Fiscal Year 2003 Funding Information

    Neighborhood Networks Notice of Funding Availability

    This NOFA announces the availability of approximately $5 Million in Fiscal Year (FY) 2003 funds to implement and expand a Neighborhood Networks program in support of public housing agency-owned (PHA) affordable housing. Eligible applicants include, and are limited to, current HOPE VI Revitalization grantees. Eligible applicants include all PHAs that are carrying out HOPE VI revitalization programs for severely distressed public housing, including economic development activities that promote the economic self-sufficiency of residents under the revitalization program in accordance with Section 24(d)(1)(G) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437, et seq.). Applications are due September 8, 2004.

     -   Neighborhood Networks NOFA and Instructions to Applicants
     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI Neighborhood Network Grant Awards

    Revitalization Grants and Demolition Grants Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

    This NOFA announces the availability of 2003 HOPE VI funds. Applications from public housing authorities (PHAs) for Revitalization grants were due on January 20, 2004. Demolition grant applications will be accepted from January 5, 2004 through February 18, 2004.

    The 2003 HOPE VI funding is distributed in this way:

    • $447.75 million is available for the HOPE VI Revitalization Program.
    • $40 million is available for the HOPE VI Demolition Program.
    • The remaining $86.2 million in funding will be used to support other activities related to implementing the HOPE VI grants, such as creating Neighborhood Networks centers at the new developments; funding the cost of Housing Choice Vouchers that will be used for relocating residents; and providing technical assistance to PHAs that are awarded 2003 grants.
     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI Demolition grants competition Reopened
     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI NOFA
     -   Correction of application deadline
     -   Technical Corrections

    Revitalization Grants

     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI Revitalization Grant Awards
     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI Revitalization Grant Agreement
     -   Exhibit A: HOPE VI Grant Agreement For-Profit Subgrantee and Contractor Certifications and Assurances
     -   Exhibit B: HOPE VI Grant Agreement Non-Profit Subgrantee and Contractor Certifications and Assurances
     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI Revitalization Grant Applicants
     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI Revitalization Application Kit
     -   Frequently Asked Questions

    Demolition Grants

     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI Demolition Grant Awards
     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI Demolition Grant Agreement
     -   Exhibit A: HOPE VI Grant Agreement For-Profit Subgrantee and Contractor Certifications and Assurances
     -   Exhibit B: HOPE VI Grant Agreement Non-Profit Subgrantee and Contractor Certifications and Assurances
     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI Demolition Grant Applicants
     -   FY 2003 HOPE VI Demolition Grant Application (MS-Word, 10 pages)
     -   2nd Round Frequently Asked Questions