- NOFA Format Summary (MS-Word, 35 KB)
Main Street Grants Notice of Funding Availability
The FY 2006 HOPE VI Main Street Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) was published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 and published again, with corrections, on May 5, 2006. The NOFA, in pdf (as published in the Federal Register) and in MS Word format, along with required application forms and information, are posted below. The deadline for application submission was July 11, 2006. Applicants submitted their applications electronically via Grants.gov. All of the materials below were posted to Grants.gov to be downloaded for completion by the applicant.
- HUD received only one eligible application and awarded a grant to Burrillville, RI, for $500,000
- FY06 HOPE VI Main Street NOFA Correction as published in the Federal Register on May 5, 2006
- In Adobe PDF format
- In MS-Word format (449 KB)
- FY06 HOPE VI Main Street NOFA as published in the Federal Register on April 11, 2006
- In Adobe PDF format
- In MS-Word format (322 KB)
- Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)
- Facsimile Transmittal (HUD-96011)
- HUD Applicant Recipient Disclosure Report (HUD-2880)
- HUD Community Initiative Form (HUD-27300)
- Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL)
- HOPE VI Main Street Application Data Sheet, form HUD-52861 (MS-Excel, 527 KB)
- HOPE VI Budget, form HUD-52825A (MS-Excel, 52 KB)
- Schedule B - FY 2006 Final Fair Market Rents (MS-Word, 419 KB)
- 2005 Income Limits (MS-Word, 1587 KB)
- Certification of Consistency with the RC/EZ/EC-IIs Strategic Plan, form HUD-2990
- Logic Model, form HUD-96010 (MS-Excel, 1824 KB)
Revitalization Grant Agreement
Revitalization Grants Notice of Funding Availability
The FY 2006 HOPE VI Revitalization Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) was published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, April 11, 2006. The NOFA, in pdf (as published in the Federal Register) and in MS Word format, along with required application forms and information, are posted below. The deadline for application submission will be July 10, 2006.
Please note that applicants must submit their applications via Grants.gov. All these materials are posted to Grants.gov and should be downloaded for completion from Grants.gov.
- FY 2006 HOPE VI Revilatization Grantees
- FY 2006 HOPE VI Revitalization Applicants
- FY 2006 HOPE VI Revitalization NOFA as published in the Federal Register
- In Adobe PDF format
- In MS-Word format (964 KB)
- Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)
- Facsimile Transmittal (HUD-96011)
- HUD Applicant Recipient Disclosure Report (HUD-2880)
- HUD Community Initiative Form (HUD-27300)
- Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL)
- HOPE VI Revitalization Application Table of Contents (MS-Word, 31 KB)
- Attachments 1 through 7: HOPE VI Application Data Form, form HUD-52860-A (MS-Excel, 96 KB)
- Appendix 1: Instructions for HOPE VI Data Forms
- Attachment 8: HOPE VI Budget, form HUD-52825-A (MS-Excel, 52 KB)
- Attachment 9: TDC-Grant Limitations Worksheet, form HUD-52799 (MS-Excel, 436 KB)
- Attachment 10: Extraordinary Site Costs Certification
- Attachment 12: Assurances for a HOPE VI Application
- Attachment 14: Certification of Severe Physical Distress
- Attachments 19 through 22: HOPE VI Revitalization Leverage Resources, form HUD-52797 (MS-Excel, 42 KB)
- Attachment 30: HOPE VI Revitalization Application Certifications
- Attachment 31: HOPE VI Revitalization Project Readiness Certification, form HUD-52787
- Program Outcome Logic Model (HUD-96010) (MS-Excel, 399 KB)
- FY 2009 Funding Information
- FY 2008 Funding Information
- FY 2007 Funding Information
- FY 2005 Funding Information
- FY 2004 Funding Information
- FY 2003 Funding Information
- FY 2002 Funding Information
- FY 2001 Funding Information
- FY 2000 Funding Information
- FY 1997-1999 Grant History
- HOPE VI Appropriations
- Program Authority and Funding History
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