IMS/PIC Coaches
IMS/PIC is a complex system that can challenge new and experienced users. For this reason, PIH has assembled a team of field personnel called IMS/PIC Coaches to extend and augment the help desk team at the REAC Technical Assistance Center.
There are one or more coaches in every field office. These coaches specialize in helping IMS/PIC users. They are trained and assisted by the national operations staff. Their mission is to train users, distribute information to users, answer questions, and keep a watch for systemic problems.
For most problems, you should first call your IMS/PIC Coach in your local field office. Click here to view the current list of IMS/PIC Coaches by FO (12-10-2024).
If the coach is unable to help you, the next step is to report your problem or issue to the REAC Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
REAC Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
For IMS/PIC User support please contact PIH-REAC's Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 7:00AM to 8:30PM Eastern Standard Time.
Contact Details
TAC Toll-free line: (888) 245-4860
TAC Fax Number: (202) 485-0280
TAC Email Address:
Mailing Address:
Office of Public and Indian Housing
Real Estate Assessment Center
Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
550 12th Street, SW, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20410
Before calling the TAC please be logged into your computer, have your PHA code, FYE, and your User ID, and an email address and phone number. TAC call volume is the heaviest at the start of the day and the start of the week. Your request will be assigned a ticket number for tracking and accountability purposes. Always include your ticket number when communicating with the TAC.
When phoning the TAC
- Select 1 - For WASS access. This applies if you are unable to access our systems and need assistance with passwords, activations, or locked accounts.
- Select 2 - For User ID maintenance, including ID registration, activation key codes, business partners maintenance, and system administration requests.
- Select 4 - For PIC system issues.
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