Form 50058 Reports FAQs - IMS/PIC


    Browse Questions and Answers

    How frequently are the reports updated?

    The reports in the 'Reports' sub-module of the Form 50058 module are updated monthly. All other reports are either updated nightly (Invalid Tenant ID, Possible Dup Tenant Report, and Portability Billing Report) or they are live data direct from the system.

    Where do I find my reporting rate?

    Your reporting rate is displayed in the latest Delinquency Report. If it is less than 95% (rounded), it is displayed in red.

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    How is my reporting rate calculated?

    The reporting rate is calculated as 50058 Received divided by 50058 Required, expressed as a percentage. The definitions for "50058 Received" and "50058 Required vary by program type:

    a. 50058 Received:

    1. Public Housing - Forms received successfully whose effective dates fall within the 14-month reporting period with Program (1c)=P and action types are New Admission (2a=1), Annual/Interim Reexamination (2a=2 or 3), Other Change of Unit (2a=7), Flat Rent Annual Update (2a=12), or Historical Adjustment (2a=14).

    2. Vouchers - Forms received successfully whose effective dates fall within the 14-month reporting period with Program (1c)=VO or CE and action types are New Admission (2a=1), Annual/Interim Reexamination (2a=2 or 3), Portability Move-In (2a=4), Other Change of Unit (2a=7), or Historical Adjustment (2a=14).

    3. Mod Rehab - Forms received successfully whose effective dates fall within the 14-month reporting period with Program (1c)=MR, Mod Rehab SRO Program for Homeless (13b)=n or Mod Rehab SRO unit (not homeless program) (13c)=n with action types of New Admission (2a=1), Annual/Interim Reexamination (2a=2 or 3), Other Change of Unit (2a=7), or Historical Adjustment (2a=14).

    b. 50058 Required:

    1. Public Housing - The IMS Development sub-module Unit Details Screen total of all units noted as:
      1. ACC=Yes
      2. Unit Submission Status Type = Initial Approval Completed
      3. Unit Status =
        1. "Occupied by Assisted Tenant" or
      4. Unit Submission Status Type =
        1. Demo/Dispo Draft,
        2. Demo/Dispo Proposed or
        3. Demo/Dispo Approved and
        4. Unit Status = "Occupied by Assisted Tenant".
    2. Vouchers - Total leased units from the Voucher Management System (VMS) minus the number of port-outs (Form HUD-50058 is submitted by the receiving PHA) plus the number of port-ins (not included in VMS data but Form HUD-50058 submitted by selected PHA). This allows adjustments for portability.

    3. Mod Rehab - The aggregate of UNIT_MONTHS_LSD divided by 12 from the most recently submitted HUDCAPS Mod Rehab Year-End Settlement Table (PAYH) whose YES_PROCESS_FLAG = 'Y' and the 6th and 7th character of TRANS_NUMBER = 'MR' and XORGANIZATION does not end in 'AD'.

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    Where do I find my overdue re-exams?

    Your overdue annual re-exams are the households listed in the monthly Reexamination Report where the number of months since last re-exam (rightmost column) is greater than 13 months.

    Where do I find my overdue HQS inspections?

    Your overdue HQS inspections are the households listed in the monthly HQS Inspection Report where the number of months since last inspection (rightmost column) is greater than 13 months.

    Where can I find any late pre-contract inspections?

    The HQS Inspection Report tab has a second sub-tab named Newly Leased Units Query, which lists all new-lease inspections (actions 1, 4, and 7).

    What is the Privacy Act and how does it apply to me?

    The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a, as amended, applies to all individuals who handle "personal information" which belongs to another individual. "Personal information" includes "any item, collection, or grouping of information about an individual that is maintained by an agency, including, but not limited to, his education, financial transactions, medical history, and criminal or employment history and that contains his name, or the identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual, such as a finger or voice print or a photograph". Civil penalties of $5,000 per instance may be levied against an individual by a federal court for unauthorized disclosure of personal information, whether electronic or on paper.

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    What report can I give to students?

    There are two reports that are public and you can direct the students to them:

    1. HA Profiles Report
    2. Resident Characteristics Report

    Why are some records not included in averages?

    IMS/PIC attempts to geo-code all addresses throughout the system. However, some addresses (about 7-8 percent) fail geo-coding because of address ambiguities or spelling errors. Geo-coding determines the county code, Congressional district number, the locality code, MSA code, census tract code, block code, and latitude and longitude. These values are used to calculate the averages for MSAs, Congressional districts, Census tracts, etc. in the monthly reports. If the values are missing, the data must be omitted from the averages.

    What does geo-coding do?

    Geo-coding determines the county code, Congressional district number, the locality code, MSA code, census tract code, block code, and latitude and longitude.

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    Why is my FSS Report missing some tenants?

    There are two reasons why a tenant would be omitted from the FSS Report (one a user error, the other a bug to be fixed in a future release):

    1. If field 2k (FSS Participation now or in the last year) is not set to "Y" in the current record, the tenant will not appear in the FSS Report
    2. If the agency marks 2k = "y" in the latest record but it has not reached its effective date yet and the previous record had 2k = "N", then the tenant will not appear in the FSS Report (because of the future date; this will be fixed in a future release).

    How do I read the SEMAP Indicators Report?

    The SEMAP Indicators Report is the most complex report in the monthly report package. It displays the data used to calculate a score for each indicator, focusing on the indicators that are scored using Form 50058 data. The report has two main tabs:

    1. Current SEMAP Indicator Information - Current fiscal year-to-date data for each indicator.
    2. Most Recent SEMAP Indicator Information - Last FYE official scoring data for each indicator.

    HAs use the Current SEMAP Indicator Information to track their progress during their fiscal year and identify any areas that need improvement or investigation before the fiscal year end, when they are officially scored.

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    Why doesn’t the SEMAP Report show all indicators?

    The Current SEMAP Indicator Information tab does not include Indicator 1 through 8 because those come from the certification submitted by the HA at the fiscal year end. The Most Recent SEMAP Indicator Information does include all indicators, including 1 through 8, because the certification was submitted by the HA at the last fiscal year end.

    When I generate the Resident Characteristics reports, the distribution of income, average annual %, shows a significant percentage as "Income limit not available." Why is this?

    The "Income Limit Unavailable" field reflects tenants whose geographical information could not be obtained due to an incorrect or incorrectly formatted address. Please verify the accuracy and format of the addresses for all tenants in the files you transmitted to HUD and resubmit any changes. When the Form-50058 module receives the addresses, it will send them to a geo-coding service. The geocoding results are done overnight but they will not appear until the next set of monthly reports are run.

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    Why do some of the percentages not add up to 100% on the summary reports?

    Not all distribution amounts were designed to equal 100% on the summary reports. Many of the reports contain multiple data distributions that can apply to the same family. For example, PHAs can submit more than one source of income in the Income report for distribution by source of income.

    How do I find out which families are in the Form 50058 module?

    Use the Form 50058 Adhoc Report in the Adhoc module. For information on how to download Adhoc reports from the Form 50058 module, please refer to the Form 50058 Reports User Manual. Alternatively, you may use the HA Transaction Report in Viewer Reports tab.

    Where can I find out more about the Key Management Indicators (KMI) Report?

    The Key Management Indicators Report Guide provides information on the KMI Report, including the business rules and data field definitions. The Report Guide is available on the Form 50058 Monthly Report Guides page.

    Why do percentages for all "Families Enrolled in Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)" on the Key Management Indicator report not equal the percent of FSS certificates I filed?

    The Key Management Indicator report calculates the number of families enrolled in FSS. The Key Management Indicator report does not calculate the percentage of FSS certificates filed for families who participate in the FSS program.

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