Form 50058 Submission FAQs - IMS/PIC


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    How many forms can I submit at once?

    For practical reasons, we recommend that you do not upload more than 1,000 forms or 5 Megabytes of data in the same file. Larger files with many errors may exceed the maximum file size of the error report. You may upload as often as you choose.

    What happens to my file when I upload it?

    When you upload a file, the system puts it in a queue of all files received in the order received. There are 12 processors simultaneously processing 12 upload files. There is logic that will not permit the same HA's uploads to be processed on more than one of the twelve processors at the same time. (This prevents large PHAs from crowding out smaller ones.) When the processing is completed, an Error Report is produced and the upload ticket says "Completed" in the ticket listing. The new submission replaces the "current" record, which is transferred to the "history" tables.

    How often do I need to submit Form-50058 reports?

    On November 30, 2011, HUD issued PIH Notice 2011-65 on "Timely Reporting Requirements of the Family Report (form HUD-50058 and form HUD-50058 MTW) into the Public and Indian Housing Information Center." This notice states:

    "Reports must be submitted no later than 60 calendar days from the effective date of any action recorded on line 2b of the form HUD-50058 or form HUD-50058 MTW. HUD will monitor timeliness of reporting and may sanction a PHA for late reporting. PHAs are also required to submit a form HUD-50058 each time the PHA takes an action (particularly an interim reexamination) that corresponds to an applicable code in Section 2a of form HUD-50058 or form HUD-50058 MTW."

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    What references do I need for Form 50058?

    There are four handy references to use when working with Form 50058 uploads and error reports. They are:


    1. Form 50058 itself.
    2. Form 50058 Instruction Booklet.
    3. Form 50058 Technical Reference Guide (latest edition) MTW Technical Reference Guide.
    4. Form 50058 Error Codes.

    Do I need to include the mailing address in each Form 50058?

    The mailing address is optional. To include a mailing address, 5b must equal "N" and 5c must contain the mailing address.

    Why won't field 5a correct a Public Housing unit address?

    Field 5a (physical address) is only intended for vouchers-the physical address at which the voucher is used may change. Public housing units have a fixed physical address, which is stored with each entrance in the Development module.

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    What kinds of corrections are there?

    There are two different categories of corrections:


    1. Corrections submitted in Form 50058 where
      1. Field 2c = “Y” and 2d indicates the type of correction or
      2. The user VOIDs the submission and resubmits the Form 50058 with the corrected information;
    2. Corrections made to identification data (SSN or Alternate ID) using the Tenant ID Management module.

    What is a "current" record?

    A "current" record is the last and most recent record received concerning the household. When a submission is received, it becomes the new "current" record and the previous "current" record is moved to "history."

    How do I submit a correction?

    To correct a "current" record, submit a Form 50058 in which: the effective date is the same; field 2c = "Y" and field 2d indicates the type of correction being made; and the incorrect information is replaced with the correct information.

    This only works for the "current" record. This cannot be used to correct the head of household's (HOH's) social security number (SSN) or Alternate ID (AID) number. The HOH SSN or AID can be corrected in one of two ways:


    1. If it is the first report for the HOH, the user can VOID and resubmit a corrected Form 50058.
    2. When the HOH appears in the Invalid Tenant ID Report, change all instances of the incorrect SSN or AID using the Tenant ID Management tool.

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    What is a fatal error? What is a warning error?

    IMS/PIC Form 50058 recognizes two types of errors. A "fatal" error is the kind of error that is so serious that it stops the processing of the submission for that household. A "warning" error does not stop the processing of the submission for that household and is considered to be a "heads up" to the user to ensure that the value submitted is correct. Example: The head of household date of birth indicates the resident is 109 years old. This is possible but unlikely, so it is processed but receives a warning error. If the user checks and finds that the year of birth was reversed "1988" to "1898"(which would account for the 109 years instead of the correct 19 years), the user should submit a correction to the tenant date of birth.

    Do I have to correct warning errors?

    Warning errors are processed normally by IMS/PIC Form 50058. The warning is calling the user's attention to an unusual value that may be incorrect. If it is incorrect, it should be corrected. If the value originally entered is in fact correct, then no further action is necessary.

    Do I have to correct fatal errors?

    Almost all fatal errors must be corrected because the Form 50058 containing the fatal error was not processed. Exceptions to the correction requirement are situations where the IMS/PIC data is already saying what the Form 50058 is trying to make it say. Example: Error 4172 (Required household record for End of Participation could not be found). The user was trying to do an EOP but the tenant is already moved out in IMS/PIC, so no further action is required. These generally occur when there are duplicate submissions (forms submitted more than once.)

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    How quickly do I have to correct errors?

    There is no required timing, but the sooner the better. If subsequent uploads are submitted before the errors in previous uploads are corrected, the situation may become further confused. In addition, since IMS/PIC must receive submissions in chronological order for a household, the present record must be corrected and successfully re-submitted before additional submissions with a later effective date are processed.

    I submitted a Form 50058 with a special program code of FUP on Line 2n but received a warning error that the code needs to be FUPF or FUPY. Why is FUP no longer a valid special program code? What do the new codes mean?

    The Fiscal Year 2010 Notice of Funding Availability for the Family Unification Program modified the reporting requirements for agencies receiving grant funding through the Family Unification Program. The NOFA requires that:

    "All successful applicants (including MTW agencies) must report the usage of voucher funds under this funding announcement through required submissions of the form HUD-50058, Family Report. PHAs must enter the following program codes: (1) "FUPF" for families who are assisted with vouchers under this funding announcement, and (2) "FUPY" for youths who are assisted with vouchers under this funding announcement. The program code should be entered in line 2n of the Family Report. PHAs must maintain this code on the form HUD-50058 for the duration of the family's participation in the HCV program. HUD's assessment of PHA compliance under this funding announcement will be based on PIC system data."

    Currently, submission of a Form 50058 with the special program code FUP on line 2n generates a warning error. With a future release, however, it may be changed to a fatal error.

    Which errors should I correct first?

    There are no firm answers, but generally accepted best practices indicate that you should clear up all errors in an upload batch before you upload another batch. If you must prioritize, fatal errors always come first.

    Can I mix public housing and voucher forms?

    Yes, you may if it fits your business processes.

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    How do I read the error report?

    The first six reports display the errors in different ways. The first three are in html (viewable in a browser). "HTML" includes all fatal and warning errors. "HTML-WARNING" includes only warning errors. "HTML-FATAL" includes only fatal errors. The next three (XML, CSV, TXT) are the same data as the first one in different formats (machine readable). The seventh report (ANALYSIS) gives a percentage breakdown of each kind of error present in the upload.


    Within the error reports, let's look at the "HTML" report. The first part is a summary of what was uploaded and what was accepted: number of 50058 submitted, number accepted, number with fatal errors, etc. Below the summary, you find a listing of individual errors. For each record with an error, the gray block contains standard information about the record. If you have been granted special system privileges, you will be able to see the full name and full SSN. Otherwise, you will see the first initial, the last name and the last four digits of the SSN. The gray block also shows the effective date and the action code. Below the household's gray block, the system lists the errors: Specific error number and its description and the contents of the field in question.

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    What are user-defined fields in Form 50058?

    There are five fields in Form 50058 that are free for each HA to use as it pleases. Fields 2q, 2r, 2s, 2t, and 2u are fields that may be used by HAs to upload any information and they are available for download using the Adhoc Reporting. The fields are of varying sizes. HAs may use them in any way that supports or enhances their business process. The field sizes are defined in the Technical Reference Guide.

    Why can’t I see the whole SSN and name?

    Most users will only see the First Initial, Last Name, month and year of birth, and last four digits of the SSN. This is a Privacy Act protection. If you have been granted "Special System Privileges" in the Security Administration sub-module, you will be able to see the whole SSN and the full name and date of birth.

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    Do Form 50058 errors count against our PHA?

    Form 50058 errors do not count against your agency but fatal errors, which mean that a household has not been reported, can count against your agency's reporting rate.

    What if the other PHA won’t void an error?

    In some situations, two or more PHAs will need to cooperate to resolve an issue. If the PHAs cannot reach an agreement, a PHA may ask the HUD Field Office Director and the Executive Director of the other PHA to assist in clearing up the matter. State your problem in writing to the HUD Field Office Director. Ask for help.

    What if it says “In Process” for days?

    This is a system problem. Something has hung up the processing of your file. Please report this situation to your PIC Coach and the TAC.

    What is the deadline for Form 50058 monthly report data?

    Unless there is a conflict with other scheduled system activities, on the first Friday after the end of the preceding month, the monthly summarization process begins at 8 pm EST. This process produces the Form 50058 monthly reports. PHAs must transmit Form 50058 by Midnight on the Thursday before the first Friday of the following month for inclusion in the summarization process. Only forms with effective dates which fall in the report range will be included in the reports.

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    What is summarization?

    The summarization process includes the collection of data and generation of percentages and averages for the Reports sub-module of the Form 50058 module. PHAs must transmit Form HUD-50058 by Midnight on the Thursday before the first Friday of the following month for inclusion in the summarization process. In addition, forms must have an effective date that falls within the report date range. On the first Friday evening of the following month, the Form 50058 module begins the summarization process. This process takes 30-40 hours after which you can access the Form 50058 module monthly reports for the previous month.

    Example: If you transmit Form HUD-50058 data during the month of April and May 1st falls on Tuesday, the Form 50058 module must receive data by Midnight (EST) on Thursday, May 3 for inclusion in your April monthly reports. The summarization process begins the first Friday in May (May 4th in this example) and usually is completed by mid-day Sunday. Until this summarization process is completed, the PHA can only access March reports. After the summarization process is completed, you can access April reports.

    How is the reporting rate calculated?

    The reporting rate is calculated as "50058 Received" divided by "50058 Required," expressed as a percentage. The definitions for "50058 Received" and "50058 Required" vary by program type:

    a. 50058 Received:


    1. Public Housing - Forms received successfully whose effective dates fall within the 14-month reporting period with Program (1c)=P and action types are New Admission (2a=1), Annual/Interim Reexamination (2a=2 or 3), Other Change of Unit (2a=7), Flat Rent Annual Update (2a=12), or Historical Adjustment (2a=14).
    2. Vouchers - Forms received successfully whose effective dates fall within the 14-month reporting period with Program (1c)=VO or CE and action types are New Admission (2a=1), Annual/Interim Reexamination (2a=2 or 3), Portability Move-In (2a=4), Other Change of Unit (2a=7), or Historical Adjustment (2a=14).
    3. Mod Rehab - Forms received successfully whose effective dates fall within the 14-month reporting period with Program (1c)=MR, Mod Rehab SRO Program for Homeless (13b)=n or Mod Rehab SRO unit (not homeless program) (13c)=n with action types of New Admission (2a=1), Annual/Interim Reexamination (2a=2 or 3), Other Change of Unit (2a=7), or Historical Adjustment (2a=14).

    b. 50058 Required:


    1. Public Housing - The IMS/PIC Development sub-module Unit Details screen total of all units noted as:
      1. ACC=Yes
      2. Unit Submission Status Type = Initial Approval Completed
      3. Unit Status =
        1. “Occupied by Assisted Tenant” or
      4. Unit Submission Status Type =
        1. Demo/Dispo Draft,
        2. Demo/Dispo Proposed or
        3. Demo/Dispo Approved and
        4. Unit Status = “Occupied by Assisted Tenant”.
    2. Vouchers - Total leased units from the Voucher Management System minus the number of port-outs (Form HUD-50058 is submitted by the receiving PHA) plus the number of port-ins (not included in VMS data but Form HUD-50058 submitted by selected PHA). This allows adjustments for portability.
    3. Mod Rehab - The aggregate of UNIT_MONTHS_LSD divided by 12 from the most recently submitted HUDCAPS Mod Rehab Year-End Settlement Table (PAYH) whose YES_PROCESS_FLAG = 'Y' and the 6th and 7th character of TRANS_NUMBER = 'MR' and XORGANIZATION does not end in 'AD'.


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    How can I remove a public housing unit from my "50058 Required"?

    A public housing unit is considered "50058 Required" if:

    a. the IMS/PIC Development sub-module Unit Details Screen total of all units noted as ACC=Yes and

    b. Unit Submission Status Type = Initial Approval Completed and


    1. Unit Status = "Occupied by Assisted Tenant" or
    2. Unit Submission Status Type = Demo/Dispo Draft, Demo/Dispo Proposed or
      Demo/Dispo Approved and Unit Status = "Occupied by Assisted Tenant".

      Therefore, if a unit is NOT occupied by an assisted tenant, it will not be counted as required. If it is not an ACC unit, it will not be counted as required.


    It rejected a "problem" SSN. What's the fix?

    There are several reasons why a SSN might be rejected:


    1. It might be "algorithmically incorrect" (it fails the Social Security Administration's current formula test for valid number combinations.)
    2. It might be a duplicate within the system.
    3. It might be invalid because it might not match the name and birth data on file in the national Social Security Administration database.
    4. It might belong to a deceased person.

    The fix, which depends on which reason applies, is described in the Form 50058 Tenant ID Management Job Aid. Further information is available in Chapter 5 of the Form 50058 Technical Reference Guide.

    Why is the system rejecting a correct SSN?

    There is a time lag of up to 3 months between when a local Social Security Administration (SSA) office issues a SSN and when it is reported to the national SSA database. IMS/PIC tests against the national database. If the national database has not been updated, the validity test will fail. IMS/PIC tests all non-validated SSNs once a month. The first time a suspect SSN is received, it is not rejected. Instead the user gets a warning.

    There is currently a 4-month "grace" period for invalid SSNs. This means that, if an SSN is found invalid on March 5, the record will be treated normally with no restrictions for four months from that date or until July 5. If it is validated during the grace period, then that is the end of it. If it is not validated at the end of the grace period, the normal "lock" goes into effect. Then, until the reason is cleared up, the system will not accept further forms for that household (except VOID or EOP).

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    What does “Invalid Alt ID” mean?

    It means that the personal information (name, gender, date of birth) used to generate the Alternate ID (AID) do not match the Form 50058 information being submitted with the AID. The personal information can be updated (name change, birth date correction) or another AID can be generated with the correct personal information and the form resubmitted with the new AID.

    What does "Duplicate personal data" mean?

    It means that two or more assisted individuals nationwide have the same first and last names and birth dates. Although this is possible, it is unusual. This situation requires that the management of the agency receiving the message communicate with the agency containing the unit in which the possible duplicate resides in order to determine whether they are the same individual or not. A designated responsible management user can then certify in the Tenant ID Management sub-module that the individual at his or her agency is not a duplicate. The certification must include a reason why the person is certifying the tenant. The Possible Dup Tenant Report will continue to list the individuals with "Cleared" by the name of the individuals certified as non-duplicate until all are certified. They will then disappear from the next day's Possible Dup Tenant Report.

    What does “Duplicate ID” mean?

    Possible duplicates (same first and last name and birth date) are flagged as "Duplicate Personal Data." Individuals with the same ID number existing in IMS/PIC in different households (either at the same agency or different agencies) are flagged as "Duplicate ID." Duplicate IDs cannot be permitted because by law HUD can only house an individual in one place at a time. In other words, only one household may have the ID at the same time. One agency must fix the error by removing the individual from the lease and from IMS/PIC or by replacing the Social Security Number, changing the Alternate ID to a Social Security Number, etc. This is a common occurrence with shared custody of children after a separation but the children may only be listed on one lease at a time.

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    Can I cancel a submission?

    No. Once a file has been uploaded, you must let the system finish processing it. After processing is completed, you may submit individual VOIDs (action 15) for any or all of the records in the upload batch.

    Can I move a non-MTW tenant to MTW?

    If you are an MTW agency, all of your tenants should have already been either converted or cleared from 50058 to MTW. If you are porting someone in on a voucher from a 50058 agency, the system will generate an automatic port out for the other agency at the end of the month you report the port in. If you are admitting a tenant to public housing, the system will generate an automatic EOP for the other agency at the end of the month you report the New Admission. The "overlapping date" functionality (automatic EOP and Port Out) now works between 50058 and MTW agencies (either direction).

    Can I move an MTW tenant to non-MTW?

    If you are a 50058 agency, all of your tenants should be in 50058 format. If you are porting someone in from an MTW agency, the system will generate an automatic port out for the other agency at the end of the month you report the port in. If you are admitting a tenant to public housing from MTW voucher, the system will generate an automatic EOP for the other agency at the end of the month you report the New Admission. The "overlapping date" functionality (automatic EOP and Port Out) now works between 50058 and MTW agencies (both directions).

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    How do I round calculations on the Form HUD-50058?

    Round at each step of the calculation. Round each monetary value up when the number is .50 or more and round down when the number is .49 or below. For further information, please see the Form HUD-50058 Instruction Booklet.

    Do PHAs need to complete a Family Self Sufficiency exit for an End of Participation?

    Yes, PHAs must complete a Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) exit for an End of Participation. It must be done prior to or with the End of Participation submission. The Form 50058 module does not automatically create an FSS Exit when a PHA reports End of Participation for a family.

    How do PHAs make sure they complete timely annual reexaminations for all families and avoid a penalty for unreported families without housing to the Form 50058 module?

    In IMS-PIC, there is a monthly report called the Re-examination Report, which lists every household in the program selected and how many months it has been since their last re-examination.

    The Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) recommends that PHAs complete the annual reexamination and notify the family and owner one month or more in advance of family contribution and subsidy changes. The PHA submits a Form 50058 via the Submission sub-module one month before the effective date of action. At the time of submission of the Form 50058, a family who plans to move on the date of their annual reexamination should receive an "Annual Re-exam Searching" in place of an annual re-exam.. The family may live temporarily without housing during the search period for a new unit. The annual re-exam searching means they will not be counted as a late re-exam. When the family locates a unit, the PHA must report the new annual reexamination for that unit. If the family's circumstances change, the PHA updates the family data. The PHA now reports the new unit and rent with the new effective date of action. This approach ensures that PHA reporting rates do not drop and permits the next required annual reexamination to coincide with the Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract anniversary date at the new unit.

    Is the payment standard applicable to OFTO tenants?

    Yes, the payment standard for Over-FMR Tenancy Option (OFTO) reflects the Fair Market Rent (FMR) or HUD approved exception rent. HUD must approve exception rent within an FMR area.

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    How does a PHA receive Fair Market Rent (FMR) information?

    HUD distributes FMR information to Field Offices via the Federal Register each October. Field Offices should forward this information to all PHAs.

    What is FRS?

    Family Reporting Software (FRS) is a single-user program distributed by HUD as freeware (no cost to download and use) for PHAs to use to format and prepare tenant data files for upload in IMS/PIC's Form 50058 Submission sub-module.

    What version of FRS should PHAs use?

    PHAs who use FRS must use FRS 4.0 and download the latest "patch" file to keep FRS up to date. Versions of FRS before FRS 4.0 are no longer valid, because HUD Form 50058 has changed significantly. Patch files are updated with each PIC release that modifies Form 50058 in any way. Download the patch file to update FRS and keep it current.

    How can I download the latest version of FRS?

    You can download the latest version of FRS 4.0 and the latest patch, which is cumulative, from the FRS 4.0 webpage.

    What is Multi-HA FRS 4.0?

    FRS 4.0 enables users to capture, collect, maintain, and submit data via FRS 4.0 for more than one PHA. Users can download the FRS Multiple HA User Guide for more assistance.

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    How do I upload my data?

    You upload your data files in IMS/PIC in the Form 50058 Submission sub-module. You must have a WASS User ID and be granted access to upload files by your local Security Coordinator.

    Who do I contact if I have problems with my upload?

    If you have problems with your upload:


    • Review your transmission error reports in IMS/PIC.
    • Review the Form 50058 Submission User Manual.
    • Review the error explanation in the Error Codes (download from Form 50058 pages.
    • Contact your PIC Coach.

    Is there a time of day when I cannot submit my Form HUD 50058 data?

    No, you can submit Form HUD 50058 data any time via the Internet. However, if you submit a large amount of data, submit the data in the early morning or late evening to avoid heavy traffic on the Internet. The busiest time of the day is between Noon and 6 PM (EST).

    What does the error message mean when the server is down?

    Users cannot access the server due to technical problems. If you experience this error, please contact the PIC Coach in your local field office.

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    How do I know if the Form 50058 module received my transmission?

    If you upload data, you will receive an Error Report for that upload (usually after about 30 minutes for processing). Your upload and its corresponding error report are identified by an upload ticket number. Click on the "Reports" tab in Form 50058 Submission sub-module and click the upload ticket number link for that upload. The error report is provided in multiple formats; choose the one that best fits your situation. There are two types of errors: "Fatal" errors that stop processing of the form and "Warning" errors that call attention to a piece of questionable data but that do not stop processing of the form.

    When a PHA sends two submissions in the same 24 hour period, are they summarized separately or together in the Error reports?

    The Form 50058 module displays an Error and Error Analysis report for each upload ticket, regardless of the number of uploads in that day. Submit your data by 4 PM (EST) to ensure that the Form 50058 module processes the data on the same day. If the Form 50058 module rejects the upload, you will receive a reject error file notice for each rejection.

    Does the Form 50058 module process submissions according to size?

    No, the Form 50058 module does not process submissions by size. It processes data around the clock on in order of submission. In addition, processor logic will not let a very large PHA monopolize the processing servers.

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