Software Enhancements

    On August 26, 2005 MASS versions 7.0 was released. The main upgrade to the system that affects a PHA's certification is the insertion of a warning to alert the MASS team analyst when the system detects a discrepancy between the records as to the identity of the executive director and the person submitting the management operations certification. This warning alerts the analyst that a person other than the executive director has submitted and results in a rejection of the submission.

    Another enhancement was the modification of the help tool labels. (12/20/05)

    Other Recent Enhancements:

    • On August 13, 2004 MASS version 6.5 was released. PHA's are now just a mouse click away from finding the answers to questions they have with the MASScertification. Guidance is now available from the MASS help functionality which can be found on all screens in the certification process.

    • Another enhancement is a notification of who submitted the certification for the PHA appears when REAC personnel review it. Please note the PHA's E.D. should be submitting as per the PHAS rule. If the name on the certification doesn't match the E.D. on record, the certification will be rejected, requiring the E.D. to resubmit. IT'S IMPORTANT THAT ALL PHA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS HAVE A REAC SECURE CONNECTION ID. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE YOU NEED TO REGISTER FOR ONE. (09/28/04)