Special Application Center

    Demolition and Disposition Applications (Section 18)

    The demolition and disposition of public housing is authorized under Section 18 of the Housing Act of 1937 (the Act), as amended. The implementing regulation, 24 CFR part 970, was published in the Federal Register on October 24, 2006, and took effect on November 24, 2006. Minor corrections to the regulation were published in the Federal Register on January 23, 2008. HUD reviews these applications in accordance with the guidance in PIH Notice 2021-07.


    Demolition and Disposition Applications (Section 18)

    The demolition and disposition of public housing is authorized under Section 18 of the Housing Act of 1937 (the Act), as amended. The implementing regulation, 24 CFR part 970, was published in the Federal Register on October 24, 2006, and took effect on November 24, 2006. Minor corrections to the regulation were published in the Federal Register on January 23, 2008. HUD reviews these applications in accordance with the guidance in PIH Notice 2021-07.



    Demolition Application

    Removal of public housing units or other property from the public housing stock by demoing (in whole or part). Demolished property must be obsolete as to physical condition, location, or other factors.

    Disposition Application

    Transfer of public housing units or other property via sale, lease or other transaction, if the transfer is justified under statutory, regulatory, notice, and other HUD criteria.

    Demolition and Deposition Application

    Removal of public housing units from the public housing stock by demolishing first and followed by the sale or lease of the now vacant land (in whole or part). Demolition will occur prior to the disposition of the public housing property.

    If demolition will occur after the proposed disposition to an acquiring entity for the demolition, then submit a disposition only application.





    All requests for HUD's consent for demolition and/or disposition must be made electronically through PIC. The PHA must complete the applicable sections of the HUD-52860 (see Detail Matrix on page 9 of HUD-52860).

    Required Forms:

    See Section 18 application checklist >

    About SAC

    Special Applications Center • US Department of Housing and Urban Development
    77 W. Jackson Blvd., Room 2401, Chicago, IL 60604-3507
    Phone: 312-353-6236  • Email: SACTA@HUD.gov  • Fax: 312-913-8892  • Staff Directory