TAC Snippets

    These "snippets" are brought to you by the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Each "snippet" completes the sentence starter "Did you know..." with a fact that users may find helpful.

    Did you know...

     -   you can generate ad hoc reports in PIC by following these steps?
     -   HUD/OIG Users can request PIC access by emailing OIGUserAccessRequest@hudoig.gov?
     -   PHAs can update the bedroom count for a development by doing the following?
     -   if you are using FRS and trying to submit a Form 50058 and you receive Error Code 6046 and you get an Invalid Record Length, you can do the following?

    Did you know… you can generate ad hoc reports in PIC by following these steps?

    1. Login to PIC.
    2. Under ADHOC, click Form 50058 ad hoc report.
    3. Use drop down menus to find HUB, Field Office and Housing Authority and then click select after each.
    4. Select the Program Type.
    5. Click Continue at the bottom.
    6. Click on the Type of Action (for example: New Admission).
    7. Click on Effective or Update Date of Action.
    8. Enter beginning and ending date for the report.
    9. Click Go to Field Selection.
    10. In View Report, select the Fields for the report (for example, HOH, PHA Code, and effective date).
    11. Click "Continue" to add more fields or "Generate" to run the report.
    12. Click Download in Excel.
    13. Scroll down and click on the Excel download link at the bottom.
    14. Click Save and save file to your desktop. (The file name should include the PHA Code.)
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    Did you know… HUD/OIG Users can request PIC access by emailing OIGUserAccessRequest@hudoig.gov?

    All other HUD Users can call the Technical Assistance Center at 1-888-245-4860 and our TAC PIC Team Lead will be happy to help you.

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    Did you know… PHAs can update the bedroom count for a development by doing the following?

    1. In PIC, Go to Housing Inventory Module.
    2. Click on Development Sub Module and select the development number in the pull-down list.
    3. Click on Unit Tab at the top of the page.
    4. Click on Unit Number.
    5. Enter the correct bedroom count. (Designated Elderly units may not have more than 2 bedrooms.)
    6. Click Save on the lower right.
    7. Submit the data in IMS-PIC to the Field Office for approval.
    8. Approved updates do not appear in Cap Fund database for 24 hours.
      NOTE: If you encounter errors that cannot be corrected by the PHA or the Local Field Office PIC Coaches, call the Technical Assistance Center at 1-888-245-4860.
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    Did you know... if you are using FRS and trying to submit a Form 50058 and you receive Error Code 6046 and you get an Invalid Record Length, you can do the following?

    1. Login to your FRS software.
    2. Click on Help and then About FRS.
    3. The version date of FRS software being used will be displayed.
    4. If the version is not 4.0, or the date is prior to May 2009, you will need to install the latest FRS 4.0 Patch Update.
    5. To install the patch, back up all tenant files in your FRS software.
    6. Install the patch by going to http://www.hud.gov/offices/pih/systems/pic/50058/frs/
    7. Click on Download FRS 4.0 Patch Program and follow instructions to install it.