"snippets" are brought to you by the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Each "snippet"
completes the sentence starter "Did you know..." with a fact that users may
find helpful.
Did you know...
Did you know you can generate ad hoc reports in PIC by following these steps?
- Login to PIC.
- Under ADHOC, click Form 50058 ad hoc report.
- Use drop down menus to find HUB, Field Office and Housing Authority and then click select after each.
- Select the Program Type.
- Click Continue at the bottom.
- Click on the Type of Action (for example: New Admission).
- Click on Effective or Update Date of Action.
- Enter beginning and ending date for the report.
- Click Go to Field Selection.
- In View Report,
select the Fields for the report (for example, HOH, PHA Code, and effective date).
- Click "Continue" to add more fields or "Generate"
to run the report.
- Click Download in Excel.
- Scroll
down and click on the Excel download link at the bottom.
- Click Save and save file to your desktop. (The file name should include the PHA Code.)

Did you know HUD/OIG Users can request PIC access by emailing
All other HUD Users can call the Technical Assistance Center at 1-888-245-4860 and our TAC PIC Team Lead will be happy to help you.

Did you know PHAs can update the bedroom count for a development by doing the following?
- In PIC, Go to Housing Inventory Module.
- Click on Development Sub Module and select the development number in the pull-down list.
- Click on Unit Tab at the top of the page.
- Click on Unit Number.
- Enter the correct bedroom count.
(Designated Elderly units may not have more than 2 bedrooms.)
- Click
Save on the lower right.
- Submit the data in IMS-PIC to the Field
Office for approval.
- Approved updates do not appear in Cap Fund
database for 24 hours.
NOTE: If you encounter errors that cannot be corrected by the PHA or the Local Field Office PIC Coaches, call the Technical Assistance Center at 1-888-245-4860.

Did you know... if you are using FRS and trying to submit a Form 50058 and you receive Error Code 6046 and you get an Invalid Record Length, you can do the following?
- Login to your FRS software.
- Click on Help and then About
- The version date of FRS software being used will be displayed.
- If the version is not 4.0, or the date is prior to May 2009, you will
need to install the latest FRS 4.0 Patch Update.
- To install the
patch, back up all tenant files in your FRS software.
- Install the
patch by going to
- Click on Download FRS 4.0 Patch Program and follow instructions to install it.
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