Proposed Removal Action

    All Required HUD Forms
    & Addendums >

    Requirement Notes

    Inventory Removal Application

    (.pdf) (.doc)

    Required for all SAC applications

    Section 18 Demolition and/or Disposition Application

    (.pdf) (.doc)

    Required for all disposition and/or demolition applications

    Section 18 Demolition and/or Disposition application based on Physical Obsolescence*

    (.pdf) (.xls)

    This form includes Section 18 Total Development Cost (TDC) and Rehab Cost Estimate Addendum, required for all removals under physical obsolscence

    Section 32 Homeownership Application

    (.pdf) (.doc)

    Required for all Homeownership applications

    Section 33 Required Conversion Application

    (.pdf) (.doc)

    Required for all Conversion applications

    Section 22 Voluntary Conversion Application

    (.pdf) (.doc)

    Required for all Voluntary Conversion

    Eminent Domain Application

    (.pdf) (.doc)

    Required for Eminent Domain applications

    Part 200 Retention Application

    (.pdf) (.doc)

    Required for all Retentions under 2 CFR 200.311

    Notification of Future ACC Development / Public Housing Closeout


    Required for the removal of all remaining public housing units and future ACC unit development

    *Not required for Section 18 de minimis demolitions.

    **Required when a PHA wishes to enter into a settlement agreement in lieu of a court proceeding with a Taking Body after the Taking Body has taken the first step to condemn public housing).


    Proposed Removal Action

    HUD Tool


    Section 33 Conversion or
    Section 22 Conversion*

    Cost Comparison Spreadsheet (MS-Excel) (Conversions)

    Spreadsheet to assist in the cost comparison of Public Housing vs. HCV for all Conversion applications .

    Section 18 Disposition and/or Demolition application based on Physical Obsolescence

    Total Development Cost
    (TDC) Limits
    (2024) (2023) (2022) (2021) (2020) (2019) (2018) (2017) (2016) (2015)

    The 0-3 Year Rehab Cost Estimate year must match the same year of the TDC used. HUD TDC charts are for dwelling units with 0-6 bedrooms and TDC varies by locality (i.e., nearest City) and structure type (i.e., detached/semi-detached, row house, walkup, elevator).

    Section 32 Homeownership Helpful Tools

    Tools to put together a Homeownership Plan and Section 32 application



    Guides to Repositioning

    Guide for Medium/Large PHAs(251+ public housing units)
    Guide for Small PHAs(51 - 250 public housing units)
    Guide for Very Small PHAs(50 or fewer public housing units)


    Guidance for Housing Finance Agencies (HFA's) and PHA's Ground Leases and Purchase Options to establish LIHTC Site Control
    Public Housing Closeout FAQs (March 2022)
    Repositioning Options: Summary of Key CharacteristicsThis chart compares the key program characteristics of each main repositioning option, from eligibility for TPVs to impact on Faircloth
    Choice Neighborhoods: Repositioning & BeyondThis document provides information about developing mixed-income housing through Choice Neighborhoods grants
    Common Repositioning Financing Sources​This document provides a list of common financing sources that PHAs may want to consider when conducting rehabilitation or new development
    Community Supportive Services (CSS) Programs and Repositioning​This chart provides information about the impact various repositioning strategies have on CSS programs and participants
    DDTF and ARF Summary​This chart explains some of the key elements of Demolition Disposition Transition Fees (DDTF) and Asset Repositioning Fees (ARF)
    Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) and SAC ApplicationThis document provides information about requirements related to EPC debt when PHAs propose to remove units from the public housing inventory through SAC applications (i.e., demolition, disposition, voluntary conversion)
    Determining Capital NeedsThis document is intended to help PHA understand the differences between a RAD Capital Needs Assessment and a Section 18 Physical Needs Assessment
    Environmental Reviews for Non-RAD RepositioningAn introduction to the environmental review requirements for non-RAD repositioning
    Establishing an Owner EntityThis document provides information on establishing a separate legal entity (owner entity) to further a PHA’s repositioning goals
    Faircloth FAQsThis document provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding PHA’s Faircloth Limit
    How PHAs Can Leverage Partnerships with Housing Finance AgenciesThis memo encourages PHAs to engage with their state HFAs
    Pensions and Administrative ConsiderationsThis document provides tips for PHAs to consider when analyzing their pension and administrative costs as part of their repositioning strategy
    Repositioning and Public Housing FundsThis document provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding the use of Public Housing Funds for repositioning
    Repositioning for ResidentsThis document provides answers to frequently asked questions that Public Housing residents may have regarding repositioning