HUD PIH Notices
    SAC Notices
    PIH 2024-41Withdrawal of Section 22-Streamlined Voluntary Conversion Notice
    PIH 2024-40Demolition and/or disposition of public housing property, eligibility for tenant-protection vouchers, and associated requirements including RAD/Section 18 Blends guidance
    PIH Notice 2020-23Use of Proceeds under Section 18 Disposition or Section 22 Voluntary Conversion
    PIH Notice 2019-10Required Conversion Notice
    PIH 2019-05Streamlined Voluntary Conversion Notice
    PIH 2018-04Demolition and/or disposition of public housing property, eligibility for tenant-protection vouchers and associated requirements
    PIH Notice 2017-24Guidance on Third-Party Agreements Encumbering Public Housing Property
    PIH Notice 2016-20Requirements Related to Retaining Public Housing Property under 2 CFR part 200
    PIH Notice 2012-8Eminent Domain Requirements


    Related Notices
    Notice H 2025-01/ PIH 2025-03 (HA)Rental Assistance Demonstration – Supplemental Notice 4C
    PIH Notice 2024-16Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Program
    PIH Notice 2021-37 and
    PIH 2017-22
    Guidance on Eligibility for Asset-Repositioning Fee (ARF) when Public Housing Units Are Approved for Demolition, Disposition, or Transitioned to Homeownership
    PIH Notice 2020-19Rent Reasonableness—Defining Assisted Units for the Housing Choice Voucher and Project-Based Voucher Programs
    PIH 2021-10 and PIH 2018-09Fiscal Year HCV Funding Provisions. Explains requirements related to Section 8 housing choice vouchers (known as Tenant Protection Vouchers (TPVs) which PHAs may be eligible to receive based on certain unit removals processed by the SAC
    PIH 2019-14 (HA)Declaration of Trust (DOT) and Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) requirements.
    PIH 2019-13Explains Public Housing Closeout Requirements
    PIH Notice 2016-22Environmental Review Requirements for PHAs
    PIH 2017-21Implementation Guidance: Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) - Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Provisions
    2011-69 (HA)Prohibition on Exceeding Statutory Limitation of the Number of Public Housing Units
    PIH Notice 2016-13Guidance on Property and Casualty Loss Insurance Issues
    PIH Notice 2012-48HUD Funding for Non-Presidentially Declared Natural Disasters