HUD's rule implementing Section 33 was published in the Federal Register via 24 CFR Part 972, Subpart A. Learn more about the Required Conversion Program, PIH Notice 2019-10.
The cost methodology that PHAs must use to compare the cost of continuing to operate developments as public housing to the cost of providing tenant-based assistance was subsequently published as an appendix to the final rule on March 21, 2006, with an effective date of April 20, 2006.
The following conditions must be met for a unit to be considered either Vacant or Occupied:
- ACC unit: hhqnwd018.picdb.dbo.P113PT_PH_unit.acc_unit_ind = 'Y'
- Under management: hhhqnwd018.picdb.dbo.p113pt_physical_development.pd_status_type_code = 'M'
- Initially approved unit: hhhqnwd018.picdb.dbo.P113PT_PH_unit.initial_approved_ind = 'Y'
- Status is not "Removed from Inventory" or "Proposed Removed from Inventory": hhhqnwd018.picdb.dbo.P113PT_PH_unit.unit_status_type_code not in ('RMI', 'RMIPRP')
- A general occupancy unit type or official designation disabled or official designation elderly or official designation mixed or mixed not officially designated: hhhqnwd018.picdb.dbo.P113PT_PH_unit.unit_type_code in ('FA', 'ODD', 'ODE', 'ODM', 'MED')
To be considered Occupied:
- Reported on a form 50058: hhhqnwd018.picdb.dbo.P113PT_PH_unit.unit_tenant_status_code = 'OCCAT'
To be considered Vacant:
- 'Vacant' in PIC (EOP on a form 50058) (Also prior to Sept. 2009 'Not Reported'): hhhqnwd018.picdb.dbo.P113PT_PH_unit.unit_tenant_status_code = 'VACOOC', 'VACHUD', (pre-Sept. 2009 'NR')
The snapshot data is captured by a job run on the first day of the month.
This data resides on: HDRFNDD00(server).extract(database).dbo.P113PT_PH_UNIT_HISTORY(table)
The data all comes from the PIC database. Here are the tables and the fields in each table that is collected:
Table Name: P113PT_PH_UNIT
- development_number
- building_number
- building_number_entrance
- unit_number
- bedroom_count
- unit_type_code
- unit_status_type_code
- acc_unit_ind
- initial_approved_ind
- capfund_ind
- unit_tenant_status_code
- exception_reason_code
- last_update_timestamp (renamed unit_update_date)
- amp_group_number
- building_status_type_code
- unit_count
- last_update_timestamp (renamed unit_update_date)
- participant_code
- pd_program_type_code
- pd_structure_type_code
- pd_status_type_code
- last_update_timestamp (renamed devel_update_date)
Each record is appended with the date when the snapshot was taken.
All requests for HUD's consent for a Required Conversion (Section 33) removal of public housing must be made electronically through PIC. The PHA must complete the applicable sections of the HUD-52860 (see Detail Matrix on page 9 of HUD-52860). Note: The cost methodology for Required Conversion is different than that for Voluntary Conversion.
Required Forms:
For Guidance:- Calculator Rule 24 CR 972 (Adobe PDF); and
- Sample completed Cost Comparison Spreadsheet (MS-Excel); and
Cost Comparison Spreadsheet for Conversions
TDC Limits Chart (Obsolescence)
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