HUD-VASH Vouchers
    A rental assistance program for homeless Veterans

    Are you a veteran looking for housing assistance? Contact a VA medical center near you and mention your interest in HUD-VASH, or find instructions for contacting the National Homeless Veteran Call Center here.

    Are you a landlord interested in renting to veterans? Contact the local public housing authority to share information about upcoming unit vacancies. Find general resources for landlords participating in the HCV program here.


    The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program combines HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA provides these services for participating Veterans at VA medical centers (VAMCs), community-based outreach clinics (CBOCs), through VA contractors, or through other VA designated entities.

    (NEW) Total HUD-VASH Awards (2008-2024)

    Congress has appropriated additional funding for new HUD-VASH vouchers every year since 2008:

    Each year, HUD and VA have collaboratively awarded HUD-VASH vouchers based on current geographic need and public housing agency (PHA) performance. Since 2017, the allocation process for awarding HUD-VASH vouchers has changed to allow PHAs to self-identify their interest in the program. HUD publishes an annual HUD-VASH Registration of Interest Notice containing detailed instructions that PHAs must follow if they are interested in receiving a portion of the available HUD-VASH vouchers. PHAs must have the support of a partnering VA facility and meet any utilization threshold requirements to be eligible for an award. After the registration period has closed, HUD and VA use a formula to determine relative need, and ultimately invite eligible PHAs to apply for a specific number of HUD-VASH vouchers. The associated funding awarded for HUD-VASH vouchers is determined by the actual average per unit cost (PUC) at each PHA.

    There is at least one PHA currently administering HUD-VASH in each of the 50 states, in the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam.

    HUD-VASH vouchers are renewed based on actual PHA leasing along with all other housing choice vouchers (HCV). Details of annual renewal funding and potential set-side fund opportunities can be found in the annual HCV Funding Notice.

    Generally, the HUD-VASH program is administered in accordance with regular HCV and PBV program requirements (24 CFR Section 982 and 983 respectively). However, the 2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act (Public Law 110-161) allows HUD to waive or specify alternative requirements for any provision of any statute or regulation affecting the HCV program in order to effectively deliver and administer HUD-VASH voucher assistance. The alternative requirements are established in the HUD-VASH Operating Requirements (including the waivers and alternative requirements from HCV program rules), which were published in the Federal Register on May 6, 2008, and updated March 23, 2012,and updated again September 27, 2021. PHAs may also seek individual HUD-VASH waivers through the regular Field Office waiver process as detailed in Notice PIH 2018-16  or any superseding notice.

    Funding Opportunities


    (NEW) 2024 HUD-VASH Awards List by PHA: HUD, in coordination with the VA, awarded approximately $39.6 million for 3,466 additional HUD-VASH vouchers under Notice PIH 2024-18

    (CLOSED) PIH Notice 2024-18: FY2024 Registration of Interest for HUD-VASH Vouchers

    (CLOSED) FY2024 Registration of Interest for HUD-VASH Vouchers Online Form

    (NEW) HUD-VASH Additional Administrative Fee Awards List: HUD awarded approximately $20 million to 245 HUD-VASH PHAs under Notice PIH 2024-10 on August 8, 2024

    (CLOSED) Notice PIH 2024-10: Additional Administrative Fees for HUD-VASH

    (CLOSED) Additional Administrative Fees for HUD-VASH Online Form

    (CLOSED) PIH Notice 2023-22:  FY2023 Summer Registration of Interest for HUD-VASH Vouchers

    (CLOSED) FY2023 Summer Registration of Interest for HUD-VASH Vouchers Overview PowerPoint

    (CLOSED) FY2023 Summer Registration of Interest for HUD-VASH Vouchers Online Form

    Are you a veteran looking for housing assistance? Contact a VA medical center near you and mention your interest in HUD-VASH, or find instructions for contacting the National Homeless Veteran Call Center here.

    Notices and Guidance

    • Notice PIH 2017-21: Implementation Guidance: Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) HOTMA authorizes PHAs to project-based HUD-VASH vouchers without requiring additional HUD approval. This notice supersedes HUD-VASH PBV notice PIH 2015–10. Specific requirements for HUD-VASH PBV can be found in Attachment M.
    • Notice PIH 2011-53: Reporting and Portability Requirements for the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Program. The purpose of this notice is to revise and extend PIH Notice 2010-12. The revisions occur in section 2 (Operating Requirements) regarding Moving to Work (MTW) agencies, section 2.b. (Leasing and Ongoing Reporting) regarding portability, and section 3.d. (PHA Tracking) regarding Voucher Management System (VMS) reporting.
    • Portability Attachment: This document may be attached to form HUD-52665, Family Portability Information, in cases where the HUD-VASH family is moving to another PHA's jurisdiction, but the family's case management services will be provided by the initial PHA's partnering VAMC.
    • PIH 2008-37: Reporting Requirements for the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program.
    • HUD-VASH Questions and Answers: These Qs & As serve as a supplement to the HUD-VASH Operating Requirements published in the Federal Register on May 6 and 19, 2008.

    Tools and Resources (including webinars)

    • (NEW) HUD-VASH Revised Operating Requirements Webinar: Below are the slides and video recordings for the HUD-VASH webinar held on August 21, 2024.
    • HUD-VASH Leasing Schedule Templates: The first document below provides leasing schedule templates that partnering PHAs and VAMCs have the option of using for their 12-month leasing schedules. The second document provides template instructions and a glossary of terms used in the templates.


      Find information on HUD-VASH awards using the HCV Data Dashboard. Navigate to the pages titled SPV Report and SPV as % of HCV Program.

      Total HUD-VASH Awards (2008-2024)