The Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) is committed to working with our public housing agency (PHA) partners to expand opportunities for individuals and families to access quality affordable rental homes.
The Department recognizes the importance of ending and preventing homelessness. This is why the Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) and the Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) have teamed up to develop cross-cutting, cross-programmatic tools and resources to encourage and support our local public housing authorities (PHAs) and Continuums of Care (CoCs) in developing effective partnerships at the community level.
- Notice PIH 2023-13 - Guidance on housing individuals and families experiencing homelessness through the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Programs. (This supersedes Notice PIH 2013-15)
- Housing Choice Voucher FAQs
- Ending Homelessness through the Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing Programs - Staff from PIH present information related to the Notice.
- Special Purpose Vouchers Fact Sheet
Special Purpose Voucher Programs
- HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Program
- Notice PIH 2023-22 (HA) – 2023 Summer Registration of Interest for HUD-VASH Vouchers (the application deadline was September 15, 2023)
- Notice PIH 2022-25 – Voluntary Reallocation or Recapture of HUD-VASH Vouchers
- HUD-VASH Overview – This page provides tools and resources for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) implementing the HUD-VASH program.
- Stability Voucher Program
- Notice PIH 2022-24 (HA) – This notice explains HUD’s non-competitive allocation strategy and program requirements for the new Stability Voucher program.
- Stability Voucher Kickoff Webinar – This webinar provides an overview of Notice PIH 2022-24: Stability Voucher Program and covers frequently asked questions regarding program implementation.
- Mainstream Program
- Notice PIH 2022-31 – Non-Competitive Opportunity for Additional Vouchers Authorized by the CARES Act and Extraordinary Administrative Funding (update to Notice PIH 2022-07)
- Mainstream FAQs (May 2023)
- Emergency Housing Voucher Program
- Emergency Housing Vouchers: A How-to Guide for Public Housing Agencies – This document provides an overview of Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) operating requirements, outlines considerations for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) in the design of their EHV programs and highlights best practices in program implementation.
- Notice PIH 2023-31 – Revocation and Reallocation of Emergency Housing Voucher Awards CY2024 (amends Section 4 of Notice PIH 2022-06)
- EHV Waivers and Alternative Requirements: Summary Checklist
- Foster Youth to Independence Program (FYI)
- Notice PIH 2023-04 – Foster Youth to Independence Initiative (supersedes Notice PIH 2021-26)
- Overview of Notice PIH 2023-04 and FYI Form Submission Process
- Family Unification Program (FUP)
- 2022 FUP NOFO: The 2022 FUP NOFO was published on Grants.gov on April 25, 2023 (The application deadline was May 25, 2023).
- FUP Fact Sheet
Moving on Strategy
Moving On strategies focus on clients in permanent supportive housing (PSH) who may no longer need or want the intensive services offered but continue to need rental assistance to maintain their housing. This approach relies on partnerships between the Continuum of Care (CoC), PSH providers, and mainstream housing programs, such as Public Housing, the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, and HUD-funded Multifamily housing providers.
- Resources, tools and best practice examples to help implement a successful Moving On strategy - These resources include resource inventory tools, guidebooks, case-studies, and lessons learned from other communities who have implemented a Moving On strategy.
- Public Housing Agency Moving On How-To Guide - This guide helps PHAs understand how to get involved with Moving On efforts and how such efforts can benefit their agency and the wider community
- Moving On Webinar Series
Additional Resources
- USICH's Federal Homeless Research Agenda – This agenda offers a roadmap to those committed to understanding successful ways to prevent and end homelessness in the United States. (November 2023)
- USICH's PHA Guidebook to Ending Homelessness - The USICH PHA Guidebook provides guidance and best practices PHAs can use to strengthen their collaborative efforts.
- Study of PHA's Efforts to Serve the Homeless (YouTube Video) - Presentation of the findings from the HUD-commissioned Study on PHA Efforts to Serve People Experiencing Homelessness in the Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing programs.
- Abt's PowerPoint Presentation of Study Findings (MS-PowerPoint)
- PHA 101 for CoCs Webinar – Staff from PIH provide an overview of the basics about PHAs and the programs administered by HUD's PIH.
- CoC 101 for PHAs Webinar – Staff from PIH and CPD provide an overview of the basics about PHAs and the programs administered by HUD's PIH.
- CoC and PHA Collaboration: Strategies for CoCs to Start the Partnership Conversation - This guidance document provides CoCs with preliminary strategies and tips for starting or improving the partnership conversation and engaging their local PHA(s) in collaborative planning activities.
- Read PIT and HIC Guides, Tools, and Webinars
- Learn about HOPE VI’s Resources for Community and Supportive Services
- Learn about Homelessness Assistance Programs from HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development
- Learn about Tools for PHA and CoC Collaboration to End Homelessness
- Learn about USICH Federal Strategic Plan for Ending Homelessness
- Learn about PIH Listening Sessions
- PHA Strategies to Assist People Experiencing Homelessness Guidebook (September 2021)
- How PHAs Can Assist People Experiencing Homelessness Webinar (October 2021)
- Housing Mobility Toolkit – This toolkit offers a variety of examples and sample materials for Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and their partners to adopt and implement a Housing Mobility Program in their community.
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