Neighborhood Networks Week in Huntsville, AL
    By Carolyn Harris
    During the recent Neighborhood Networks Week, Network Centers across the United States and Puerto Rica sponsored events to highlight their Centers and introduce programs and services to their communities. The Community Network Learning Center (CNLC) in Huntsville, Alabama was no exception!
    One of the first Neighborhood Networks Centers in the U.S., the Community Network Learning Center is located within Oxford Townhomes, a HUD mortgaged market property and adjacent to Valley Garden Apartments, a HUD Section-8 property. Both are multi-family properties with diverse populations managed by Oxford Properties in Huntsville Alabama. The CNLC has a variety of programs for youth, adults, and seniors including educational and family activities. Most of the CNLC’s programs are also offered to the surrounding community.
    Since the inception of Neighborhood Networks Week, the CNLC has always participated by sponsoring a number of events and activities. Residents, community members, partners, and volunteers are always invited. This year, the Community Network Learning Center had activities planned for each day of the week. Employees from one of their community partners, Renasant Bank, also volunteered and assisted during the week.
    Following is a summary of their events and participation:
    School Supply Event: Monday, August 6, 2012—80 participants
    A special pick-up day was scheduled for Monday during Neighborhood Networks Week for youth/parents to pick up backpacks/book bags loaded with school supplies for the up-coming school year. Filled backpacks were provided for 80 youth living at Valley Garden Apartments and Oxford Townhomes. The value of the backpacks varied by grade—from approximately $30.00 for K-1st to $75.00 for the 6-8th grade backpacks. To prepare for the event, supplies were purchased throughout the year and stored until late summer. In July, CNLC staff began to gather school supply lists from the local schools for grades K-12. A list of the resident school children was made. Additional supplies and backpacks/book bags were purchased and filled by grade level with many of the items requested by the schools. Binders, paper, pencils, markers, scissors, protractors, calculators, graph paper, dictionaries, and crayons are just a sample of the types of items provided.
    Funding for this project was donated by Oxford Townhomes from the salvage of scrap metal and the sale of old appliances during apartment renovations over the past two years. The maintenance and grounds staffs took special care to separate and prepare the metal for salvage in order to receive maximum cash. Old metal doors, broken appliances, and other items were warehoused until there was enough to sell. The Oxford Properties staff took great pride in their contribution to this project, knowing that they were helping the children from the property return to school well prepared.
    Family Cook-Out: Tuesday, August 7, 2012—173 Participants
    A family cook-out was held on the playground between Oxford Townhomes and Valley Garden Apartments on Tuesday, August 7. Families came out to enjoy a variety of good food including, hamburgers, hot dogs, steak, and pork chops. The menu also included side items and desserts. While the CNLC and Oxford staffs cooked and served the food, Renasant Bank employees organized and led a number of exciting games for the children during the event. They also provided fun prizes, which were a big hit! During the cook-out, residents were able to enjoy a photo booth which was set up for their enjoyment. Photos could be taken with or without props, such as crazy hats, feather boas, and over-sized glasses. The photos provided a fun way for families to remember this time together.
    Honors Award Ceremony: Wednesday, August 8, 2012—30 Participants
    On Wednesday, August 8 the Community Network Learning Center held the 1st annual Star Performance Ceremony to recognize the achievement and success of students in the After School Youth Program. Although students have been recognized in the past for educational improvement and success, this was the first community wide celebration held at the CNLC in honor of outstanding students. 12 students were selected for their good grades, study habits, and positive attitudes. A plaque with their names was placed in the Learning Center lobby. Each child also received a personal plaque for their home and pins they could wear. Two additional students were also recognized for their drive and determination. The names of the students recognized were: Cameron Allen, Ameer Banks, Chelsea Graham, Donavon and Landen Gibson, Hailey and Tyler Hicks, Markenza Kelly, Saniya Mitchell, Jaevon Simms, and Elvis and Sally Vasquez. Also recognized were Ana Vasquez and Vivianna Uribe. Following a short ceremony, an open house was held featuring refreshments and an opportunity to visit with students and staff members.
    Watermelon Cut: Thursday, August 9, 2012—101 Participants
    On Thursday night a watermelon cut was held by the CNLC. Residents were invited to come out to the playground where ice cold slices of watermelon were served. It was a hot August evening in Alabama, so the cold watermelon was delicious and refreshing. The turnout was impressive with participants ranging in age from five months to 93 years old. There was a lot of seed-spitting and side splitting laughter as the evening progressed!
    Breakfast-On-the-Go: Friday, August 10, 2012—129 Participants
    On Friday morning, the CNLC and Oxford Properties provided a FREE breakfast of coffee, juice, and breakfast sandwiches. Residents and community members were invited to drive or walk up to the Leasing office for curb service! This was a thank you from the staff for resident participation in activities and a pat on the back as they went off to work or school! It was a great way to start a morning!
    Family Movie Night—Saturday, August 11, 2012—75 Participants
    On Saturday night, August 11, 2012, the Community Network Learning Center ended the weekly activities with an outdoor movie. On a huge screen, raised between two flag poles, they showed one of the latest animated movie releases, The Lorax. Providing popcorn, cookies, and fresh lemonade, the staff offered up an evening of fun for the entire family. From toddlers dancing to music played prior to the movie to door prizes awarded after the movie, the entire evening delivered fun for all. Dr. Seuss’ theme from The Lorax—UNLESS SOMEONE CARES, THINGS WILL NOT IMPROVE, could be a mantra for Neighborhood Networks Centers across the country. At the Community Network Learning Center, Neighborhood Networks Week presented an opportunity to showcase their Center and the programs they offer. The Community Network Learning Center CARES and their activities show it!
    For more information about the Community Network Learning Center contact:
    Carolyn Harris, Director
    Community Network Learning Center
    3601 Bob Wallace Avenue, SW
    Huntsville, AL 35805
    For More information about Neighborhood Networks Centers in Alabama contact:
    Marsha Fullerton
    Birmingham Multifamily Program Center
    Medical Forum Building
    950 22nd Street North, Suite 900
    Birmingham, AL 3520-5302
    (205)731-2630 x-1089