Cost-Reduction Toolbox

    Energy costs account for a large portion of a typical PHA's operating expenses. However, PHAs can often save 10-25% of the energy used in their developments by improving operations and maintenance (O&M) practices. Proper O&M is an essential part of any successful energy management program, and can be implemented at little to no cost.

    This Cost-Reduction Toolbox will provide your PHA with explanations of specific O&M measures designed to reduce water and energy consumption, while potentially also improving the comfort, health, and safety of dwelling units.

    Good O&M practices can provide the following benefits:

    • Save a significant amount of energy with older systems
    • Help ensure satisfactory performance of new, efficient equipment
    • Ensuring good system performance
    • Extend the life of equipment

    Without good O&M practices, equipment is more likely to break down. This can cause a temporary lack of services that result in resident discomfort, including possible health and safety problems. Equipment failure can also result in high repair or replacement costs that could have been avoided with better O&M practices.

    Open the toolbox and get started

    The Cost Reduction Tool Box is divided into two parts. The first section lists ways to incorporate key energy-saving practices into standard Operations and Maintenance procedures.

    The second part lists additional Energy Conservation Measures that can prove cost-effective for public housing authorities.