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Public Housing Administrative Reform Initiative - Development and Asset Repositioning I

Check this location for contact information for the study group members, meeting times and locations, specific references and resource materials for Development and Asset Repositioning I, and draft and final study group products. Also check out the chat room!

Group Membership and Contact Information

 - List of Development and Asset Repositioning I Group Members (MS-Excel)

Meeting Information

Conference Call Schedule
Date: September 6, 2007
Number: 1-866-209-3385
ID: 12361678
Time: 9:00am ET
Length: 8 hours
Chair: Sue Wilson
Past Calls

Date of Call: July 31, 2007
Time of Call: 9:00 a.m. Eastern
Duration of Call: 6.5 hours
Call in number: 1-866-209-3385
ID: To be sent via email
Chair: Susan Wilson

Date of Meeting: July 31, 2007
Location: HUD-REAC, 550 12th St. SW, Washington, D.C.
First Floor Inspection Conference Room (to your right after entering)
Time: 9:00am-3:30pm

Meeting Notes

 - Notes from July 31, 2007 (MS-Word)
 - Notes from July 19, 2007 (MS-Word)

Study Group Reference Materials

 - Reasonable or Not
 - 24 CFR Part 941
 - 24 CFR Part 970
 - 24 CFR Part 971
 - 24 CFR Part 972
 - 24 CFR Part 983
 - Financial Management Handbook HUD 7475.1 REV CHG 1

Working draft reports

Use this location to post draft reports and other materials for group review, conference calls and meetings.

Final report

The final group reports will be posted here.

 - Chat Room

Related Information