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National Best Practice Webinars
Highlights of Urban Indian Housing Projects (April 15, 2024)
Webinar Series on Manufactured Housing HUD sponsored a four-part webinar series with information about the upcoming PRICE competitive grant program. It featured presentations from both experts and experienced grantees to help increase understanding of how manufactured housing can be a sustainable solution to meeting a community’s affordable housing needs.
Manufactured Housing and Tribal Communities (December 6, 2023)
HUD/DOE Webinar: Federal Incentives and Support for Tribal Housing Energy Projects (October 26, 2023)
Hear case studies of past Tribal housing energy projects and learn about available federal support including free technical assistance, incentives, rebates, and more.
HUD/Treasury Webinar: Climate Resilience, Energy Efficiency, and Renewables (August 31, 2023)
Gender Based Violence Against Indigenous Women and Marginalized Genders
Gender Based Violence: An Overview for Tribes and TDHEs (July 17, 2023)
Gender Based Violence: Best Practices and Policy Recommendations from the Voices of Survivors (July 26, 2023)
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Tallawhalt II Section 184 Homeownership Project (March 28, 2023)
Section 184 Skilled Workers Demonstration Program for Tribes and TDHEs (April 6, 2023)
Chickasaw Nation Construction-Related Employment and Training Programs (October 5, 2022)
Minnesota Tribal Collaborative to Prevent and End Homelessness (January 28, 2021)
Blackfeet Housing's Glacier Heights Tribal HUD-VASH and Homeownership Development (March 4, 2020)
Housing Authority of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma's Service Coordination Model (September 25, 2019)
Bering Strait's Regional Housing Authority's Title VI construction project in Savoonga, AK (May 23, 2019)
San Felipe Pueblo's Black Mesa Subdivision, a 150-unit homeownership subdivision. (December 6, 2018)
Lummi Nation Housing Authority's Sche’Lang’En (Our Way of Life) Village, a 45-unit gated Transformational Housing with supportive services located in Bellingham, WA. (September 18, 2018)
Joint Agency Webinars
ONAP Joint Webinar on Federal Resources for Tribal Economic Development In Partnership with Administration for Native Americans, Department of Interior Office of Economic Development, and the Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration. (June 2, 2022)
- Slides - In order of presentation: Economic Development Administration; DOI Office of Economic Development; Administration for Native Americans, and HUD/ONAP's Indian Community Development Block Grant
- Federal Resources Funding Matrix
- Recording
Administration for Children and Families and ONAP Joint Webinar on Partnerships Serving Homeless American Indian and Alaska Native Youth featuring Dena'Ina House (Anchorage, AK) and SHÉIYI XAAT HÍT (Juneau, AK) (March 10, 2022)
- Power Point and Recorded Webinar
- Administration for Children and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau Runaway and Homeless Youth Program Fact Sheet
Treasury/ONAP webinar on the Emergency Rental Assistance Program for Tribes and TDHEs - Includes Promising Practices by Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority, Housing Authority of the Cherokee Nation, Northern Ponca Housing Authority, and Northern Arapaho Tribal Housing (July 27, 2021)
Opportunity Zones
Opportunity Zones 101 (February 20, 2020)
Opportunity Zones 102 (May 19, 2021)
National Best Practice Webinar on IHBG-CARES featuring the Spokane Indian Housing Authority, Omaha Nation Housing Authority, and National Center for Indian Enterprise Development (August 27, 2020)
IHBG-CARES Webinar Series Module 1: IHBG-CARES Act Overview (April 1, 2021)
National Best Practice Webinar on IHBG-CARES- Muckleshoot Housing Authority and Salish and Kootenai Housing Authority (May 13, 2021)
IHBG-CARES Webinar Series Module 2; Addressing Community and Housing Safety Needs (June 16, 2021)
IHBG-CARES Webinar Series Module 3: Managing Your Housing Department and TDHE (November 16, 2021)
CDC Eviction Moratorium
CDC Eviction Moratorium and Eviction Prevention Resources webinar (June 17, 2021)
Best Practice by Region
Alaska |
Yukon-Koyukuk Elder Assisted Living Consortium Assisted Living for Elders For complete project summary, click here. |
Chickaloon Native Village Rental Housing Development For complete project summary, click here. |
Tagiugmiullu Nunamiullu Housing Authority Sustainable Northern Shelter For complete project summary, click here. |
Eastern Woodlands |
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Housing Authority Infrastructure Development For complete project summary, click . here |
Northwest |
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Rental unit housing for elders and families For complete project summary, click here. |
Spokane Tribe of Indians Housing Authority Rental Housing Development/Rehabilitation, Community Facility For complete project summary, click here. |
Southwest |
Gila River Indian Community Rental Housing Development For complete project summary, click here. |
Karuk Tribe Rental Housing Development For complete project summary, click here. |
Pascua Yaqui Tribe and Yavapai-Apache Nation Rental Housing Development For complete project summary, click here. |
San Carlos Apache Tribe Housing Rehab For complete project summary, click here. |
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Infrastructure and Rental Housing Development For complete project summary, click here. |
Southern Plains |
Absentee Shawnee Tribe (AST) Brownfields Clean-Up Site For complete project summary, click here |
Absentee Shawnee Tribe (AST) Student Design Competition For complete project summary, click here |
Absentee Shawnee Tribe (AST) Purchasing of Excess Government Equipment For complete project summary, click here |
Cherokee Nation Small business incubator For complete project summary, click here. |
Cherokee Nation Environmental Practices / Historic Homes For complete project summary, click here. |
Chickasaw Nation Chikasha House hospitality house for family members/caregivers traveling with patients at Chickasaw Nation Medical Center (CNMC) For complete project summary, click here |
Chickasaw Nation Sick Child Care Center For complete project summary, click here |
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas Rental Housing and Community Facilities For complete project summary, click here. |
Sac and Fox of Oklahoma Housing Authority Apartment Housing For complete project summary, click here. |
Additional Best Practices
The links below provide additional best practice information. ONAP provides these resources for public benefit and is not responsible for the content.
PD&R’s latest publication explores housing issues in Indian Country with a focus on tribal self-determination.
Evidence Matters | Transforming Knowledge Into Housing and Community Development Policy, Spring 2015 - Report explores housing issues in Indian Country with a focus on tribal self-determination. Includes articles on the development and implementation of federal policies that empower tribal self-determination in housing policy, federal and tribal initiatives to improve data concerning Native American populations and examines how tribal communities have addressed unique barriers to homeownership. Featured tribal communities include: the Cook Inlet Housing Authority, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Native Village of Kwinhagak, Navajo Nation Housing Authority, Thunder Valley Development Corporation of South Dakota, the Ho-Chunk Community Development Corporation, and the Lumbee Tribe.
In this Issue:
- Obstacles, Solutions, and Self-Determination in Indian Housing Policy
- Who Counts? Identifying Native American Populations
- Local Initiatives Promote Homeownership in Indian Country
- Additional Resources
Best Practices in Tribal Housing – Case Studies 2013
A Report by the Sustainable Native Communities Collaborative, an initiative of Enterprise Community Partners.
HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) developed the Sustainable Construction in Indian Country Initiative. The Initiative seeks to promote and support sustainable construction practices in Native communities, helping tribes to provide their members with healthier, more comfortable, and more resource-efficient homes. The related website contains best practices, case studies, and videos of different sustainable building practices and projects throughout Indian Country.
PD&R’s Final Report Sustainable Construction in Indian Country Initiative May 2011-May 2013.