Strengthening Public Housing for the Future


    Strengthening Public Housing for the Future

    Public housing is a critical part of place-based affordable housing in this country. HUD is committed to strengthening public housing so it can continue to provide quality, healthy housing, with robust resident protections, to the families it serves. Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is the federal government’s major program for providing housing assistance to over 2.3 million American families.


    See What's New

    Public Housing Tenant Hub


    Public Housing Commitment


    HUD is committed to strengthening and maintaining public housing as a viable option for PHAs to provide affordable housing in their communities, and will...



    that public housing is a critically important resource

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    stakeholders around the FY24 budget proposals

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    Educate & Empower

    PHAs to use existing tools

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    ideas to improve public housing

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    a plan to strengthen public housing for the future

    Public Housing Principles

    Everyone deserves to live in a safe and affordable home. Paired with other forms of federal rental assistance including Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs), and Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA), Public Housing is an indispensable resource for families with extremely low incomes. HUD’s principles for Public Housing are to:


    families live in safe and well-maintained homes

    access to supportive services for families with extremely low incomes

    in capital improvements and energy efficiencies, particularly in properties with significant needs

    to meet current needs and to reduce capital backlog needs



    1.House as many families as possible

    2. Residents live in safe and healthy homes


    Goal 2: Ensure Access to and Increase the Production of Affordable Housing

    2A: Increase the supply of housing

    2B: Improve rental assistance

    Goal 4: Advance Sustainable Communities

    4A: Guide investment in climate resilience

    4B: Strengthen environmental justice


    Stakeholder Engagement

    Over the last several months, HUD has engaged a wide range of stakeholders about the challenges and opportunities in public housing. Nothing is off the table. HUD welcomes stakeholders’ innovative and creative ideas, including ideas that require statutory, regulatory, and program and budget changes. We will consolidate stakeholder feedback to provide clear actionable recommendations to the Secretary of HUD.



    [Public housing agencies] Public housing agencies

    [Residents] Residents

    [Industry groups] Industry groups

    [Developers & investors] Developers & investors

    [Research organizations] Research organizations

    [Advocates] Advocates

    [Government entities (federal, state, local)] Government entities (federal, state, local)

    [Equity, Health, and Educational Organizations] Equity, Health, and Educational Organizations


    [Focus groups] Focus groups

    [Conferences] Conferences

    [Mailbox] Mailbox

    Send Feedback

    In order for HUD to develop a comprehensive plan to strengthen public housing for the future, we’re looking to you, our partners to help by sending us ideas and information about challenges you face.

    [Send Feedback]

    Send Feedback to

    Let us know about Public Housing challenges, creative solutions, new tools and funding proposals as well as success stories, and more!

    Check this site for regular updates, upcoming trainings, and a Federal Register Posting to solicit public comments on strengthening public housing.

    FY24 Budget Proposals

    The FY24 budget includes innovative proposals that reflect the Administration's commitment to strengthen existing Public Housing recapitalization strategies, address the needs of distressed properties that are not served by existing tools, and increase flexibilities to PHAs to meet their goals and serve their residents.

    • $5.133 billion in Operating Funds
    • $3.225 billion in Capital Fund Formula
    • $220 million in targeted grants
    • Flexibility to use funds interchangeably

    • Provides mandatory funding for the first time
    • Over a 10-year period

    • $280 million for grants
    • $20 million for utilities benchmarking

    • Leverage Operating Funds



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