FASS-PH (Dec 2013)
In the December 6, 2013 release, the FASS-PH Financial Data Schedule was made compliant with GASB 67 & 68 accounting standards. Line item 357 (Accrued Pension and OPEB Liability) will get a new details link. The Mix Finance and RAD indicator will be automatically populated with the values from PIC.
FASS-PH Release (Sept 2009)
The Financial Assessment Subsystem for Public Housing (FASS-PH) has been modified to accommodate Asset Management reporting. Beginning in 2009, there are now two FASS-PH systems available. 1). The FASS-PH system modified to accommodate Asset Management is designed to process financial submissions for fiscal year ending on June 30, 2008, and forward. 2). The legacy system remains operational and will process financial submissions for fiscal year ending on, or before March 31, 2008.
Below you will find two user manuals and a Quick Start Power Point Presentation. The Public Housing Agency User Manual is for Financial Submissions on or After June 30, 2008. The Public Housing Agency User Guide is for Financial Submissions on or Before Fiscal Year End March 31, 2008. The Quick Start Power Point Presentation provides a visual overview of the components of the FASS on-line system. This presentation provides an overview of the navigation and the "look and feel" of the FASS on line system modified to accommodate Asset Management ( ) with emphasis on creating a submission, completing the FDS and DCF, edit flags and viewing reports.
Click on the links below for the Public Housing Agency User Manual for Submissions on or After Fiscal Year End June 30, 2008, and Quick Start Power Point Presentation.
FASS PH Release (Sept 2006)
User Guide for Submissions on or Before Fiscal Year End March 31, 2008
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Getting Started
- Chapter 3: Accessing FASS-PH
- Chapter 4: Common System Features
- Chapter 5a: Creating Financial Submissions (03/31/2004 and Prior)
- Chapter 5b: Creating Financial Submissions (06/30/2004 and Beyond)
- Chapter 6: Submitting Financial Data
- Chapter 7: Delete Financial Submissions
- Chapter 8: IPA Review Process
- Chapter 9: Generating Reports
- Chapter 10: Resubmitting Rejected/Invalidated Submissions
The Public Housing Agency and Auditor User Guide (updated 08/15/03)
- Cover and Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Getting Started
- Chapter 3: Accessing FASS-PH
- Chapter 4: Common System Features
- Chapter 5: Creating Financial Submissions
- Chapter 6: Submitting Financial Data
- Chapter 7: Delete Financial Submissions
- Chapter 8: IPA Review Process
- Chapter 9: Generating Reports
- Chapter 10: Resubmitting Rejected/Invalidated Submissions
- Appendix A: Error Messages and Business Validations
The Public Housing Agencry and Auditor User Guide (May 2002)
- Cover and Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Getting Started
- Chapter 3: Accessing FASS-PHA
- Chapter 4: Common Features
- Chapter 5: Creating Financial Submissions
- Chapter 6: Submitting Financial Data
- Chapter 7: Deleting Draft and IPA Review Submissions
- Chapter 8: IPA Review Process
- Chapter 9: Generating Reports
- Chapter 10: Resubmit
- Appendix A: Business Rules
The Public Housing Agency and Auditor 6.0 User Guide (May 2001)
For PHAs with Fiscal Year ending 6/30/2001 and prior
- Cover and Table of Contents (4pgs/170k)
- Chapter 1: Introduction (2pgs/76k)
- Chapter 2: Getting Started (20pgs/661k)
- Chapter 3: Accessing FASS-PHA (16pgs/3,426k)
- Chapter 4: Common System Features (4pgs/520k)
- Chapter 5 Creating Financial Submissions (48pgs/6,875k)
- Chapter 6: Submitting Financial Data (10pgs/783k)
- Chapter 7: Generating Reports (4pgs/783k)
- Chapter 8: FASS-PHA for Auditors (24pgs/783k)
- Appendix A: Business Rules (57pgs/166k)
- Appendix B: Registering for a HUD User ID (10pgs/1,816k)
- Appendix C: Changing Your Password (4pgs/361k)
- Appendix D: System Administration (For Coordinators Only) (28pgs/4,043k)
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