- How can I delete buildings and units?
- How do Inventory Removals work?
- Can I submit a paper Form 52860 (application for Inventory Removal)?
- What do I do with attachments to the application?
- Why does it list the old Executive Director?
- What access role do I need to prepare an application?
- What access role do I need to submit an application?
- Where do I enter the acreage to be sold?
- How do I select a building or unit for removal?
- How do I change the building counts after removals?
- When can I remove the units?
- How do I actually remove the units?
Browse Questions and Answers
How can I delete buildings and units?
Buildings and units can only be deleted in two ways:
- When existing buildings and units have reached the end of their useful life or are being transferred to new ownership, they are removed by application to the SAC in the Inventory Removals module, in accordance with regulations.
- If the data should never have been entered into PIC (duplication or data entry error), then the building and units may be deleted by a HUD Super User. Submit a request to the REAC TAC to have them removed. Provide justification because HUD does not normally delete anything in the building and unit inventory.
How do Inventory Removals work?
Inventory Removals are handled as follows:
- When the building is no longer economically or programmatically viable, the PHA applies in IMS/PIC to remove it from inventory.
- The Special Application Center (SAC) reviews and approves the removal request.
- The PHA removes the units (e.g., disposition or demolition). .
- The PHA marks the building and units as "Removed" in IMS/PIC with a removal date.
- The HUD field office approves the removal, at which time the units are removed and the totals and subtotals for buildings and units are recalculated.
- When all units in the development have been removed and the legal documentation has been completed to terminate the development, the development will be changed to "terminated" status in IMS/PIC by the Special Applications Center (SAC).
Can I submit a paper Form 52860 (Application for Inventory Removal)?
In general, you must use the Inventory Removals module to prepare and submit an electronic application to the Special Application Center (SAC). When technical problems make it impossible to submit electronically, the SAC may make an exception. This is at the discretion of the SAC Director.
What do I do with attachments to the application?
Every section of the electronic version of Form 52860 (Application for Inventory Removal) can accept electronic attachments (MS *.doc, *.xls, *.ppt, and *. rtf; scanned *.gif and *.bmp images and Adobe Acrobat *.pdf files; and *.txt files. Click the "Attach a document" link, enter a brief description of the document, click "Browse" to find the document on your PC, and click "Attach" to attach it. Anyone who can view the application can also download a copy of the document.
Why does it list the old Executive Director?
The Executive Director's name is taken from the "Housing Agency" module, "HA Contacts" tab. If this information is outdated, then the contact displayed in the "Inventory Removals" module will also be outdated. Before completing the Application for Inventory Removal, please ensure "HA Contacts" is up to date.
What access role do I need to prepare an application?
You must have an active account in IMS/PIC that has been assigned Edit role assigned in Inventory Removals.
What access role do I need to submit an application?
You need an active IMS/PIC account with the "Submit" role in Inventory Removals. HA staff members with "Edit" rights in Inventory Removals can help to prepare the application but cannot submit it.
Where do I enter the acreage to be sold?
The acreage can be added in the Development sub-module by HUD staff at any time prior to submitting the application or the acres to be disposed can be entered by an HA User in Section 5.A. of the Inventory Removal Application (Form 52860).
How do I select a building or unit for removal?
In the process of creating the application, Section 5 is where the building and/or units to be removed are listed. First, select the development(s) to be included in the application. Navigate to Section 5, and then click "Modify Section 5". Under "Proposed Action by Building Type" you can select buildings in the left pane and transfer them to the right pane to indicate they are to be removed. Under "Proposed Action by Unit Designation" you may similarly select individual units in the left pane and move them to the right pane. It is generally best to select buildings as long as the building will be removed all at once. For homeownership applications, use the Proposed Action by Unit Designation (so the units can be sold off separately).
How do I change the building counts after removals?
You do not change the building or unit counts. They are all recalculated automatically by IMS/PIC when the actual removals are approved by the HUD field office.
Once the application has been approved by the SAC, you may begin the removal process. HAs must follow the relevant regulations and directives concerning notifying and moving tenants before any removals may be done.
How do I actually remove the units?
For removals, the HA user navigates to the approved application and clicks the "Remove from Inventory" tab. There is a 3-step process: An HA user enters the proposed removals and then the Executive Director submits the completed transaction to the Field Office. The field office approves the transaction, which updates all subtotals and data archives.
- HA user accesses the Remove from Inventory tab in the Inventory Removals module. User selects the appropriate development. User adds a transaction to propose the removal of buildings/units from inventory. User enters an effective date for the transaction and then selects the buildings/units in the left pane to move to the right pane to be included with the transaction. (Note: The system enables you to cut multiple buildings/units from the available inventory box and paste them into the Proposed for Removal from Inventory box. You do not have to select the buildings/units individually.) User then clicks the Submission sub-tab and submits the transaction for review by the Executive Director. After submitting the transaction, the user cannot edit it unless it gets rejected by the HA Executive Director.
- The executive director (or designee with proper access), accesses the "Remove from Inventory" tab in the "Inventory Removals" module, selects the "Review" tab, and accepts or rejects the transaction. If accepted, the transaction goes to HUD for approval. If rejected, the transaction goes back to draft status for correction.
- Field office user with "approval" rights accesses the "Inventory Removals" module. Field officer user clicks the "Remove from Inventory" tab, selects a development, and clicks the "Approval" tab. User then selects transaction(s) to review and approves/rejects the transaction(s). If approved, the system will update all building and unit subtotals for the development and will archive the transaction in history tables.
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