Frequently Asked Questions


    1. What is RASS?

    RASS is the Resident Assessment Subsystem. RASS supports the Customer Service and Satisfaction Survey, which is the fourth indicator in HUD's Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Rule. Resident satisfaction is objectively measured and counted in HUD's evaluation of PHAs and Multifamily Properties. The system provides implementation plan tracking, a media packet to promote the resident survey, survey results/scores, and the follow-up plan.

    2.What is the Resident Service and Satisfaction Survey?

    Under the Public Housing Assissment System (PHAS), PHAs are evaluated on four indicators: a physical inspection, a financial evaluation, a management evaluation, and a resident satisfaction survey. The Resident Service and Satisfaction Survey is the component of the assessment system that measures the residents' overall satisfaction with their living conditions. The survey measures satisfaction in five areas: maintenance and repair, communications, safety, services, and development appearance

    3. How will PHAs be scored?

    The Resident Service and Satisfaction Survey is worth a total of 10 points out of 100 points available in PHAS. The 10 points will be allocated in the following manner: 5 points - Survey Results (aggregate results of the survey) 5 points - Implementation and Follow-up (The PHA's implementation of the survey including, but not limited to, publicizing the survey, communicating with residents, and completing the HUD media plan. The PHA's follow-up action is the development and submission of a detailed Follow-up Plan based on the results of the survey.)

    4. When will the Resident Service and Satisfaction Survey begin?

    Nationwide implementation of the survey began July 1, 1999. REAC is responsible for determining survey dates for all PHAs based on their Fiscal Year End dates. Initial letters are issued to all PHAs describing the survey process and include the dates for their survey.

    5. What is the PHA's role?

    The PHA's role is to assist in HUD's implementation process. This requires each PHA to update resident unit addresses for all public housing units under their jurisdiction. The PHAs are also responsible for marketing the survey within their developments using a Media Plan provided by HUD and recording implementation activities within the system. Finally, the PHA is required to submit a Follow-up Plan addressing troubled areas identified by survey results.

    6. Is the RASS follow-up plan suppose to be sent in with the PHA plan?

    No. The RASS follow-up plan is a supporting document for the PHA Plan and is to be displayed as such. It is also to be retained in the PHA's office for 3 years, and available for review by HUD auditors or representatives of a duly constituted resident organization.

    7. Should I enter vacant units?

    Yes, enter all units.

    8. When should I certify?

    You should only certify AFTER you have verified that all unit addresses are current in PIC (PIH Informaton Center). Then, based on your fiscal year end (FYE), you will be able to CERTIFY your addresses once a year in RASS according to the RASS Business Calendar (see below).

    9. How long do I have to certify?

    After the deadline, the "Add", "Edit", "Delete" and "Certify" buttons are no longer accessible. If you were unable to make the necessary address changes before the deadline, corrections can not be made until next year. Similarly, the Implementation Plan and Follow-Up Plan information cannot be edited or certified after the deadline. Please refer to the RASS calendar for dates! Business Calendar