Recent / Upcoming Training Opportunities
Title | Description | Date & Time | Registration Information |
Repositioning Office Hours | Subject Matter Experts from HUD’s Office of Recap, SAC, Voucher Program, and Field Operations will be available to answer questions about repositioning — particularly questions that other PHAs would benefit from having HUD staff address in a live recorded webinar. | May 15, 2024 |
Below Fair Market Value (FMV) Dispositions | Learn more about the use restrictions for a below FMV disposition application that may be imposed by HUD SAC on an affordable housing future use, or another commensurate public benefit. | April 24, 2024 | |
Resident Engagement and Repositioning | Learn why resident engagement matters and how PHAs can meaningfully engage with their residents on public housing reinvestment/repositioning decisions. PHAs will leave this webinar better able to empower, support, and transparently engage with residents throughout a redevelopment process. | March 27, 2024 |
These informative trainings provide guidance on various aspects of repositioning public housing.
Title | Description | Associated Materials |
Overview | Overview of Public Housing Repositioning options | |
Determining Physical Obsolescence under Section 18 | Deep dive to help determine physical obsolescence review for Section 18 demolition application pursuant of 24 CFR 970.15 and HUD Notice 2018-04 | |
Section 18 Demolition & Disposition | This presentation provides an overview of Section 18 demolition and disposition applications for when the PHA is looking to repositioning their public housing property under 24 CFR 970.17 or 24 CFR 970.15 |
Streamlined Voluntary Conversion | Overview of Streamlined Voluntary Conversion under Section 22 available for PHAs with 250 units or fewer looking to remove their remaining public housing units from ACC | Presentation Video |
This webinar series is relevant to PHA directors, staff, residents, board members, and others working with PHAs to develop and execute a repositioning strategy.
Title | Description | Associated Materials |
Choice Neighborhoods and Repositioning | Introduces participants to Choice Neighborhoods, HUD's signature place-based program and discussed how it works with repositioning. | |
Common PHA Board Questions | Discusses common questions raised by Public Housing Agency (PHA) Boards during the conversion process such as how to maintain control of the property, potential impacts on a PHAs administrative funds, and dealing with long-term liabilities. | |
Developing a Repositioning Strategy | Discusses the tips and techniques for establishing a repositioning strategy for your PHA, reviewed HUD's repositioning resources, and discussed common reasons why a PHA may decide to reposition. | |
Environmental Review Procedures | Discusses environmental review procedures as PHAs plan and implement public housing repositioning. This webinar outlines basic processes, responsibilities, and actions needed to complete a repositioning transaction. Also, covers covered common questions and how the environmental review process might vary for SVC, Section 18, and RAD. | |
Faircloth-to-RAD Development | PHAs can learn how to leverage Faircloth-to-Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) development process to build new, affordable housing in their communities. | |
Homeownership Programs | Explains how PHAs can further affordable homeownership in their communities through federal housing programs and assistance. | |
How to Prepare and Submit a SAC Application | Learn how to prepare and submit an Inventory Removals Application (i.e., Section 18 Demo/Dispo, Section 22 Voluntary Conversion or SVC, Section 32 Homeownership) to the SAC via the HUD-52860 forms and Inventory Management/Public Housing Information Center (IMS/PIC) system. | |
Mixed Finance Development | Helping PHAs identify opportunities to use public & private financing to support the development of public housing and to better understand mixed-finance in the context of Faircloth-to-RAD developments. | |
Options for 50-and-Under | Discusses the special repositioning tools and resources available to PHAs with 50 or fewer units and common barriers to repositioning that these small PHAs encounter. | |
Options for Scattered-Site Units | This webinar discusses requirements for PHAs interested in removing units through the Section 18 scattered-site criteria in Notice PIH 2018-04 and the process for either disposing of the units or preserving them for Project-Based Voucher assistance. | |
PHA/Developer Roles | HUD brought in two seasoned developers and repositioning experts, Mike Andrews and Kathleen Foster, to discuss the various developer needs associated with repositioning Public Housing. They discuss the type and level of assistance that a PHA may need in order to reposition its properties will vary depending on internal PHA capacity and existing workloads; the plans for repositioning (e.g., no-debt, debt, or tax-credit); and, the repositioning tool the PHA anticipates using (e.g., RAD, Section 18, Section 22. | |
Preservation Strategies | Discusses preservation strategies for public housing units by reviewing the various options available for PHAs interested in preserving public housing units that need rehab. It started with a one-hour presentation from HUD program experts, followed by another hour of participant questions and answers. | |
Proceeds Notice | Discusses the uses of proceeds when a Public Housing Authority (PHA) sells any property under the rules of Section 18 or Section 22. | |
Project-Based Voucher Program Overview | Overview of options for PHAs looking to learn more about Project-Based Voucher. | |
Public Housing Program Closeout | Options for PHAs looking to closeout their public housing program under Notice PIH 2019-13. | |
RAD and Section 18 New Blend Options | Discusses frequently asked questions and the process for combining RAD and Section 18 asset repositioning strategies. | |
Repositioning Non-Dwelling Property: Overview of Tools and Strategic Tips | Overview of repositioning non-dwelling public housing real property (i.e., vacant land, community buildings, administrative buildings, maintenance/storage buildings). | |
Resident Considerations | Overview of requirements for resident notification, consultation, and relocation for the various repositioning tools and reviews resources for tenants. | |
Resident Relocation for Repositioning | PHAs can learn the relocation requirements when undertaking a disposition, demolition, or conversion action that requires permanent or temporary resident relocation. | |
Streamlined Voluntary Conversion | This SVC webinar discusses the requirements and process for completing a streamlined voluntary conversion for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) with 250 or fewer units and related topics. |
This webinar series is relevant to PHA directors, staff, residents, board members, and others working with PHAs to develop a post-closing strategy and discuss common issues and activities that occur post-repositioning.
Visit this link for all videos in this series. Topics include the following:
Title | Description | Associated Materials |
How to Apply OCAF for RAD PBV | Addresses a common issue that occurs after a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) conversion. The video walks you through how to apply the Operating Cost Adjustment Factor (OCAF) to adjust contract rents for RAD PBV units. The video includes a short tutorial on how to use the optional excel-based tool that is available on the RAD Resource Desk. | Recording |
First Year Funding Overview | Covers what PHAs should expect with respect to funding in the first full year after a public housing property converts under RAD Component 1 from public housing to PBV. The video discusses the importance of completing and submitting the survey that HUD distributes, in August or September, during the project’s first full year of PBV housing choice voucher (HCV) funding. | Recording |
Phase-in of Tenant Rents | Covers the basic requirements that PHAs must follow during a RAD conversion to establish a tenant rent phase-in process. In some circumstances, rents may increase for families when the property converts from public housing to PBV. This video discusses the options PHAs may consider when designing their tenant rent phase-in policy. | Recording |
Independent Entity (IE) Approval Process | Covers how a PHA requests HUD approval for an Independent Entity (IE). The video discusses the basics of what an IE is, when it is needed, and the functions an IE can perform. The video also reviews how an IE is approved and highlights things PHAs should consider when selecting an IE. | Recording |
VMS and PIC Reporting | Helps PHAs understand post-reporting requirements after a RAD conversion as they move from asset management to the HCV program. The video discusses the two HUD systems where PHAs are required to report RAD PBV data – Public Housing Information Center (PIC) and Voucher Management System (VMS). | Recording |
So, You Had a Rental Assistance Demonstration Project-Based Voucher (RAD-PBV) Closing. Now What? | Outlines key post-closing responsibilities that all PHAs must complete after closing a RAD conversion. The video walks through submitting the three-day documents, the final closing docket online, and the Form 50058 End of Participation documents. It also reviews processing Earned Income Verification and dealing with tenant debts, understanding the use of capital funds and operation reserves post-closing, and filling out information to submit on the RAD Completion Certification. | Recording |
Supporting Resident Organizations | Explains what resident organizations are and how they are funded. The video outlines what needs to be included in the written agreement and offers guidance on resolving conflict between a resident organization and a project owner. | Recording |
Grandfathered Tenants vs. New Tenants | Outlines the rights and responsibilities of families using PBV as a result of a RAD transaction. The video details the different requirements as it relates to tenant rent for families living at the covered project at the time of RAD conversion, sometimes referred to as “grandfathered tenants.” The video also reviews and compares the tenant rent rules that apply to all families that move into a PBV unit after a grandfathered tenant family leaves the unit. | Recording |
Do you Need an Independent Entity? | Focuses on when an Independent Entity (IE) is needed by reviewing the definition of “PHA-Owned” units and when the definition applies. The video then discusses seven scenarios to apply the definition of a “PHA-Owned” unit, reviews when the definition applies, and when a legal opinion is required. | Recording |
Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Choice Mobility and Regular PBV Mobility Rules | Explains Choice Mobility for RAD-PBV, often referred to as the “family right to move.” The video covers alternative requirements for RAD-PBV, Choice Mobility for RAD-PBRA tenants, the requirements PHAs have to inform residents of their Choice Mobility rights, and presents an overview of how Choice Mobility works for both owners and residents. | Recording |
PHA Board Review of Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Operating Budgets | Outlines the key responsibilities of the PHA Board in the year-end review of the operating budget, specifically for the PBV provisions under RAD. | Recording |
Visit this link for all training videos on the Repositioning Public Housing site. Some topics include:
Title | Description | Associated Materials |
An Introduction | This is a 13-minute video introduction to asset repositioning options | Recording |
Medium and Large PHAS | An illustration of major program tools for Medium to Large PHAs | Recording |
Small PHAs | This webinar explores major repositioning tools for small PHAs | Recording |
This webinar series is geared towards small PHAs, but there is useful repositioning information for all PHAs. Visit this link for all videos in this webinar series. Topics include:
Title | Associated Materials |
Part 1: Introduction to Repositioning | Recording |
Part 2: Section 18 and Streamlined Voluntary Conversion | Recording |
Part 3: Project Based Vouchers and Decision Tree | Recording |
This four-part webinar series helps participants learn various affordable housing strategies to assess their public housing portfolios and determine the best repositioning tool to address their local needs.
Title | Associated Materials |
Part I: Introduction to Repositioning | Recording | Slides | Transcript |
Part 2: Section 18 and Streamlined Voluntary Conversion | Recording | Slides | Transcript |
Part 3: Project-Based Vouchers and Decision Tree | Recording | Slides | Transcript |
Part 4: Public Housing Program Closeout and Case Studies | Recording | Slides | Transcript |
Cost Comparison Spreadsheet for Conversions
TDC Limits Chart (Obsolescence)
Helpful Resources & Document Library
Special Applications Center • US Department of Housing and Urban Development
77 W. Jackson Blvd., Room 2401, Chicago, IL 60604-3507
Phone: 312-353-6236 • Email: • Fax: 312-913-8892 • Staff Directory
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