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Will HUD provide software for the UPCS-V Demonstration?

HUD provided software will exclusively be used at the beginning of the Demonstration to refine the inspection standard and data exchange protocols. As the demonstration continues, HUD will test the data exchange between PHA’s software systems to transmit inspection data to HUD. During the Demonstration, participating PHAs will use HUD provided software to conduct inspections while in the field. Once the data exchange protocol has been established, PHAs will have the opportunity to use their own inspection software to conduct inspections and submit the results to HUD.

What kind of software will HUD provide during the Demonstration?

For Demonstration participants using the HUD provided software, there will be a mobile enabled inspection application available for iOS and Android based devices.

Will I need a special device to be able to conduct a UPCS-V inspection?

Participating PHAs using the HUD provided software will need an iOS or Android enabled device, such as a tablet or smart phone. Post Demonstration, PHAs can use their own software to conduct electronic UPCS-V inspections and can use any device that is compatible with their software systems.

Is UPCS-V going to be an electronic-only inspection?

Yes, UPCS-V is designed with proven technological features and with the ability to capture raw data. The current HQS (fillable) form has limitations that do not allow for the same aspects as a fully electronic data model.

Why is UPCS-V only going to be available electronically?

The current inspection protocol does not allow for consistent data analysis. Advances in technology such as decision trees, time-stamping, built in help text, photos, and electronic notifications will all contribute to more consistent and reliable inspections. Capturing the deficiencies with a higher level of detail will allow tenants to make a more informed rental decision and help protect the tenant from potential hazards within the home. Additionally, electronic inspections can provide additional insights for PHAs into their housing portfolio and help the PHA determine where to allocate its resources (i.e. Biennial inspections, at-risk properties). It will also be easier to manage inspection files, making the overall inspection process more efficient.

Will I be allowed to use my own inspection software?

During the Demonstration, software will be provided to participating PHAs. Once UPCS-V is fully implemented, PHAs will have the option to use their own UPCS-V inspection software.

Is the HUD UPCS-V software web-browser-based or a mobile application (Android/iOS app)?

The HUD field collection software will be available in a Mobile Application format. Initially, the App will only be available for Android and iOS with the expectation that it will available for Windows DCDs at a later date. There will be web-browser-based access to the system to perform certain administrative functions.

Will the software capture amenities information?

The current HQS amenity list will be available for participating PHAs who use the HUD-provided software. HUD will be looking for feedback on how to improve the usefulness of the amenities tool during the Demonstration.

Can an inspector do an inspection, record the results and take pictures without being connected to the internet? Would the inspector then be able to upload the results and download new inspections when internet connectivity is available?

Yes, the mobile application will have this capability.