Special Application Center

    Special Applications Center (SAC)

    The SAC enables the Office of Public and Indian Housing to assist PHAs in their efforts to meet the housing needs of their communities efficiently and effectively through the specialized review and approval of non-funded, non-competitive applications. This enables PHAs to reposition public housing under Sections 18, 22, 32, and 33 of the Housing Act of 1937, as amended.



    Special Applications Center (SAC)

    The SAC enables the Office of Public and Indian Housing to assist PHAs in their efforts to meet the housing needs of their communities efficiently and effectively through the specialized review and approval of non-funded, non-competitive applications. This enables PHAs to reposition public housing under Sections 18, 22, 32, and 33 of the Housing Act of 1937, as amended.




    HUD recently announced that more time will be required to transition from HUD IMS/PIC to the new Housing Information Portal (HIP) system. HUD's IMS/PIC shutdown date is TBD, but not too distant future. HUD will announce a new date for PIC shutdown and the SAC application deadline as soon as it becomes clearer when it will be. In the meantime the SAC recommends that PHAs with 2024 and early 2025 closing deadlines submit their application as soon as possible.


    PHAs may request technical assistance (TA) and consultation from the SAC on their proposed applications, so long as the TA requests occur prior to a PHA’s submission of an application to HUD. SAC is here to help you explore your options prior to submitting your application. TA and consultation are also available to residents, their representatives, and the public.

    Request TA: 312-353-6236 | SACTA@hud.gov




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    Please email SACTA@hud.gov