ENERGY STAR and Other Federal Programs

    ENERGY STAR is a voluntary labeling program designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products. ENERGY STAR-labeled products save energy and money while protecting the environment. Improving energy efficiency in HUD-financed and HUD-assisted housing can generate significant savings for property owners and building residents.

    Products can earn the ENERGY STAR in a variety of categories including:

    Click here for more information on ENERGY STAR qualified products.

    Bulk Purchasing

    HUD encourages housing authorities, managers of assisted housing and other grantees to purchase ENERGY STAR qualified equipment. The ENERGY STAR Online Bulk Purchasing Tool—developed by the U.S. Department of Energy, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—makes it easy to comparison shop for energy-efficient products. The tool provides a simple way to obtain bids on ENERGY STAR qualified products such as appliances, compact fluorescent light bulbs, and light fixtures. Learn more about bulk purchasing.

    ENERGY STAR New Homes

    New homes can earn the ENERGY STAR though the ENERGY STAR New Homes program, which uses strict energy-efficiency guidelines set forth by EPA. The ENERGY STAR Website also identifies ways to make your home or business more energy-efficient, and thus less costly to operate. For example, the Small Business section includes resources to reduce energy use. The Solutions to Common Home Improvements section helps resolve energy issues in existing homes and offers advice on increasing energy-efficiency levels during a remodeling project.

    How is HUD involved with ENERGY STAR?

    HUD, EPA, and DOE signed a formal partnership in 2002 to promote ENERGY STAR throughout HUD's affordable housing programs. Efforts to promote ENERGY STAR will not only improve the energy-efficiency of the affordable housing stock, but will also help protect the environment.

    Increasing energy-efficiency in the public housing stock can yield significant cost savings for property owners and building residents. EPA estimates that an individual apartment renter can save 15% to 20% with the installation of ENERGY STAR qualified products such as refrigerators, window air-conditioners, and lighting. A new home that has earned the ENERGY STAR can save 30% or more on heating and cooling bills. This can be a savings of $200 to $400 a year.

    HUD issued a notice in July of 2005 that encourages ENERGY STAR as the standard for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), encourages PHAs to implement energy saving activities, and informs PHAs that ENERGY STAR expertise is available to provide valuable assistance for implementing energy conservation initiatives.

    Download the fact sheet to learn how PHAs can improve energy efficiency with ENERGY STAR.

    Other Federal Programs

    PATH (Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing)
    This public-private partnership seeks to improve housing affordability and value through technology. The PATH Website contains a wealth of tools and information to help you to integrate advanced housing technologies into your project.

    Rebuild America
    A voluntary DOE program that helps community partnerships make profitable investments in existing buildings through energy-efficiency technologies. Partnerships tailor their programs to local needs, choosing which buildings to renovate, how much energy to save, and the best technologies to use. Rebuild America focuses on several areas, including public and multifamily housing. In addition, State Energy Program (SEP) supports the work of state energy offices to increase the energy efficiency of residential buildings.