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Are GFCI’s now required under UPCS-V?

Outlets will be evaluated to ensure that they are safe and installed correctly. Certain receptacles, such as those within six feet of a sink or shower/tub are required to be GFCI-protected. If these certain receptacles are not GFCI-protected, a deficiency or fail condition will be recorded.

Are there new Smoke Detector requirements?

No. Smoke Detectors will be evaluated the same as under HQS.

Does a missing light bulb fail a unit?

Not necessarily. If the light bulb is missing but the socket is not readily accessible, it will not result in a deficiency or fail condition. If the socket is readily accessible, it can present a life-threatening condition and would fail for this reason.

Does a missing globe from a light fixture fail a unit?

This depends. If a light fixture has a damaged or missing cosmetic cover it is an observation (pass). If the light fixture has a missing or damaged protective cover, it is a deficiency (fail).

Do site and common areas have to be inspected under UPCS-V?

Yes, site and common areas will be inspected under UPCS-V which is a requirement that has not changed from HQS. For example, if the unit is located in a large multi-family complex, then only the site and common areas affecting the voucher resident will be inspected.

Are there new egress requirements?

Currently, UPCS-V has not changed HQS’ requirement of two means of egress from a building to the public way. However, there is one clarification that any fire escape or emergency exit must function and operate as designed.

Are double key cylinder deadbolt locks on an exterior door a fail?

Yes, double key cylinder deadbolt locks or any lock that requires a key, a tool, or special knowledge or effort to operate (from the egress side) are not allowed on any door along the exit access.

Is the UPCS-V inspection protocol going to take more time?

During testing, REAC QA inspectors have been able to complete a UPCS-V inspection in a similar time as an HQS inspection. We have found that inspecting using decision trees can minimize the learning curve associated with becoming proficient in UPCS-V. Additionally, using a standardized way to come to a result ensures that inspections are treated equally, fairly and consistently.