Erroneous or Modified Building or Entrance Number

    You may have received some system modified duplicate building numbers such as shown below. You may have other reasons for changing a building and/or entrance number (such as to get sequential numbers or because a new software vendor requires a different numbering system).

    Fill in all parts of the Edit Building and Entrance Number spreadsheet template (one row per building and entrance number combination) and submit it to the Technical Assistance Center (TAC) by email. The TAC will assign it to a System Superuser, who will review the template for accuracy and completeness then submit it for processing by the maintenance team. You will be notified when this has been completed.

    [Image; screenshot of Erroneous or Modified Building or Entrance Number]

    Sample Edit Building and Entrance Number template All columns except comments must be filled in, one building-entrance number combination per row. Include only buildings/entrances whose numbers will be changed.

    HA Code Development Number Old Building Number Old Building Entrance Number New Building Number New Building Entrance Number Comments