The Inventory Management System (IMS)/ PIH Information Center (PIC) Error Dashboard shows a summary view of IMS/PIC Fatal Errors PHA’s receive when inputting the Form 50058 into IMS/PIC and 50058’s with overdue reexaminations greater than 14 months. The reports available within the dashboard are updated weekly, with an updated dashboard available every Monday. The Overdue Re-Examination reports are updated with the PIC Monthly Reports. The PIC Fatal Error and Overdue Reexam Dashboard is embedded below and accessible via this link.
The PIC Error and VMS Discrepancy Dashboards
The date of the current dashboard data may be found on the dashboard pages
The PIC vs VMS Discrepancy Dashboard shows the difference between PIC reporting and Voucher Management System (VMS) reporting for both leasing (UMLs) and HAP expenses by voucher type. The data is displayed for the HCV program, HUD-VASH, Family Unification Program (FUP), Foster Youth to Independence (FYI), Mainstream, Non-Elderly Disabled (NED), Stability Voucher, Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV), and Project Based Voucher portfolio. The reports within this dashboard reflect daily data updates from the IMS/PIC data warehouse and the Voucher Management System. The PIC vs VMS Discrepancy Dashboard is embedded below and accessible via this link. |
Training Resources
These training materials provide an overview of the new PIC Error Dashboard, demonstrate the reports within the dashboard, and provide a list of PIC error correction resources.
Introduction to the PIC Error Dashboard Video
A training video that provides an overview and walks through how to use the PIC Error Dashboard can be viewed here.
The slides used in this video can be found here.
PIC Error Correction Guidebook for the HCV Program
The PIC Error Guidebook for the HCV Program guide can be found here.
This guide provides an introduction and overview of IMS/PIC, which is the computer system used by HUD to review and monitor the information submitted by public housing authorities (PHAs) regarding participants in subsidized housing programs. It includes guidance for identifying and correcting PIC errors; including step-by-step for common PIC errors.
Correcting PIC Errors Job Aid and Video Shorts
The following job aids have been developed to provide instruction on resolving common PIC Errors.
- PIC Error 4174: New Tenant
This PIC error correction job aid will review the steps on how to repair error 4174 about a tenant who does not exist in the IMS-PIC database.
Access the job aid here or click to watch the video demonstration.
- PIC Error 4080: Record with Later Effective Date
This PIC error correction job aid will review how to repair error 4182 regarding a tenant who already exists at a PHA in the IMS-PIC database.
Access the job aid here or click to watch video demonstration.
- PIC Error 5280: Voucher Record Does Not Exist
This PIC error correction job aid will review how to repair error 5280 about a voucher record for a head of household in a different PHA does not exist in the IMS-PIC database.
Access the job aid here or click to watch video demonstration.
- PIC Error 4182: Tenant Already Exists
This PIC error correction job aid will review how to repair error 4182 regarding a tenant who already exists at a PHA in the IMS-PIC database.
Access the job aid here or click to watch video demonstration.
- PIC Error 4006 PHA Code Does Not Match
This PIC error correction video will review how to repair error 4006 about a PHA code for a tenant that does not match with an existing PHA code in the IMS-PIC database.
Access the job aid here or click to watch video demonstration.
- PIC Error Removal Form
This PIC error correction video will review how to use the PIC Error Removal Form for errors that do not fall off the PIC Error Dashboard or cannot be resolved.
Access the job aid here or click to watch video demonstration.
PIC Error Dashboard Demo
A recording of a webinar presented to PHAs that demonstrates how to use the PIC Error Dashboard can be viewed here.
Please contact your local IMS/PIC coach or reach out to the PIH-REAC Technical Assistance Center (TAC) if you have any questions or need assistance.
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