Office of Budget and Financial Management
Develops, presents, and executes the program and administrative budget which support PIH requirements.
Budget and Program Review Division
Budget and Administrative Division
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Field Operations
PIH's Office of Field Operations (OFO) is the focal point for field oversight and regional management and oversees the following offices and networks:
Administrative Operations Division
The Administrative Operations Division provides a range of administrative support services to OFO including strategic planning, systems and data analysis, monitoring, budget, records management, and workforce planning and staffing.
Office of Prevention, Recovery, and Transformation
The Office of Prevention,Recovery, and Transformation (PRT) is responsible for implementing policies and procedures related to HUD’s receiverships and monitorships, substantial default, troubled and substandard agencies, financial insolvency, governance, and repositioning. The team’s primary role is to provide advice, consultation, and support to field offices and delegated administrators in the recovery and sustainability of public housing agency (PHA) performance.
Coordination and Compliance Division
The Coordination and Compliance Division (CCD) acts as a liaison between headquarters and field offices on OFO’s interoffice actions, including coordination with program offices on policy development, clearance documents, audits, repayment agreements, correspondence, disaster management, and waivers. It also manages the dissemination of technical assistance funds to assist field offices in meeting PIH priorities, develops resources and tools, and assists with the development and coordination of technical assistance for the Public Housing and the Housing Choice Voucher Programs. The team also tracks progress on HCV utilization and public housing occupancy goals identified in HUD’s Strategic Plan.
Regional Networks and Field Offices
PIH field offices are divided into networks, each led by a Regional Public Housing Director. Under the guidance of the Regional Director, a Public Housing Director manages each field office. The field office serves as the primary point of contact for PHAs and public housing residents, applicants, and interested parties in its jurisdiction. Its responsibilities include providing technical assistance, evaluating PHA performing, and monitoring.
Grant Management Center (GMC)
Processes, reviews and awards categorical grants, determines formula grant allocations and supports the public housing operating subsidy.
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Native American Programs
ONAP ensures that safe, decent and affordable housing is available to Native American families, creates economic opportunities for Tribes and Indian housing residents, assists Tribes in the formulation of plans and strategies for community development, and assures fiscal integrity in the operation of the programs.
Office of Planning, Resource Management and Administrative Services
Administrative Services Division
Correspondence Unit
Audits, Evaluations & Risk Mgmt. Division
Provides financial oversight and the evaluation of the programs developed by Assistant Secretary for PIH.
Resource Management Division
Training DivisionOffice of Procurement and Contract Services
Provides the Assistant Secretary for PIH with technical advice and guidance for a broad range of contracted activities.
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing and Voucher Programs
Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs The Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs develops national policy, and provides funding and program direction for public housing and housing voucher programs. The Deputy Assistant Secretary, who also serves as Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, directs the Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Activities for the programs administered by the office average approximately $18 billion annually. Approximately 183 Headquarters staff members are involved in the execution of housing program delivery for both public housing and housing voucher programs.
Office of Housing Voucher Programs
The Office of Housing Voucher Programs develops and monitors national policies, procedures, standards, methods and administrative requirements for PHAs and non-profit organizations administering voucher and moderate rehabilitation programs. Program activities include responsibility for the program monitoring and evaluation, budget formulation and execution, and development of management information systems to support housing vouchers programs. This office oversees the financial operations of the moderate rehabilitation, housing choice and special purpose voucher programs and grants.
Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division
The Housing Voucher Financial Management and Operations Division is responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating policies, standards and procedures for maintaining compliant performance and best practices by public housing agencies and for the administration of tenant-based housing voucher programs. The Division develops and supplies training and technical assistance, and produces regulations and guidance for monitoring and improving the delivery of public housing voucher programs.
Financial Management Center
The Financial Management Center processes housing voucher budgets, payment schedules and year-end statements for PHAs and Housing Administrators to: ensure consistency of program application and timeliness of funding delivery; ensure accountability and the prudent administration of public funds; and provide high quality financial management services to our internal and external clients in accordance with Departmental Policy.
Housing Voucher Financial Management Division
The Housing Voucher Financial Management Division develops and implements national policy for HUD Headquarters and field staff, the Financial Management Center staff and PHAs with respect to funding and financial management activities for the housing voucher and moderate rehabilitation programs.
Office of Public Housing Programs
The Office of Public Housing Programs supports the interests of taxpayers and low- income families by policies and programs that provide access to housing and resources where local flexibility is granted to meet local needs. To perform its function the office develops and monitors national policies, procedures, standards, methods and administrative requirements for public housing programs.
Public Housing Management and Occupancy Division
The Public Housing Management and Occupancy Division develops occupancy and management policies, standards and procedures pertaining to methods and administrative requirements for public housing management and operations. The scope of activities for the Division includes the areas of public housing management, maintenance, procurement, utilities and tracking and analyzing multifamily tenant characteristics for occupants of public housing. The Division also supports Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project (RHIIPs) initiatives for public housing and voucher programs related to ensuring accurate income and rent policies and monitoring activities.
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing Investments
Capital Improvements
Administers the Capital Fund program which provides funding to PHAs for development, financing, modernization, and management improvements.
Special Applications Center
Receives and process applications for non-funded, non-competitive activities such as demolition and dispositions, designated housing, eminent domain, homeownership and conversion of public housing developments to tenant based programs.
Urban Revitalization (HOPE 6)
Transforms severely distressed public housing through the HOPE 6 program by changing the physical shape of public housing; establishing positive incentives for resident self-sufficiency; lessening concentrations of poverty; and forging partnerships to leverage support.
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Program and Legislative Initiatives
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Real Estate Assessment Center
Financial Management Division
Administers the Public Housing Operating Fund
Financial Assessment Division - Multifamily
Reviews financial statements to assess the financial condition of Multifamily properties and verifies compliance with HUD financial requirements.
Financial Assessment Division - PHA
Reviews financial statements to assess the financial condition of public housing properties and verifies compliance with HUD financial requirements.
Financial Assessment - Quality Assurance Division
Perform Quality Assurance Reviews of auditors and CPAs that conduct audits of PHAs, Tribes, TDHE's and Multifamily property owners to verify compliance with accounting/auditing standards, AICPA standards and GASB requirements.
Information Management Division
In coordination with the CIO, oversees the development, implementation and maintenance of automated systems to meet PIH information needs.
Integrated Assessment Division
Creates the overall Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) score, performs quality assurance function for 4 subsystems included in the PHAS.
Management Assessment Division
Reviews key management operations indicators of a PHA for the purpose of assessing the PHA's management capabilities.
Management Operations Division
In coordination with PIH-PRMAS, provides administrative services to support REAC staff and operations at the Potomac Center.
Physical Inspection - Operations Division
Perform physical inspections of public housing and Multifamily properties to ensure that HUD assisted properties provide decent safe and sanitary housing for residents.
Physical Inspection - Quality Assurance Division
Perform Quality Assurance reviews of contract inspectors to assure that physical inspections are conducted according to the UPCS protocol.
Physical Inspection - Inspector Administration Division
Reviews performance and conduct of inspectors referred by QA Division or based upon comments/complaints received. Issues performance deficiencies and takes appropriate action to decertify inspectors as required.
Research and Development Division
Monitors and analyzes information generated from assessment subsystems; creates Inspector Report Card; provides analytical support and reports; and generates quarterly reports on Annual Performance Plan progress.
Resident Assessment Division
Conducts survey of residents to determine level of satisfaction with public housing living conditions.
- Office of Budget and Financial Management
- Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Field Operations
- Grant Management Center (GMC)
- Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Native American Programs
- Office of Planning, Resource Management and Administrative Services
- Office of Procurement and Contract Services
- Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing and Voucher Programs
- Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing Investments
- Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Program and Legislative Initiatives
- Office of Prevention, Recovery, and Transformation
- Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Real Estate Assessment Center
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