, 2007. | ||
PIH 2006-30 (HA) | Issued: August 17, 2006 Expires: August 31, 2007 |
This notice provides public housing agencies (PHAs) with instructions for submitting their Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2007 operating subsidy forms under the new operating fund formula pursuant to the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program, Final Rule (hereafter referred to as the ?final rule?) published in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983). The final rule replaces the interim rule that was published on March 29, 2001. | ||
PIH 2006-29 (HA)
Issued: July 28, 2006 Expires: July 31, 2007 |
On February 2, 2006, HUD issued PIH 2006-12, Disaster Voucher Program (DVP) Operating Requirements ? Rental Assistance for HUD-Assisted Families and Special Needs Families Displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Notice PIH 2006-12 specifies that in addition to authorizing funding for the DVP, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2006, (Public Law No. 109-148) provides that HUD may authorize certain PHAs in Louisiana and Mississippi to combine voucher funding under section 8(o) with public housing funding under sections 9(d) and 9(e) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 during calendar year 2006. [...] | ||
PIH 2006-28 (TDHEs) | Issued: July 26, 2006 Expires: July 31, 2007 |
This Notice extends Notice PIH 2005-23 (TDHEs), same subject, which will expire on July 31, 2006, for another year until July 31, 2007. Notice PIH 2005-23 transmitted the current depository agreements forms to be used when investing IHBG funds; form HUD-52736A (10/2004) for banking accounts and form HUD-52736B (10/2004) for brokers/dealers. Also, the Notice clarified when to use depository forms and when tribes or tribally designated housing entities may utilize brokers in the investment of IHBG funds under 24 CFR 1000.58. | ||
PIH 2006-27 (HA) | Issued: July 07, 2006 Expires: July 31, 2007 |
This Notice reinstates Notice PIH 2003-25 (HA), which expired October 3, 2004. | ||
PIH 2006-26 (HA) | Issued: June 30, 2006 Expires: June 30, 2007 |
This Notice extends Notice PIH 2005-24, same subject, which will expire on July 31, 2006, for another year until July 31, 2007. Notice PIH 2005-24 revises the procedure for the calculation of voucher housing assistance payments under PIH Notices 97-29, 98-19, 99-16, and 00-09 for families that received enhanced vouchers as the result of an owner decision to prepay the mortgage or voluntarily terminate the FHA mortgage insurance of a "preservation eligible" property in FY 1997, 1998, and 1999. Notice PIH 2005-24 also provides instructions to PHAs on identifying impacted families and re-calculating HAP for the period in question. | ||
PIH 2006-25 (HA) | Issued: July 3, 2006 Expires: July 31, 2007 |
This Notice extends Notice PIH 2005-28, same subject, which will expire on July 31, 2006, for another year until July 31, 2007. Notice PIH 2005-28 extended Notice PIH 2004-12. Notice PIH 2004-12 provides guidance on public housing agency (PHA) administrative responsibilities related to portability moves. | ||
PIH 2006-24 (HA) - (Correction) | Issued: June 30, 2006 Expires: June 30, 2007 |
This Notice implements a revised Form HUD-50058 assessment and sanctions process. It also replaces Notice PIH 2005-17, which includes voiding sanctions and Corrective Action Plans (CAPs). There are four key changes to the previous Form HUD-50058 assessment process (under Notice PIH 2005-17) implemented under this Notice [...] | ||
PIH 2006-23 | Issued: June 23, 2006 Expires: June 30, 2007 |
This Notice informs Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) of the passage of the Violence Against Women Act and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA). Among many other things of significance to PHAs, VAWA prohibits the eviction of, and removal of assistance from, certain persons living in public or Section 8-assisted housing if the asserted grounds for such action is an instance of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, as those terms are defined in Section 3 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 as amended by VAWA (42 U.S.C. 13925). | ||
Related attachment
Issued: June 21, 2006 Expires: June 30, 2007 |
The purpose of this Notice is to: | ||
PIH 2006-21 | Issued: June 16, 2006 Expires: June 30, 2007 |
Reinstatement ? Notice PIH 2005-5(HA) New Freedom Initiative, Executive Order 13217: ?Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities,? and the Housing Choice Voucher Program | ||
PIH 2006-20 (TDHEs) | Issued: June 7, 2006 Expires: June 30, 2007 |
This Notice reiterates Notice PIH-2002-17 which was reinstated by PIH Notice 2003-28, and provides specific guidance on the financial audit requirements for the participants in the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG), Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) and other HUD programs that are available to Native American recipients, such as the Rural Housing and Economic Development Program, and the Public and Indian Housing Drug Elimination Program. | ||
PIH 2006-19 (TDHEs) | Issued: June 5, 2006 Expires: June 30, 2007 |
This notice serves to clarify the requirements for recipient inspection of housing assisted under NAHASDA (the Act) and those assisted under the 1937 Housing Act. Questions have been received by HUD concerning the applicability of inspection requirements found in Section 403(b) of the Act to the various types or categories of housing assistance provided and the required frequency of such inspections. | ||
PIH 2006-18 (HA) | Issued: May 31, 2006 Expires: May 31, 2007 |
The purpose of the Notice is to provide public housing agencies (PHAs) and HUD Public Housing Field staff with information and guidance on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Capital Fund Program. This Notice informs PHAs that this fiscal year the Department initially will provide PHAs with 95 percent of their formula grant. The remainder of the Capital Funds will be distributed at a later date. This Notice also states that the Department will implement Section 901 of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations (PL 109-148) through a separate Notice. | ||
Related attachment
Issued: April 17, 2006 Expires: April 30, 2007 |
This Notice supersedes Notice PIH 2003-16 (TDHEs), Total Development Costs (TDC), dated June 19, 2003. This Notice transmits the updated schedule for the maximum amount of funds that may be used for affordable housing under NAHASDA. The requirement for the development and implementation of these limits is found at 24 CFR 1000.156 through 1000.162 of the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) regulations published in the Federal Register on September 28, 2001, and effective October 29, 2001. | ||
PIH 2006-16 (HA) | Issued: March 29, 2006 Expires: March 31, 2007 |
This Notice amends Notice PIH 2002-22 as it relates to the project-based voucher program and provides updated instructions to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) concerning the applicability of certain requirements to units assisted under the project-based voucher program when such units receive low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC) and were selected for project-based voucher assistance by a PHA prior to November 14, 2005. This Notice also provides instructions to PHAs concerning the applicability of requirements to such units that were selected on or after November 14, 2005. | ||
PIH 2006-15 (HA) | Issued: March 23, 2006 Expires: March 31, 2007 |
This notice extends Notice PIH 2005-11, same subject, which will expire on March 31, 2006, for another year until March 31, 2007. Notice PIH 2005-11 extends the requirement that a PHA shall provide one copy of the completed audit report package and the Management Letter, performed under the Single Audit Act Amendment of 1996 (P.L. 104-156) and issued by the independent auditor, to the local HUD office having jurisdiction over the PHA. | ||
Issued: March 22, 2006 |
This notice provides information for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) regarding the calculation of transition funding under the Operating Fund Program final rule. It also provides instructions to PHAs that wish to submit documentation of successful conversion to asset management in order to discontinue their reduction in operating subsidy under the Operating Fund Program final rule, commonly referred to as the "stop-loss" provision. [...] | ||
PIH 2006-13 | Issued: March 8, 2006 Expires: March 31, 2007 |
The purpose of this Notice is to remind recipients of Federal funds of their obligation to comply with pertinent laws and implementing regulations, which mandate non-discrimination and accessibility in Federally funded housing and non-housing programs for persons with disabilities. | ||
PIH 2006-12 |
Issued: Feb. 3, 2006 |
This Notice provides instructions for the continuation of temporary rental assistance for HUD-assisted families and special needs/homeless families displaced as a result of Hurricane Katrina through implementation of the Disaster Voucher Program (DVP). The DVP also provides temporary rental assistance for certain HUD-assisted and special needs/homeless families displaced as a result of Hurricane Rita. [...] | ||
PIH 2006-11 (HA) | Issued: Feb. 3, 2006 Expires: Feb. 28, 2007 |
The purpose of this Notice is to inform public housing agencies (PHAs) and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) of the additional reference materials on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) beyond Maintenance Guidebook Seven: Termite, Insect and Rodent Control. PHAs and TDHEs (HAs) may choose to share this information with families and property owners participating in their programs. | ||
PIH 2006-10 (HA) | Issued: Feb. 3, 2006 Expires: Feb. 28, 2007 |
This notice provides guidance and related instructions to public housing agencies (PHAs) and field offices regarding the identification of projects for purposes of asset management (subpart H of the final rule, OMB approval number 2577-0029, expires October 31, 2008) under the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program (the final rule), published in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983). PHAs have until April 21, 2006, to submit their project identifications. The Department encourages PHAs to begin now to plan for these asset management requirements. | ||
PIH 2006-9
Issued: Feb. 3, 2006 |
This Notice reinstates Notice PIH-2003-24 (HA), same subject, sets forth procedures for the procurement of legal services by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs). This Notice supersedes similar guidance previously provided to HUD staff and PHAs including PIH 90-47, Procedures for Procuring Professional Services. This Notice is not intended as the primary source of guidance in this area, but is provided to remind all HUD Offices and PHAs of the proper procedures for procuring legal services and to briefly review areas of common interest and concern. This Notice applies to all PHA procurements of legal services that are funded in whole, or in part, with HUD grant funds subject to 24 CFR part 85 (e.g., Operating Fund subsidies and Capital Fund). | ||
PIH 2006-8 (HA) | Issued: Jan. 27, 2006 Expires: Jan. 31, 2007 | This notice extends Notice PIH 2005-4 (HA), same subject, which will expire on January 31, 2006, for another year until January 31, 2007. Notice PIH 2005-4 describes the electronic exigent health and safety (EHS) system for public housing agencies (PHAs) and field office staff. It explains how PHAs are to certify to the correction of EHS deficiencies observed during Uniform Physical Condition Standards inspections. It also outlines the procedures for field office staff to enter and record any follow-up activities that they have completed to ensure that EHS deficiencies have been corrected or abated. | ||
PIH 2006-7 (HA) | Issued: Jan. 27, 2006 Expires: Jan. 31, 2007 | This notice extends Notice PIH 2005-3, same subject, which will expire on January 31, 2006, for another year until January 31, 2007. Notice PIH 2005-3 directs public housing agencies to follow Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87 regarding employee benefits plan administration, and transmits a change to the Housing Agency (HA) Guidebook: Employee Benefit Plans, 7401.7 G, paragraph 2.8, subparagraph (e), Forfeitures. | ||
PIH 2006-6 (HA) (Corrected) |
Issued: Feb. 1, 2006 Expires: Feb. 28, 2007 |
This Notice provides guidance on subtitle D - Public Housing, Section 151 (2) (B) of the recently enacted Energy Policy Act of 2005 (PL 109-58). This guidance is in accordance with the Public Housing Operating Fund Program final rule in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983) and the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program; Corrections to Formula Implementation Date Notice (Correction Notice) published in the Federal Register on October 24, 2005 (70 FR 61366). This is a correction to the Notice published January 19, 2006. Until such time as the regulation may be changed, the period for freezing the rolling base is limited to 12 years. Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) wishing to enter into contracts exceeding 12 years but not to exceed 20 years may request a waiver of the regulation. | ||
PIH 2006-5 (HA) | Issued: Jan. 13, 2006 Expires: Jan. 31, 2007 | This Notice implements the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program funding provisions resulting from enactment of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2006 HUD Appropriations Act (Public Law 109-115) that was signed into law on November 30, 2005. In this law, Congress continues the 2005 allocation method for calculating and distributing housing assistance payments (HAP) renewal funds, public housing agency (PHA) administrative fees, and continues to prohibit the use of renewal funds for over-leasing. The Act specifies that calendar year (CY) 2006 will be the funding period for such renewals and administrative fees under the HCV program. [...] | ||
PIH 2006-4 (TDHEs) | Issued: Jan. 12, 2006 Expires: Jan. 31, 2007 | The Department is concerned that the delay in FY 2006 Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funding may have an adverse effect on some tribes. This Notice provides instructions to tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHE) on the process for requesting an advance of IHBG funds for FY 2006. It also provides instructions to Area Offices of Native American Programs (AONAP) on how to review and process a request. | ||
PIH 2006-3 (HA) | Issued: Jan. 11, 2006 Expires: Jan. 31, 2007 |
Through this Notice HUD is notifying Public Housing Agencies of the reduction and recapture of any remaining program reserve balances (ACC reserves) previously maintained pursuant to 24 CFR 982.154(b). PIH Notice 2005-01 established that the ACC reserve account would be reduced to an amount not to exceed one week of program reserves. This Notice provides that any unused ACC reserves remaining after December 31, 2005 will be reduced to zero. Additionally, this notice provides that any budget authority provided to PHAs in calendar year 2005 that exceeds actual program expenses for the same period must be maintained in a PHA's undesignated fund balance account in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. [...] | ||
PIH 2006-2 (TDHEs) | Issued: Jan. 3, 2006 Expires: Jan. 31, 2007 | This Notice extends Notice PIH 2004-25 (TDHEs), same subject, which expires December 31, 2005, for another year until December 31, 2006. | ||
PIH 2006-1 (HA) | Issued: Jan. 3, 2006 Expires: Jan. 31, 2007 |
This Notice reinstates Notice PIH 2005-2 (HA), which expires January 31, 2006, for another year until January 31, 2007. |
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