Required Conversion (Section 33)

    Section 33 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 requires PHAs to identify developments (or parts of developments) that must be removed from the stock of public housing operated under an Annual Contributions Contracts (ACC) with HUD.


    Required Conversion (Section 33)

    Section 33 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 requires PHAs to identify developments (or parts of developments) that must be removed from the stock of public housing operated under an Annual Contributions Contracts (ACC) with HUD.



    HUD's rule implementing Section 33 was published in the Federal Register via 24 CFR Part 972, Subpart A. Learn more about the Required Conversion Program, PIH Notice 2019-10.

    The cost methodology that PHAs must use to compare the cost of continuing to operate developments as public housing to the cost of providing tenant-based assistance was subsequently published as an appendix to the final rule on March 21, 2006, with an effective date of April 20, 2006.



    All requests for HUD's consent for a Required Conversion (Section 33) removal of public housing must be made electronically through PIC. The PHA must complete the applicable sections of the HUD-52860 (see Detail Matrix on page 9 of HUD-52860). Note: The cost methodology for Required Conversion is different than that for Voluntary Conversion.

    Required Forms:

    For Guidance: