Form 50058 Tenant ID Management FAQs - IMS/PIC


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    How do I get an Alternate ID?

    An HA User with appropriate access in Tenant ID Management can generate an Alternate ID by providing the required information about the individual (full name, gender, date and place of birth, ethnicity and race information, reason for no SSN, alien registration number (if applicable), declaration of 214 status, and noting what supporting documentation was presented, then clicking "Generate".

    When do I need an Alternate ID?

    The Alternate ID (AID) is applicable in two situations:

    1. When a person has no SSN and is housed but prorated out of the subsidy, the AID may be used indefinitely, provided other laws and regulations are not violated.

    2. When a person has no SSN or the SSN is indicated as Invalid by the Social Security Administration in the Invalid Tenant ID Report, then the temporary work around is to generate an AID and use it for a matter of months until the SSN problem can be sorted out.Using an AID removes access to Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) information for that individual and so should be short term.

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    Why do I sometimes but not always get a fatal error for an ID?

    Tenant ID Management is based on the principle that IMS/PIC will accept the suspect ID the first time it is received but will warn the user in a warning error and in the Invalid Tenant ID Report that the ID is either suspect or outright failed validation. When this happens the first time, it is just a warning error and a 4-month "grace" period goes into effect. During the grace period, there are no restrictions on reporting that household's data. However, if the ID remains invalid, at the end of the 4-month grace period, the household is flagged. Any further submissions for that household (except VOID or EOP) will receive a fatal error unless the flag has been removed. The way of removing the flag depends on the reason for the flag. The following chart shows the possibilities. Please bear in mind that there is a time lag of up to three months between the issuance of a social security number (SSN) in a local Social Security Administration (SSA) office and its subsequent appearance in the national SSA database against which IMS/PIC does the validity testing. This means that a valid SSN can fail validation for up to almost four months.

    Problem What it means Options to remove the "flag"
    'Algorithmically incorrect' in Invalid Tenant ID Report Member SSN failed the formula test when received 1. Wait for the monthly SSA comparison to remove the flag.
    2. Correct the SSN (SSN to SSN).
    3. Replace the suspect SSN with an AID (SSN to AID).
    'Invalid SSN' in Invalid Tenant ID Report Member SSN failed monthly data comparison at SSA 1. Correct the SSN (SSN to SSN).
    2. Replace the suspect SSN with an AID (SSN to AID).
    'Invalid Last Name' in Invalid Tenant ID Report Member SSN's last name did not match last name at SSA 1. Get last name changed by tenant at SSA or at PHA (if at PHA, then PHA submit name correction).
    2. Replace the SSN with an AID with correct name (SSN to AID).
    'Invalid DOB' (Date of Birth) in Invalid Tenant ID Report Member SSN's Date of Birth did not match DOB at SSA 1. Get DOB corrected by tenant at SSA or at PHA (if at PHA, then PHA submit DOB correction).
    2. Replace the SSN with an AID with correct DOB (SSN to AID).
    'Invalid Deceased' in Invalid Tenant ID Report Member's SSN is listed as deceased at SSA 1. Submit Form 50058 removing deceased member from household.
    2. If Head of Household deceased, submit change of HOH and remove deceased from household.
    'Invalid AID' in Invalid Tenant ID Report Member AID failed comparison of name and DOB with the data in the PHA's AID table 1. If the last name or DOB is different, correct the last name or DOB (only one or the other).
    2. Generate a new AID and replace the invalid AID with the new AID (AID to AID).
    'Duplicate Personal Data' in Possible Dup Tenant Report Member's name and DOB match the name and DOB of a member of another household in IMS/PIC 1. If they are the same person, one PHA must remove the tenant from the lease or do an EOP.
    2. If they are not the same person, each PHA certifies to that effect.
    'Duplicate ID' in Invalid Tenant ID Report Member's SSN or AID matches the SSN or AID of a member of another household 1. Wait for monthly SSA comparison to flag one or the other as "invalid" so it can get corrected. If yours, then correct it.
    2. Generate a new AID and replace the duplicate AID with the new AID (AID to AID).

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    Why do I get a fatal error for a valid SSN?

    There is a time lag of up to three months between the issuance of a social security number (SSN) in a local Social Security Administration (SSA) office and its subsequent appearance in the national SSA database against which IMS/PIC does the validity testing. This means that a valid SSN can fail validation for up to almost four months. HUD has no control over this time lag. The system will continue trying to validate the SSN each month until it is successful or the tenant's ID number is modified.

    Where can I find the tenants with invalid IDs?

    When the tenant IDs are first submitted, the Form 50058 Error Report will indicate a warning error for any new suspect SSNs or AIDs. Thereafter, these IDs will appear in the nightly updated Invalid Tenant ID Report in the Reports tab of the Tenant ID Management submodule until the problems are resolved.

    Where can I find the duplicate tenants?

    The Possible Dup Tenant Report, located in the Reports tab of the Tenant ID Management sub-module, lists all individuals with possible duplicate identities due to the same personal information (name, gender and birthdate) or duplicate identities due to duplicate ID numbers (SSN or AID). The report displays both individuals and indicates their agency's HA Code.

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    How can I certify a tenant as non-duplicate?

    If an individual is listed in the Possible Dup Tenant Report with "Duplicate Personal Information," you should conduct an appropriate investigation, typically with a call to the other agency to compare information. If you determine that the tenant is not a duplicated, you can access the Alternate ID tab in Tenant ID Management, click the Duplicates sub-tab on the right side, enter the Tenant ID or Last Name and click "Search." When the names appear, click your tenant's radio button, enter an explanation for your determination that they are not the same person, and then click "Remove". Until the other agency does the same, your tenant will appear in the report with the status of "Removed". When both (all, if more than two) agencies have clicked "Remove," the flags will be removed from the households and the names removed from the report (overnight.) They can then be processed normally.

    When and how can I replace a tenant ID?

    You can replace an Alternate ID (AID) with a Social Security Number (SSN) at any time. All other changes require that the invalid ID appear in the Invalid Tenant ID Report.

    What did my tenant ID replacement fail?

    Tenant ID replacements may fail for several reasons.

    1. Replacement fails because the ID is in use by someone in the system. Solution: Investigate whether the person is already in the system with the correct ID.

    2. ID was already replaced. It is a duplicate. No action required.

    3. No record found with this ID for correction. May be a duplicate already corrected or may be incorrect information about the old ID.

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    Can I replace the ID for any household member?

    Yes. You can replace an Alternate ID (AID) with a Social Security Number (SSN) at any time. All other ID issues must appear in one of the two ID reports: Invalid Tenant ID Report or Possible Dup Tenant Report, before you can replace them.

    What does "Invalid Alt ID" mean?

    It means that the personal information (First and last name, gender, or birthdate) does not match the personal information entered when the AID was generated. It is possible to correct errors in the personal information entered when the AID was generated. Or else generate a new Alt ID and use Alt ID to Alt ID convert the A ID to the new one.

    What does "Duplicate personal information" mean?

    It means two people in different household and perhaps different agencies have the same first and last names and birthdates. They may or may not be the same person. Agency officials must communicate with the other agency and compare known facts (physical description, present at both agencies at the same time, etc.) to determine whether the individuals are the same person. If they are not, each agency can certify that they are not the same person.

    What does "Duplicate ID" mean?

    The same ID number (SSN or AID) is being used in more than one household. This can never be true. Typically, the individual moved out of one unit and into another and the agency did not remove the person from the first lease. Other possibilities include user typographical error or fraud. In the case of shared custody, the child must be removed from the non-custodial parent's lease and added to the custodial parent's lease each time the child moves.

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    What does "algorithmically incorrect SSN" mean?

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) publishes an algorithm (formula) that defines all of the valid number combinations in effect for the month. All Social Security Numbers (SSNs) are tested upon receipt against the validation algorithm. If a SSN fails the algorithm, the user will get a warning error the first time it happens. This means the SSN in question is not in the valid range according to the current month's algorithm.

    How can I correct Alt ID personal information?

    In the Tenant ID Management sub-module, under the Alternate ID tab, click the Replace ID sub-tab. At the bottom of the list of radio button options, click the one labeled Other Data. Enter the Tenant AID and click Search. The system will display the data entered at the time the AID was generated. You can generally change one or two data elements (not all) and click "Save." If the data now agrees with the last Form 50058 submission, then the tenant will be removed from the Invalid Tenant ID Report overnight.

    How do I use the Possible Dup Tenant Report?

    The Possible Dup Tenant Report tells you if you have any household members that are possibly duplicated elsewhere. The other agency's possible duplicate is also listed in your report and your tenant is listed in the other agency's report. Both agencies must compare available information to determine whether or not the possible duplicates are the same person.

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    How do I use the Invalid Tenant ID Report?

    The Invalid Tenant ID Report displays all of the tenant IDs that have been found to be invalid for one of the reasons below. All validity problems must be corrected except time lag problems for newly issued Social Security Numbers.

    1. "Algorithmically Incorrect" Invalid SSN based on SSA validity formula. HUD uses a validity formula updated monthly by the SSA projecting which number groupings have been used or will be used during the month to assign SSNs.

    2. "Invalid SSN" Based on direct, monthly SSN validation by the SSA (direct comparison of last name, birthdate, and SSN with the national SSA files).

    3. "Invalid Last Name" Based on direct, monthly SSN validation by the SSA (direct comparison of last name, birthdate, and SSN with the national SSA files).

    4. "Invalid DOB" Based on direct, monthly SSN validation by the SSA (direct comparison of last name, birthdate, and SSN with the national SSA files.)

    5. "Invalid Deceased" Based on direct, monthly SSN validation by the SSA (direct comparison of last name, birthdate, and SSN with the national SSA files).

    6. "Invalid AID". Based on name and birth date validation against the AID assignment table. This will appear as "Invalid AID" in the "Invalid Tenant ID Report." Based on a direct comparison with the data provided at the time the AID was originally generated by the PHA.

    7. "Duplicate ID" . The same tenant ID (SSN or AID) in more than one current record. These duplicate tenant IDs will appear in the Possible Dup Tenant Report.

    8. "Duplicate Personal Data". Possible duplicate tenants based on having the same name and birth date in different PHAs. Two or more matching records in the Possible Dup Tenant Report. Based on a comparison of names and birthdates in current Form 50058 records.

    9. "Invalid Last Name" Based on a test of the contents of the last name field. If the last name contains numerals or illegal characters, it will be flagged as invalid. Upper and lower case letters, commas, periods, and hyphens are the only characters permitted in the last name.

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    How do I use the Tenant ID Modification Report?

    The purpose of the Tenant ID Modification Report is to provide a record of which ID modifications were processed successfully and which ones failed.

    Why not just give everyone an Alt ID?

    This would make it impossible to match income data for the household in Enterprise Income Verification (EIV.) Except for individuals not eligible for subsidy (prorated households), all other AIDs should be for short-term use (less than 12 months).

    How do I handle a shared-custody situation?

    In the case of shared custody, the child must be removed from the non-custodial parent's lease and added to the custodial parent's lease each time the child moves. By law, no one may receive housing subsidy at more than one location.

    What does "Removed" mean in reports?

    The Possible Dup Tenant Report displays "Removed" in the Dup Type column when the agency has certified that its tenant is not a duplicate. Both names remain in the report until both agencies have certified.

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