Software Page


    Please make sure that your computers have been loaded with only Windows XP Operating System. The current version of the UPCS Inspection software, PASS Version 2.3.4, is NOT compatible and will not operate with Microsoft Windows VISTA or Microsoft Windows 7 Operating Systems. The software will continue to operate with Microsoft Windows XP Operating Systems only. Computer operating systems with Microsoft Windows XP Mode are not compatible and will not work with any of the training or production software.

     -   DCD 2.3.5
     -   Public DCD 2.3a
     -   Public Schedule

    Attention Inspectors: PIH-REAC will no longer provide service to inspectors experiencing a corrupted DCD database due to associated risks to HUD's systems. Corrupted DCD databases may result in the loss of inspection data requiring the inspector to re-perform the inspection. A corrupted DCD database is usually a result of the following issues:

    Not compressing the DCD database after inspections have been deleted - PIH-REAC recommends all inspectors select the "Run Compress on Exit" option from the Administration Menu in the DCD software.

    Insufficient free space on the hard disk of the computer - PIH-REAC recommends all inspectors have at least 40 MB of free space on their computer's hard disk at all times; the amount of hard disk free space should be checked on a regular basis.

    Abrupt power loss to the computer - PIH-REAC recommends that inspectors close the DCD software properly when the battery failure warning is displayed. Additionally, PIH-REAC recommends inspectors have a back-up battery on hand during inspections.

    Abnormal shutdown of the DCD software - PIH-REAC recommends inspectors back up their inspection data regularly.

    It is imperative that all inspectors follow instructions provided in training to prevent database corruption. Additionally, a UPCS DCD v2.3.3 Maintenance Guide has been created to further assist inspectors in maintaining their DCD database.

    During training, inspectors are informed that they are responsible for the maintenance of their computers. If you experience a corrupted database, please take your computer to your local computer service center. Thank you for your continued cooperation.

    REAC Inspector Alert - Confirm your system date settings

    PIH-REAC has observed a few inspections being uploaded with a non-US date format (i.e. dd/mm/yyyy) instead of the correct format (mm/dd/yyyy).

    Use the System Date Confirmation document to follow instructions for confirming the date format on your DCD is set to English (United States). You have to perform this verification before uploading the inspection to the HUD server after installation/reinstallation of an Operating System or anytime after a system crash. Failure to do this will delay the release of the inspection and your payment.

    If you have any questions or problems, please contact Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 1-888-245-4860