San Bernardino County Housing Authority

    General Information

    The Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino's (HACSB) MTW goals include maximizing HACSB's economic viability and sustainability, facilitating opportunities for families and individuals to become self-sufficient and financially independent to transition from dependency on housing subsidy, and providing quality affordable housing opportunities in mixed-income communities with access to excellent quality of life services.

    HACSB currently administers approximately 11,650 Housing Choice Voucher units.

    More info at:

    MTW Status

    The 2008 Appropriations Act added the HACSB as a Moving to Work agency. HACSB signed its MTW agreement on March 14, 2008. As a result of Congress passing the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, HACSB’s MTW Agreement was modified and extended to the end of its Fiscal Year 2028.

    Last updated May 1, 2024