PHA Plan Non-Qualified PHAs

    Five year Plan

    All PHAs that do not meet the definition of a "qualified" agency must submit a five year plan every fifth year. The Five Year Plan comprises mission, goals and objectives including Violence Against Women provisions. The Five Year Plan is based on fiscal year beginning dates. For example, a five year plan submitted for fiscal year beginning 10/1/2010 will cover the PHAs fiscal years beginning in 2010-2014. The next five year plan would be due for FYB 10/1/2015.

    Annual Plan

    Non-qualified PHAs are required to submit an annual plan each year, 75 days before the beginning of the PHA fiscal year. The annual plan covers:

    1. Statement of housing needs
    2. Deconcentration Policy, waiting list, and other policies that govern eligibility, selection, and admissions.
    3. Financial resources
    4. Rent determination policies
    5. Operation and management
    6. Grievance Procedure
    7. Capital Improvements
    8. Demolition and Disposition
    9. Designation of housing for elderly and disabled
    10. Conversion of public housing both mandatory and voluntary
    11. Homeownership programs
    12. Community service and self-sufficiency
    13. Safety and crime prevention measures
    14. Pet Ownership in public housing
    15. Civil Rights Certification
    16. Annual audit results
    17. Asset Management
    18. Violence Against Women Act requirements
    19. Other information
      1. Progress in meeting the mission and goals of the 5-Year plan.
      2. Definition of significant amendment and substantial deviation
      3. Any other information requested by HUD

    PHAs are required to electronically upload its plan to the PHA Plan website using form HUD-50075. Because many of the plan components are incorporated by reference, it is essential that PHAs maintain at its office full documentation of each item noted above along with supporting documentation.

    Streamlined PHA Plans

    Resident Advisory Board

    Each non-qualified PHA must establish one or more Resident Advisory Boards whose membership consists of individuals that reflect and represent the residents assisted by the PHA. Specific guidance on how to establish a Resident Advisory Board is located in 24 CFR 903.13. The purpose of the Resident Advisory Board(s) is to assist and make recommendation regarding the development of the PHA Plan as well as any significant amendment or modification to the PHA Plan. PHAs must allocate reasonable resources to assure the effective functioning of Resident Advisory Boards. Resident Advisory Boards must become informed on programs covered by the PHA Plan, and to communicate and hold meetings with assisted families as well as access information regarding covered programs on the internet.

    Public Hearing

    Non-qualified PHAs must conduct an annual public hearing on the PHA Plan. No later than 45 days before the date of the public hearing, the PHA shall :

    1. Make the proposed PHA Plan and all information relevant to the hearing and proposed plan available for inspection by the public at the principal office of the PHA during normal business hours; and
    2. Publish a notice informing the public that
    • The information is available for public review; and
    • A public hearing will be conducted including time, date, and location.

    Public Display Requirements

    At a minimum, the PHA Plans, including any attachments, and supporting documents must be available for inspection by the public at the principal office of the PHA during normal business hours, both during the public review period prior to the board hearing and submission to HUD and after HUD approval of the PHA Plan. HUD strongly encourages PHA to make the PHA Plans, attachments, and supporting documentation available on the agency website for easy access by the public.

    Consistency with the Consolidated Plan

    The State or local certification of consistency must be made by the appropriate state or local officials that the PHA Plan is consistent with the Consolidated Plan(s). If the PHA is located in more than one jurisdiction, it must include a certification from each appropriate official. PHAs must use form HUD-50077SL for this statement.