Resources & Links

    The following list identifies useful documents, publications, and information related to resource conservation in public housing.

    HUD Energy Report to Congress

    HUD Progress Report and Energy Action Plan to Congress

    Click here to read the report.

    HUD Energy Guidance

    Energy Conservation for Housing - A Workbook, HUD, September 1998.
    Aimed at PHAs interested in making energy conservation improvements. Available online at the above link, or from HUD's Public and Indian Housing Information Center at (800) 955-2232.

    Utility Allowance Guidebook

    PIH Management Plan Goals

    HUD's Energy Action Plan
    Describes activities that HUD is undertaking to support the energy efficiency and conservation goals of the National Energy Policy.

    Promoting Energy Efficiency at HUD in a Time of Change (.pdf format)
    This report to congress, released in August 2006, outlines HUD?s integrated energy strategy for public and assisted housing. The report details established policies that HUD is simplifying or improving, such as Energy Performance Contracting; new steps HUD is taking, such as Asset Management; and measures it is proposing to take in the future to address rising energy costs through energy and water efficiency.

    Other Articles and Publications

    Lawrence Berkley Lab Releases “Survey of the U.S. ESCO Industry – Market Growth and Development from 2000 to 2006”
    In a recent report, the Lawrence Berkley Labs evaluated trends in the U.S. energy services company (ESCO) industry. The study indicated that the ESCO industry is well positioned for growth. From 1990 to 2000 the industry’s annual revenue growth rate averaged 20%. However from 2001 to 2003 revenue growth declined to a 3% annual rate. Retail competition, industry consolidation and limitation on federal sector use of energy performance contacting were cited as key factors in the decline. Growth picked up again in the 2004-06 period with revenue growth rates in the 22% range. The study cited rising energy prices, growing interest in energy efficiency and climate change as some reasons for the renewed revenue growth.

    Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Allows Housing Agency Energy Procurements through the ENERGY STAR Quality Quotes Website
    A HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) has streamlined the procurement process for purchasing energy-saving products through the Department of Energy’s ‘ENERGY STAR Quantity Quotes’ website. By purchasing energy-saving products through the website, Housing Agencies (HAs) can reduce their processing costs and improve their purchasing timelines. PIH has determined that this procurement method is in compliance with 24 CFR 85.36 and the Procurement Handbook.

    Cool Roofs Mean Hot Savings
    Approximately $40 billion is spent annually in the United States to cool buildings, one-sixth of all energy consumed. Most traditional roofing materials stay ?hot,? absorbing 70% or more of the solar energy striking them. Energy-efficient roofing systems, often referred to as ?cool roofs?, absorb less than 35% of this solar energy staying 50 to 60 degrees cooler during peak summer conditions than traditional dark roof materials. Cool roofs reflect the sun's radiant energy before it penetrates the building envelope helping to dramatically reduce cooling costs.

    Summer Savings Time
    Just because temperatures are rising, doesn't mean your energy bills have to as well. Saving energy costs during the summer months can be easier than you think. Check out these simple energy saving tips to help keep your energy cost down.

    Improving Energy Efficiency in Apartment Buildings, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, 1995. ISBN 0-918249-23-6.
    Provides an overview of multifamily housing, addresses holistic approaches to audits and retrofits, highlights case studies, and features recommendations.

    Guidance Manuals for Operators of Small Natural Gas and LP Gas Systems, Office of Pipeline Safety, August 1997.
    Aims to simplify the pipeline safety regulations and requirements for operators of both large and small systems.

    National Energy Policy
    President George W. Bush established a national energy policy designed to help the both the private sector and the Government promote dependable, affordable, and environmentally sound production and distribution of energy for the future. This publication identifies the recommendations of the National Energy Policy Development group to accomplish the policy's goals.

    Building Commissioning, the Key to Quality Assurance
    A Rebuild America publication that discusses building commissioning as a means of maximizing building performance and energy efficiency. The guide will help building owners and project managers understand what the costs and benefits of commissioning are, how to benefit from commissioning their building, and why to select particular agents to act as a commissioning authority, or as commissioning team members.

    Buildings Energy Data Book
    Produced by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to provide a current and accurate set of comprehensive buildings- and energy-related data.

    PATH Technology Roadmap: Energy Efficiency in Existing Homes, Volume Two: Strategies Defined
    Presents a vision for the housing industry that includes improving the energy performance of existing homes and decreasing energy use by an average of 30 percent in at least 50 million existing homes by 2010. The publication gives an overview of the energy use situation today, describes the barriers to increasing energy efficiency, and offers a roadmap to achieving PATH's vision of improved energy efficiency.

    New Construction

    A Community Guide to Basic and Cost-Saving Construction in the American Southwest
    A new book developed by HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) and the Partnership for Advancing Technology and Housing (PATH) that showcases the cost benefits of energy-efficient home construction and rehabilitation in the
    rural Southwest. A bilingual publication aimed at non-profit housing developers, planning officials, local housing advocates, do-it-yourself homeowners, and community groups that provide housing in this region of the country. Available from HUD USER by calling 1-800-245-2691. A summary is available at

    Southwest Housing Traditions
    Written for providers of low-income housing, this report analyzes traditional construction materials and methods in the Southwest, and considers the lessons that can be applied today. The report explains that traditional Southwestern construction designs and materials are generally cost-competitive, and resource and energy efficient. A print copy can also be purchased from the HUD USER Web Store or by calling 1-800-245-2691.

    Hybrid Wood and Steel Details—Builder's Guide
    Developed by HUD's Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH), this publication provides the information and insights that builders need to construct
    hybrid cold-formed steel and wood homes. Information presented is applicable to detached one- and two-family dwelling, townhouse, and other attached single-family dwelling configurations.

    Better Bricks
    Provides a host of information related to energy management. While primarily intended for commercial buildings, much of the information on this website is applicable to multifamily housing, as well.

    Rehab and Repair

    Energy Calculators:

    • The HUD Energy Efficient Rehab Advisor easily and quickly recommends energy-saving remodeling projects based on your building type, climate, and estimated age. For each project, the tool lists the added cost, expected savings, and payback time.
    • The Home Energy Saver, sponsored by DOE and EPA, calculates energy use in residential buildings.
    • The Home Energy Yardstick is a quick and easy tool that allows you to see if the energy use of a single family home is above average.
    • DOE offers a wide range of energy calculators.

    Mold and Hurricane Rebuilding
    The following resources discuss mold in hurricane and flood damaged housing. Mold is a major health hazard and can become difficult to control if not dealt with promptly and properly.

    More PHECC Information on Hurricane Rebuilding
    PHECC provides information on improving disaster-resistance, energy efficiency and durability in construction and renovation. View this information. PHAs should carefully consider the most effective ways to reduce energy use and protect residents against rising prices. PHAs are encouraged to use energy performance contracts for energy-saving upgrades and conduct self-financed energy conservation measures.

    Information is available for residents to reduce energy use this winter. PHAs may print a flyer for residents and post it in common areas. The flyer is provided in English and Spanish. The recommended steps will help residents combat higher utility bills this winter.

    More hurricane rebuilding information is available from these resources:

    HUD Rehabilitation Energy Guidelines
    One easy-to-use source for finding cost-effective ways to remodel an existing building is the HUD Energy Efficient Rehab Advisor. The Rehab Advisor energy efficiency recommendations are based on ENERGY STAR® specifications, where applicable. Check out the Rehab Advisor Installation and Rehab Tips.

    Best Practices for Effecting the Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing
    The rehab process is far less predictable and in many ways more challenging than new construction. However, to date there has been a lack of in-depth, practical guidance on the many barriers to rehabilitation of affordable housing. This two-volume report distills the practices that have been shown to work to implement the renovation of affordable housing. These best practices are designed to address the challenges to rehab at its development, construction, and occupancy stages.

    Indoor Air Quality: Mold
    Mold problems in your properties could have negative impacts on your residents, causing poor indoor air quality, potential health affects, damage to buildings, and more. But you can control mold by controlling moisture. Look to EPA's Mold Resources website for help with identifying the sources of mold, effective cleaning techniques, and reducing future mold problems.

    PIH Maintenance Guidebook #7 - Termite, Insect & Rodent Control
    This Guidebook provides information on modern Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to control pests, a new approach which provides a higher level of control at lower costs to HAs (September, 1995). Also see the PIH Notice on voluntary IPM guidance.

    PHECC Cost Reduction Toolbox
    Provides explanations of specific operations and maintenance measures designed to reduce water and energy consumption, while potentially also improving the comfort, health, and safety of dwelling units.

    HUD Links

    HUD Sites

    HUD Homes and Communities
    Serves as a clearinghouse of information related to homes and communities. Provides information on a variety of topics related to housing. Information is organized by both topic and audience group. Examples include Multifamily Housing Industry and Housing Agencies/Tribes.

    Healthy Homes and Lead Control
    The Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control (OHHLHC) was established to eliminate lead-based paint hazards in America's privately-owned and low-income housing. The OHHLHC provides funds to state and local governments to develop cost-effective ways to reduce lead-based paint hazards. In addition, the office enforces HUD?s lead-based paint regulations, provides public outreach and technical assistance, and conducts technical studies to help protect children and their families from health and safety hazards in the home.

    HUD User
    A primary source for Federal Government reports and information on housing policy and programs, building technology, economic development, urban planning, and other housing-related topics. A primary source for Federal Government reports and information on housing policy and programs, building technology, economic development, urban planning, and other housing-related topics.

    HUD Office of Public and Indian Housing
    Provides information especially geared toward public housing agencies, Native American tribes, and tribally-designated housing entities.

    HUD Office of Community Planning and Development: Energy
    Provides information on energy standards for new construction, HUD Rehabilitation Energy Guidelines, state-by-state code requirements, and more.

    Local HUD Offices
    Provides contact information for each state's local HUD office.

    HUD Hope VI Grant Program
    Provides information on grants available to revitalize public housing.

    Offers free access to HUD's official repository of policies, procedures, announcements, and other materials.

    HUD Forms
    Provides access to downloadable HUD forms, including Environmental Assessment Checklist, Rental Housing Project Income Analysis Appraisal, and many more.

    Key Utility Terms
    Update terms as requested by HUD in Web Certification Package, update terms using page 706 of register notice

    Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH)
    PATH is dedicated to accelerating the development and use of technologies that radically improve the quality, durability, energy efficiency, environmental performance, and affordability of America's housing.

    Procurement Handbook for Public and Indian Housing Authorities (7460.8)
    The previous version of this Procurement Handbook (Rev-1, January, 1993) assumed, primarily, a centralized approach to PHA purchasing, where a central purchasing department handled most aspects of the procurement function, from cost estimation through contract administration. Under asset management, purchasing functions are frequently administered by on-site personnel, with appropriate supervision and controls. The Department recognizes that PHAs may elect different organizational approaches to purchasing and that this handbook is permissive of both approaches. HUD Handbook 7460.8 REV 2, dated 2/2007.

    Local Energy Information
    Identifies programs and other resources that can provide energy information and assistance by state. For more information, E-mail Robert Groberg at HUD.