Special Application Center

    SAC Repositioning

    The SAC reviews Public Housing repositioning applications under Sections 18, 22, 32, and 33 of the Housing Act of 1937, as amended.


    SAC Repositioning

    The SAC reviews Public Housing repositioning applications under Sections 18, 22, 32, and 33 of the Housing Act of 1937,
    as amended.



    Looking for Other Repositioning Options?

    See our HUD Repositioning Webpage

    Demolition >

    Removal of public housing units from the public housing stock by razing (in whole or part). (Specific Criteria for HUD approval of demolition requests can be found in 24 CFR § 970.15 and guidance in PIH Notice 2024-40).
    Demolition types include:

    • Casualty Loss / Natural Disaster: Loss of public housing units due to acts of nature, fire, tornado, hurricane, etc. 24 CFR 970.15(a)(1) is a possible justification for accidental loss via casualty loss/natural disaster.
    • Obsolescence:  Due to Physical condition of the structure, 24 CFR 970.15(b)(1)(i) and (b)(2) are a possible justification.

    De Minimis Demolition >

    Demolition of not more than the lesser of 5 dwelling units or 5 percent of a PHA’s total public housing dwelling units in a 5-year period, see 24 CFR 970.27(b). Also, determine if the unit(s) meet criteria under 24 CFR 970.27(c). Note: There is a submission protocol to notify SAC via the Public Housing Information Center/Inventory Management System (PIC/IMS) prior to the de minimis demolition, but HUD approval and application is not required. PHAs should check that De Minimis Demolition exception is the only option for them. PHAs should verify whether a different SAC application type may be more suitable and not use up the limited De Minimis Demolition capacity the PHA has available.

    Disposition >

    Removal of public housing units and underlying acreage or vacant land from the public housing stock by sale or lease (in whole or part). (Specific Criteria for HUD approval of demolition requests can be found in 24 CFR § 970.17 and guidance in PIH Notice 2024-40.
    Disposition types include:

    • Casualty Loss / Natural Disaster: In the event, public housing units are lost due to acts of nature, fire, tornado, hurricane, etcetera and need to be repositioned through a SAC application, 24 CFR § 970.17(a) is a possible application justification.
    • Physical Obsolescence: the appropriate TDC threshold must be met (62.5% for elevator buildings, and 57.14% for non-elevator buildings). See PIH Notice 2024-40 for TDC and cost estimate conditions. 24 CFR § 970.17(c) is a possible justification for an obsolescence application.
    • More Efficient or Effective for Off-site Development: PHAs are only eligible to receive 25% of TPVs. 24 CFR § 970.17(b) is a possible justification for the application.
    • More Efficient or Effective for on-site Development: PHAs are only eligible to receive 25% of TPVs. 24 CFR § 970.17(c) is a possible justification for the application.
    • Scattered Site: when the distance between units and lack of uniformity of systems (e.g., HVAC, utilities) makes the development unsustainable to operate and/or maintain the units as public housing. Scattered site units generally mean units in non-contiguous buildings with four or fewer total units. 24 CFR § 970.17(c) is a possible application justification.
    • Vacant Land and Non-dwelling units: 24 CFR § 970.17(d) is a possible application justification.

    Demolition/Disposition >

    Demolition of public housing units followed by the disposition (sale or lease) of the vacant underlying land. If demolition will occur after the by an acquiring entity then submit a disposition only application.

    RAD/Section 18 Blends >

    Allows PHAs expanded eligibility for projects to blend project-based voucher ("PBV") assistance through a Rental Assistance Demonstration ("RAD") conversion with assistance from tenant protection vouchers ("TPVs") that are awarded through a Section 18 disposition approval, even if those units would not otherwise qualify for disposition. See PIH Notice 2024-40 for more information. 

    Blend types include:

    • Construction Blends
    • Small PHA Blends
    • Sequenced Blends

    Eminent Domain >

    The taking of public housing property for public use.

    Homeownership (Section 32) >

    The sale of public housing units to public housing residents or public housing eligible residents.

    Conversions >

    The conversion public housing assistance in a development to tenant-based assistance.

    Retentions (Part 200) >

    The ability of PHAs to retain certain public housing property free from public housing use restrictions in accordance with the requirements of 2 CFR part 200.



    All Applications are processed by the Special Applications Center (SAC), a PIH Headquarter Office under the Office of Public Housing Investments (OPHI), and are initiated by an electronic “inventory removal application” that is assigned a correlating “DDA number” in the Public Housing Information Center/Inventory Management System (PIC/IMS). Unlike RAD, where the application gets you “in the door” (and requires submission of a financing plan within 9 months), there is no two-stage SAC application and removal process. The application must meet all the requirements, and provide all the justifications requested, for HUD to make its determination, pursuant of 24 CFR 970. As with RAD, there are certain resident notification and public notification requirements that must be completed prior to submitting your SAC application. SAC applications are generally processed within 60 days.

    Note: all RAD/Section 18 Blend applications begin with a RAD application. The PIC/IMS system has an online HUD 52860 form that must correlate with your RAD application’s supporting documents. Please reach out to SACTA@hud.gov if you have any questions or PIC/IMS issues.

    SAC applications require the following:

    View All Required Inventory Removal forms >