Correcting Building and Unit Data Anomalies

    We have all discovered data errors or things we need to be changed in our Building and Unit ("B&U") data from time to time. Below we will summarize the various situations and what to do about them. Some things can be changed by PHA users, and some must be done by HUD staff with special training and greater access to the system.

    There are two categories of changes:

    • Errors in the data that were never true.
    • Modifications or updates made to the data as time passes.

    For example, if the street address is entered incorrectly, that is an error and it must be corrected. On the other hand, suppose the city renames a street to honor someone. That is an update because the situation has changed. We delete duplicate entries made in error and correct other kinds of errors. We do not delete developments, buildings, or units that are no longer being used or are being disposed of. We remove them from the active inventory by marking them as removed from inventory. That way we retain a record of what was true before.

    If you want to change the assignment of buildings to a different development number, jump to the "Development Regrouping Proposal" section at the bottom of this page.

    There are several different situations listed below that may apply (in some cases more than one may apply). For many of these, we have prepared standard data correction templates that should be used. The templates can be found on the linked pages in the section called Items that must be done by PIC Coach / FO Staff or HUD Superusers below.

    For example, if you want to change five building numbers and reassign five units to those buildings, you must first submit the building and entrance number change template. Once that has been processed and the building numbers are changed, you can submit the reassign unit template using the new building numbers.

    The completed templates are sent attached to an email to the PHA's PIC Coach. The local PIC Coach will review the template for accuracy and consistency. Users should put data into the templates but do not change the column headings or formatting or add anything else to the template.

    When a development, building, entrance or unit number is changed in this way, it is changed throughout the IMS/PIC system including the building and unit data, current and historical tenant data, inventory removal data and Capital Fund certification data.

    Items that may be done completely by PHA users:

    1. Erroneous or Modified Unit Tenant Status Certain unit statuses are with HUD field office approval per PIH Notice 2011-07
    2. Erroneous Structure Type
    3. Erroneous Building Floor Count
    4. Erroneous Construction Date
    5. Erroneous or Modified Building Physical Address (Street Address)
    6. Erroneous Bedroom Count
    7. Erroneous Unit Door or Floor Number
    8. Adding buildings & units to developments in "Development status" Users can view the "Configuring Buildings and Units" and the "Building and Unit Upload Template and Building and Unit Submission Instructions" job aids on the IMS/PIC Job Aids page for further information. Depending on the number of buildings and units that need to be added, this can be done via the applicable “Add” links under the Building tab and Unit tab or can be done in mass via the Building and Unit Data transfer Excel File. If using the Excel file, make sure to follow the instructions in the above mentioned job aid.

    Items that must be done by PIC Coach / FO Staff or HUD Super Users:

    *Note: Items that have to go to super users should be sent to local FO for concurrence and then it will be forwarded to a super user, if necessary. Additional information is available at the links below.*

    1. Erroneous or Modified Development Status
    2. Erroneous or New Development Name
    3. Erroneous or Modified ACC Indicator Status. ACC indicators should not be changed to reflect the information presented in the table on page 3 of PIH Notice 2011-07. The Public Housing Financial Management Division (FMD) will calculate Operating Subsidy funding based on the Unit Tenant Status.
    4. Adding a New Development or HA. The local field office will complete this process once it has received the required documentation as part of the development proposal.
    5. Erroneous or Modified Development Number
    6. Erroneous or Modified Building or Entrance Number
    7. Erroneous or Modified Unit Number
    8. Erroneous or Modified Unit Assignment (unit assigned to a wrong building and entrance)
    9. Duplicate Building Entries
    10. Duplicate Unit Entries
    11. Adding Missing Non-dwelling Structures to developments in "Management" status
      • Ensure the building meets the definition of a building, which is "An individual building is any structure that has a contiguous roofline, a permanent foundation (including pier foundations poured to bearing soil and below frost line), is enclosed on all sides and has at least one utility servicing it such as electric, gas, water, or sewer."
      • If it does meet this definition, the PHA can provide their local field office PIC Coach the information needed to add the structure by either completing the "Data Collection Template for Adding Non-dwelling Buildings that are Missing in IMS/PIC" document found on the IMS/PIC Job Aids page or including all of the information in that document in an email to the PIC Coach.
      • The PIC Coach will ensure that all information is provided and that the building number requested is not already in use. They will concur on request and forward the request for processing.
    12. Adding Building or Units to developments in "Management" status (other than those mentioned in #19). * Please ensure you discuss this with your local field office. Only buildings or units that were erroneously left out of IMS/PIC can be added to developments that have already reached DOFA.
    13. Erroneously Configured Buildings - These are typically Row/Townhouses or Semi-Detached (duplex) buildings, but rarely may include Multifamily/Walkup buildings as well.

    The Capital Fund uses only HUD-approved data in its certification.

    Once a set of updates or corrections has been made by the PHA user, the PHA user must submit the data in IMS/PIC for field office approval. Summary bedroom, unit and building totals and hte official inventory are only updated only during the approval process.

    NOTE: “Floor count” refers to how many floors a structure has. “Floor number” refers to the number of the floor where the unit entrance is located. Floor number is always “1” for “SF”, “SD” and “RW” structure types.

    Development Regrouping Proposal

    There is one other kind of change that is not handled with templates or Superusers. When a PHA wants to reassign one or more buildings to a different development number for asset management purposes, it is done from within the Development submodule in the "Maintain Inventory" tab.

    [Image; screenshot of reassigning one or more buildings to a different development number]

    The PHA user creates a proposal to move buildings, which may not be in any Demo-Dispo status, from one development to another and saves the work. Buildings which are in any Demo-Dispo status may NOT be moved and, if they are included, the proposal will not execute.

    The PHA user selects the development number from which to take the building(s), then selects the development number to which the building(s) are to be moved. Only developments at DOFA may be selected. If you wish to move buildings to a newly created development number, request the 'Moving Buildings to a Newly Created Development' Job Aid from your local PIC Coach. A proposal can involve moves to/from two or more developments. After each 'Save', the proposal may be closed and can still be retrieved for additional changes.

    When the proposal is complete, the PHA user clicks "Submit" to submit it to the HUD Field Office.

    [Image; screenshot of a HA User clicking

    A HUD Field Office User can access the same "Maintain Inventory" tab and review the proposal, then Approve or Reject it. The HUD User ensures that none of the proposed buildings are in any Demo-Dispo status. If any are in Demo-Dispo status, do not approve the proposal. If it is approved, the building assignments will be changed automatically at the beginning of the next operating year.