Small Rural Freezing Rolling Base


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    EPC Program Overview









    Under the Small Rural Frozen Rolling Base program (SR-FRB) authorized by the Economic Growth Act, eligible small rural PHAs (defined as PHAs in predominately rural areas with 550 combined public housing units and housing choice vouchers) can freeze their three-year rolling base consumption level (RBCL) that is used to calculate Operating Subsidy grants.

    Operation Subsidy Grants


    Operating Subsidy grants for up to 20 years. All utility cost savings for the participating project and utility accrue to the PHA and can be used for any eligible public housing purpose (i.e., Operating Fund or Capital Fund eligible purpose) at the PHA’s discretion. This program is intended to incentivize PHAs to implement energy and/or water efficiency infrastructure investments to their properties.


    Program Impact

    Since the start of the program, HUD has enrolled 82 participants.  The table below shows the number of new participants each year since the program began.

    Since 2021, participants in the SR-FRB have saved approximately 68,700 Thousand British Thermal Units (MMBTUs) and 1.3 million gallons of water.

    To Learn More

    For more information about HUD’s Small Rural Frozen Rolling Base program please see below or contact us at

    Program Notice





    General Program Guidance


    Technical Assistance Videos