REAC at a Glance


    Assessment of the financial condition of all public housing and HUD multifamily properties.

    Determine the financial soundness of PHAs and HUD multifamily properties.

    Verify compliance with HUD financial regulations.

    Annually within nine months of fiscal year end for public housing

    Annually within four months of calendar year end for HUD housing

    CPAs electronically submit audited financial statements to REAC in a required format based on GAAP

    REAC scores and reports results via Internet to agencies, owners and HUD staff

    HUD makes referrals to its Troubled Agency Recovery or Enforcement Centers

    MASS Assessment of the management operations of all Public Housing Agencies Measure key management operations and responsibilities of Public Housing Agency for the purpose of assessing the PHA's management operations capabilities Annually - not later than 60 days after the end of the Public Housing Agency's fiscal year PHAs electronically submit HUD/ REAC a certification on its performance

    REAC scores and reports results via Internet to agencies and the HUD staff

    HUD makes referrals to its Troubled Agency Recovery Center

    PASS Physical inspections of all public housing and HUD multifamily properties Ensure that all HUD assisted properties provide decent safe and sanitary housing for tenants

    Annually - three months prior to fiscal year end for public housing

    Annually at the contract expiration date for HUD assisted housing

    HUD trained inspectors to use hand-held computers to inspect more than 500 condition points. Inspection results transmitted electronically to REAC.

    REAC scores and reports results to agencies, owners and HUD staff via Internet

    Owners required to complete needed repairs

    QASS Quality Control Reviews (QCRs) of independent public accounting firms; financial assessments of public housing agencies (PHAs), multifamily ownership entities, and tribally-designated housing entities (TDHEs); risk assessments of HUD programs and systems Ensure that financial information submitted to REAC is reliable, and that financial weaknesses are addressed. Ensure that material program risks are identified and mitigated Periodically throughout the year, based on referrals, risk assessments, and program office requests. A team of auditors, analysts, and CPAs conduct financial reviews, QCRs, and risk assessments. External reviews are generally conducted onsite at the offices of HUD program participants. Risk assessments are conducted at HUD headquarters and field offices.

    Assessment results are reported to HUD field offices, external auditees, HUD program management,  state accounting boards, and other administrative bodies as appropriate.