Public Housing Assessment System Frequently Asked Questions
    1. How is a composite score compiled?

      Each REAC subsystem is responsible for collecting PHA's data used for scoring the Physical, Financial, Management and Resident Satisfaction Indicators of PHAS. After individual subsystem scores are generated and internal reviews conducted, the PHAS collects the subsystem scores and generates a composite score that represents the PHA's performance.

    2. When should I expect to see a PHA composite score posted on the Internet?

      Composite scores are posted within one month of receiving all required submissions from a PHA, assuming that all physical inspections are completed and there are no problems with the submissions.

    3. Who should I contact if I need an explanation regarding the details of my score? I

      f you have any questions regarding the details of your score, please contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 1-888-245-4860, or send an email to

    4. What Internet Browser should I use to reduce system problems?

      HUD recommends that you use any Internet Browser that's equivalent to Netscape version 4.0 or higher.

    5. Who should I contact to update or correct PHA profile information?

      It is the responsibility of the PHA to update its profile information in PIC. The PHA should also keep the local HUD field office informed of any changes. Profile information includes the Executive Director, telephone number, mailing address, email address, etc.

    6. What if I disagree with my composite score?

      If a PHA believes that an objectively verifiable and material error (or errors) exists in any of the PHAS Indicator scores, which, if corrected, will result in a significant change in the overall score and designation, the PHA may appeal its score.
      To appeal a score or troubled designation, a request in writing which includes supporting documentation and reasons for an appeal must be sent to the Director of the Real Estate Assessment Center. The request must be received by REAC no later than 30 days following the issuance of the overall PHAS score to the PHA. PHAs can also petition to remove a troubled designation.

    7. Does PHAS allow a PHA to access and view all scores under its management?

      Yes. To access scores via the Internet, you must have an Identification Number and Password (same number used to submit data to the REAC subsystems). Enter your identification number and password when prompted by the system. Select "PHA Codes" to view scores for each PHA under your management. If you have problems, you should first contact your agency's system coordinator. If it is a HUD-related system problem, please contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC) via e-mail. PHAS includes a link to forward concerns electronically to TAC.

    8. Who can view my PHAS score?

      Only individuals who have been given access by your PHA's System Coordinator through Secure Systems can view the PHAS score, along with your field office and internal HUD users.

    9. What is the Deregulation for small PHAs?

      The Small PHA Deregulation, issued on June 24, 2003, allows PHAs that meet the requirements listed below to be assessed under PHAS every other year, instead of annually. The major qualifications to be considered for a PHAS bi-annual assessment are: (a) The PHA has 249 or fewer public housing units in the PIC unit count; and (b) The PHA has a designation of "Standard" or "High" Performer for the previous FY.

    10. What is a Late Presumptive Failure (LPF)?

      In accordance with Section 902.69 of the PHAS regulation, the PIH-REAC computer system automatically generates an LPF and an indicator score of zero when a PHA does not submit the required financial information or management certifications by the established regulatory deadlines. More