Utility Partnership Program


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EPC Program Overview








The Utility Partnership Program (UPP) encourages PHAs, especially small- and medium-sized PHAs, to consider the potential benefits of implementing an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) in partnership with utility companies.


PHAs interested in pursuing an EPC may find that working with a utility company offers advantages including:

  • PHAs may find it advantageous to work with a utility company with whom they have an established, multi-year, preexisting relationship.
  • Utility companies, particularly those already working with Federal agencies, often have extensive experience with the Department of Energy’s Utility Energy Service Contracts (UESC) program—a program similar to HUD’s EPC-UPP program.
  • Utility companies need to manage and often reduce overall energy consumption in their service territory to avoid making costly investments to address growing capacity needs.
  • Many utility companies can implement both energy and water conservation measures through their energy services through performance contracting.
  • Partnering with a utility company may facilitate the use of alternate strategies to improve the economic feasibility of small- or medium-sized projects, which might otherwise not attract interest from financial institutions.
  • The UPP program offers a simplified approval and verification process for low-risk EPC projects.


To Learn More

For more information about HUD’s Utility Partnership Program program please see below or contact us at PIHEnergyBranch@hud.gov




General Program Guidance


Technical Assistance Videos